import IExtentStore from "../../common/persistence/IExtentStore"; import { convertRawHeadersToMetadata } from "../../common/utils/utils"; import BlobStorageContext from "../context/BlobStorageContext"; import NotImplementedError from "../errors/NotImplementedError"; import StorageErrorFactory from "../errors/StorageErrorFactory"; import * as Models from "../generated/artifacts/models"; import Context from "../generated/Context"; import IPageBlobHandler from "../generated/handlers/IPageBlobHandler"; import ILogger from "../generated/utils/ILogger"; import BlobLeaseAdapter from "../lease/BlobLeaseAdapter"; import BlobWriteLeaseValidator from "../lease/BlobWriteLeaseValidator"; import IBlobMetadataStore, { BlobModel } from "../persistence/IBlobMetadataStore"; import { BLOB_API_VERSION } from "../utils/constants"; import { deserializePageBlobRangeHeader, newEtag } from "../utils/utils"; import BaseHandler from "./BaseHandler"; import IPageBlobRangesManager from "./IPageBlobRangesManager"; /** * PageBlobHandler handles Azure Storage PageBlob related requests. * * @export * @class PageBlobHandler * @extends {BaseHandler} * @implements {IPageBlobHandler} */ export default class PageBlobHandler extends BaseHandler implements IPageBlobHandler { constructor( metadataStore: IBlobMetadataStore, extentStore: IExtentStore, logger: ILogger, private readonly rangesManager: IPageBlobRangesManager ) { super(metadataStore, extentStore, logger); } public async uploadPagesFromURL( sourceUrl: string, sourceRange: string, contentLength: number, range: string, options: Models.PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { throw new NotImplementedError(context.contextId); } public async create( contentLength: number, blobContentLength: number, options: Models.PageBlobCreateOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const date = blobCtx.startTime!; if (options.pageBlobAccessTier !== undefined) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getAccessTierNotSupportedForBlobType( context.contextId! ); } if (contentLength !== 0) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( blobCtx.contextId!, "Content-Length must be 0 for Create Page Blob request." ); } if (blobContentLength % 512 !== 0) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( blobCtx.contextId!, "x-ms-content-length must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary." ); } options.blobHTTPHeaders = options.blobHTTPHeaders || {}; const contentType = options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentType || context.request!.getHeader("content-type") || "application/octet-stream"; // const accessTierInferred = options.pageBlobAccessTier === undefined; // Check Blob size match tier // if ( // !accessTierInferred && // blobContentLength > PageBlobAccessTierThreshold.get(tier)! // ) { // throw StorageErrorFactory.getBlobBlobTierInadequateForContentLength( // blobCtx.contextID! // ); // } // Preserve metadata key case const metadata = convertRawHeadersToMetadata( blobCtx.request!.getRawHeaders() ); const etag = newEtag(); const blob: BlobModel = { deleted: false, metadata, accountName, containerName, name: blobName, properties: { creationTime: date, lastModified: date, etag, contentLength: blobContentLength, contentType, contentEncoding: options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentEncoding, contentLanguage: options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentLanguage, contentMD5: options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentMD5, contentDisposition: options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentDisposition, cacheControl: options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobCacheControl, blobSequenceNumber: options.blobSequenceNumber ? options.blobSequenceNumber : 0, blobType: Models.BlobType.PageBlob, leaseStatus: Models.LeaseStatusType.Unlocked, leaseState: Models.LeaseStateType.Available, serverEncrypted: true // TODO: May support setting this part for a premium storage account. // accessTier: accessTierInferred // ? ((options.pageBlobAccessTier as any) as Models.AccessTier) // : Models.AccessTier.P4, // TODO: Infer tier from size // accessTierInferred }, snapshot: "", isCommitted: true, pageRangesInOrder: [] }; // TODO: What's happens when create page blob right before commit block list? Or should we lock // Should we check if there is an uncommitted blob? await this.metadataStore.createBlob( context, blob, options.leaseAccessConditions, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); const response: Models.PageBlobCreateResponse = { statusCode: 201, eTag: etag, lastModified:, contentMD5:, requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, date, isServerEncrypted: true, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } public async uploadPages( body: NodeJS.ReadableStream, contentLength: number, options: Models.PageBlobUploadPagesOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const date = blobCtx.startTime!; if (contentLength % 512 !== 0) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( blobCtx.contextId!, "content-length or x-ms-content-length must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary." ); } const blob = await this.metadataStore.downloadBlob( context, accountName, containerName, blobName, undefined, options.leaseAccessConditions ); if ( !== Models.BlobType.PageBlob) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getBlobInvalidBlobType(blobCtx.contextId!); } // Check Lease status new BlobWriteLeaseValidator(options.leaseAccessConditions).validate( new BlobLeaseAdapter(blob), context ); let ranges; try { ranges = deserializePageBlobRangeHeader( blobCtx.request!.getHeader("range"), blobCtx.request!.getHeader("x-ms-range"), true ); } catch (err) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidPageRange(blobCtx.contextId!); } const start = ranges[0]; const end = ranges[1]; // Inclusive if (end - start + 1 !