import args from "args"; import { DEFAULT_BLOB_LISTENING_PORT, DEFAULT_BLOB_SERVER_HOST_NAME } from "../blob/utils/constants"; import { DEFAULT_QUEUE_LISTENING_PORT, DEFAULT_QUEUE_SERVER_HOST_NAME } from "../queue/utils/constants"; import IEnvironment from "./IEnvironment"; args .option( ["", "blobHost"], "Optional. Customize listening address for blob", DEFAULT_BLOB_SERVER_HOST_NAME ) .option( ["", "blobPort"], "Optional. Customize listening port for blob", DEFAULT_BLOB_LISTENING_PORT ) .option( ["", "queueHost"], "Optional. Customize listening address for queue", DEFAULT_QUEUE_SERVER_HOST_NAME ) .option( ["", "queuePort"], "Optional. Customize listening port for queue", DEFAULT_QUEUE_LISTENING_PORT ) .option( ["l", "location"], "Optional. Use an existing folder as workspace path, default is current working directory", process.cwd() ) .option(["s", "silent"], "Optional. Disable access log displayed in console") .option( ["L", "loose"], "Optional. Enable loose mode which ignores unsupported headers and parameters" ) .option(["", "oauth"], 'Optional. OAuth level. Candidate values: "basic"') .option(["", "cert"], "Optional. Path to certificate file") .option(["", "key"], "Optional. Path to certificate key .pem file") .option(["", "pwd"], "Optional. Password for .pfx file") .option( ["d", "debug"], "Optional. Enable debug log by providing a valid local file path as log destination" ); (args as any) = "azurite"; export default class Environment implements IEnvironment { private flags = args.parse(process.argv); public blobHost(): string | undefined { return this.flags.blobHost; } public blobPort(): number | undefined { return this.flags.blobPort; } public queueHost(): string | undefined { return this.flags.queueHost; } public queuePort(): number | undefined { return this.flags.queuePort; } public async location(): Promise { return this.flags.location || process.cwd(); } public silent(): boolean { if (this.flags.silent !== undefined) { return true; } return false; } public loose(): boolean { if (this.flags.loose !== undefined) { return true; } // default is false which will block not supported APIs, headers and parameters return false; } public cert(): string | undefined { return this.flags.cert; } public key(): string | undefined { return this.flags.key; } public pwd(): string | undefined { return this.flags.pwd; } public oauth(): string | undefined { return this.flags.oauth; } public async debug(): Promise { if (typeof this.flags.debug === "string") { // Enable debug log to file return this.flags.debug; } if (this.flags.debug === true) { throw RangeError( `Must provide a debug log file path for parameter -d or --debug` ); } // By default disable debug log } }