import { EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_KEY, EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_NAME } from "../blob/utils/constants"; import ILogger from "../queue/generated/utils/ILogger"; import IAccountDataStore, { IAccountProperties } from "./IAccountDataStore"; import { AZURITE_ACCOUNTS_ENV, DEFAULT_ACCOUNTS_REFRESH_INTERVAL } from "./utils/constants"; enum Status { Initializing, Initialized, Closing, Closed } interface IAccounts { [key: string]: IAccountProperties; } const DEFAULT_EMULATOR_ACCOUNTS: IAccounts = { [EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_NAME]: { name: EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_NAME, key1: EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_KEY } }; export default class AccountDataStore implements IAccountDataStore { private status: Status = Status.Closed; private timer: any; private accounts: IAccounts = DEFAULT_EMULATOR_ACCOUNTS; public constructor(private readonly logger: ILogger) {} public getAccount(name: string): IAccountProperties | undefined { if (this.accounts[name] !== undefined) { return this.accounts[name]; } else { return undefined; } } public async init(): Promise { this.refresh(); this.timer = setInterval(() => { this.refresh(); }, DEFAULT_ACCOUNTS_REFRESH_INTERVAL); this.timer.unref(); this.status = Status.Initialized; } public isInitialized(): boolean { return this.status === Status.Initialized; } public async close(): Promise { clearInterval(this.timer); this.status = Status.Closed; } public isClosed(): boolean { return this.status === Status.Closed; } public async clean(): Promise { /* NOOP */ } private refresh() { // TODO: Parse environment variable from environment class const env = process.env[AZURITE_ACCOUNTS_ENV]; `AccountDataStore:init() Refresh accounts from environment variable ${AZURITE_ACCOUNTS_ENV} with value ${ env ? "*****" : undefined }` ); if (env) { try { this.accounts = this.parserAccountsEnvironmentString(env); } catch (err) { this.logger.error( `AccountDataStore:init() Fallback to default emulator account ${EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_NAME}. Refresh accounts from environment variable ${AZURITE_ACCOUNTS_ENV} failed. ${JSON.stringify( err )}` ); this.accounts = DEFAULT_EMULATOR_ACCOUNTS; } } else { `AccountDataStore:init() Fallback to default emulator account ${EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_NAME}.` ); this.accounts = DEFAULT_EMULATOR_ACCOUNTS; } } private parserAccountsEnvironmentString(accounts: string): IAccounts { // account1:key1 // account1:key1:key2 // account1:key1:key2;account2:key2; const results: IAccounts = {}; const accountsArray = accounts.trim().split(";"); accountsArray.forEach(accountAndKeys => { if (accountAndKeys.length > 0) { const parts = accountAndKeys.split(":"); if (parts.length < 2 || parts.length > 3) { throw RangeError( `AccountDataStore:parserAccountsEnvironmentString() Invalid environment string format for ${accounts}` ); } const account = parts[0]; const key1 = parts[1]; const key2 = parts.length > 2 ? parts[2] : undefined; results[account] = { name: account, key1: Buffer.from(key1, "base64"), key2: key2 ? Buffer.from(key2, "base64") : undefined }; } }); return results; } }