== contentLength) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidPageRange(blobCtx.contextId!); } const persistency = await this.extentStore.appendExtent( body, context.contextId ); if (persistency.count !== contentLength) { // TODO: Confirm status code throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( blobCtx.contextId!, `The size of the request body ${persistency.count} mismatches the content-length ${contentLength}.` ); } const res = await this.metadataStore.uploadPages( context, blob, start, end, persistency, options.leaseAccessConditions, options.modifiedAccessConditions, options.sequenceNumberAccessConditions ); const response: Models.PageBlobUploadPagesResponse = { statusCode: 201, eTag: res.etag, lastModified: date, contentMD5: undefined, // TODO blobSequenceNumber: res.blobSequenceNumber, requestId: blobCtx.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, date, isServerEncrypted: true, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } public async clearPages( contentLength: number, options: Models.PageBlobClearPagesOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const date = blobCtx.startTime!; if (contentLength !== 0) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( blobCtx.contextId!, "content-length or x-ms-content-length must be 0 for clear pages operation." ); } const blob = await this.metadataStore.downloadBlob( context, accountName, containerName, blobName, undefined, options.leaseAccessConditions ); if ( !== Models.BlobType.PageBlob) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getBlobInvalidBlobType(blobCtx.contextId!); } let ranges; try { ranges = deserializePageBlobRangeHeader( blobCtx.request!.getHeader("range"), blobCtx.request!.getHeader("x-ms-range"), true ); } catch (err) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidPageRange(blobCtx.contextId!); } const start = ranges[0]; const end = ranges[1]; const res = await this.metadataStore.clearRange( context, blob, start, end, options.leaseAccessConditions, options.modifiedAccessConditions, options.sequenceNumberAccessConditions ); const response: Models.PageBlobClearPagesResponse = { statusCode: 201, eTag: res.etag, lastModified: date, contentMD5: undefined, // TODO blobSequenceNumber: res.blobSequenceNumber, requestId: blobCtx.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, clientRequestId: options.requestId, date }; return response; } public async getPageRanges( options: Models.PageBlobGetPageRangesOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const date = blobCtx.startTime!; const blob = await this.metadataStore.getPageRanges( context, accountName, containerName, blobName, options.snapshot, options.leaseAccessConditions, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); if ( !== Models.BlobType.PageBlob) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getBlobInvalidBlobType(blobCtx.contextId!); } let ranges = deserializePageBlobRangeHeader( blobCtx.request!.getHeader("range"), blobCtx.request!.getHeader("x-ms-range"), false ); if (!ranges) { ranges = [0,! - 1]; } blob.pageRangesInOrder = blob.pageRangesInOrder || []; const impactedRanges = this.rangesManager.cutRanges( blob.pageRangesInOrder, { start: ranges[0], end: ranges[1] } ); const response: Models.PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse = { statusCode: 200, pageRange: impactedRanges, eTag:, blobContentLength:, lastModified: date, requestId: blobCtx.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, clientRequestId: options.requestId, date }; return response; } public async getPageRangesDiff( prevsnapshot: string, options: Models.PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { throw new NotImplementedError(context.contextId); } public async resize( blobContentLength: number, options: Models.PageBlobResizeOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const date = blobCtx.startTime!; if (blobContentLength % 512 !== 0) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( blobCtx.contextId!, "x-ms-blob-content-length must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary for Page Blob Resize request." ); } const res = await this.metadataStore.resizePageBlob( context, accountName, containerName, blobName, blobContentLength, options.leaseAccessConditions, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); const response: Models.PageBlobResizeResponse = { statusCode: 200, eTag: res.etag, lastModified: res.lastModified, blobSequenceNumber: res.blobSequenceNumber, requestId: blobCtx.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, clientRequestId: options.requestId, date }; return response; } public async updateSequenceNumber( sequenceNumberAction: Models.SequenceNumberActionType, options: Models.PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const date = blobCtx.startTime!; const res = await this.metadataStore.updateSequenceNumber( context, accountName, containerName, blobName, sequenceNumberAction, options.blobSequenceNumber, options.leaseAccessConditions, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); const response: Models.PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse = { statusCode: 200, eTag: res.etag, lastModified: res.lastModified, blobSequenceNumber: res.blobSequenceNumber, requestId: blobCtx.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, clientRequestId: options.requestId, date }; return response; } public async copyIncremental( copySource: string, options: Models.PageBlobCopyIncrementalOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { throw new NotImplementedError(context.contextId); } }