import * as http from "http"; import * as https from "https"; import ConfigurationBase from "./ConfigurationBase"; import ICleaner from "./ICleaner"; import IRequestListenerFactory from "./IRequestListenerFactory"; export type RequestListener = ( request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse ) => void; export enum ServerStatus { Closed = "Closed", Starting = "Starting", Running = "Running", Closing = "Closing" } /** * Abstract Server class for Azurite HTTP or HTTPS Servers. * * @export * @abstract * @class Server */ export default abstract class ServerBase implements ICleaner { protected status: ServerStatus = ServerStatus.Closed; /** * Creates an instance of HTTP or HTTPS server. * * @param {string} host Server host,for example, "" * @param {number} port Server port, for example, 10000 * @param {http.Server | https.Server} httpServer A HTTP or HTTPS server instance without request listener bound * @param {IRequestListenerFactory} requestListenerFactory A request listener factory * @memberof ServerBase */ public constructor( public readonly host: string, public readonly port: number, public readonly httpServer: http.Server | https.Server, requestListenerFactory: IRequestListenerFactory, public readonly config: ConfigurationBase ) { // Remove predefined request listeners to avoid double request handling this.httpServer.removeAllListeners("request"); this.httpServer.on( "request", requestListenerFactory.createRequestListener() ); } /** * Get HTTP server listening address and port string. * Note this may be different from host and port parameters values, because * when port is 0, system will select a rand port number for listening. * This method will return the port and address being used. * * @returns {string} * @memberof ServerBase */ public getHttpServerAddress(): string { const address = this.httpServer.address(); const protocol = `http${this.config.hasCert() ? "s" : ""}://`; if (typeof address === "string") { return protocol + address; } else if (address === null) { return ""; } else { return `${protocol}${address.address}:${address.port}`; } } public getStatus(): ServerStatus { return this.status; } /** * Initialize and start the server to server incoming HTTP requests. * beforeStart() and afterStart() will be executed before and after start(). * * @abstract * @returns {Promise} * @memberof Server */ public async start(): Promise { if (this.status !== ServerStatus.Closed) { throw Error(`Cannot start server in status ${ServerStatus[this.status]}`); } this.status = ServerStatus.Starting; try { await this.beforeStart(); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.httpServer .listen(this.port,, resolve) .on("error", reject); }); this.status = ServerStatus.Running; } catch (err) { this.status = ServerStatus.Closed; throw err; } await this.afterStart(); } /** * Dispose HTTP server and clean up other resources. * * beforeClose() and afterClose() will be executed before and after close(). * * We name this method as close instead of dispose, because in practices, usually we cannot re-open the resources * disposed, but can re-open the resources closed. * * @abstract * @returns {Promise} * @memberof Server */ public async close(): Promise { if (this.status !== ServerStatus.Running) { throw Error(`Cannot close server in status ${ServerStatus[this.status]}`); } this.status = ServerStatus.Closing; await this.beforeClose(); // Remove request listener to reject incoming requests this.httpServer.removeAllListeners("request"); // Close HTTP server first to deny incoming connections // You will find this will not close server immediately because there maybe existing keep-alive connections // Calling httpServer.close will only stop accepting incoming requests // and wait for existing keep-alive connections timeout // Default keep-alive timeout is 5 seconds defined by httpServer.keepAliveTimeout // TODO: Add a middleware to reject incoming request over existing keep-alive connections // await new Promise(resolve => { this.httpServer.close(resolve); }); await this.afterClose(); this.status = ServerStatus.Closed; } public async clean(): Promise { /** NOOP */ } /** * Async task before server starts. * * @protected * @abstract * @returns {Promise} * @memberof Server */ protected async beforeStart(): Promise { /** NOOP */ } /** * Async task after server starts. * * @protected * @abstract * @returns {Promise} * @memberof Server */ protected async afterStart(): Promise { /** NOOP */ } /** * Async task before server closes. * * @protected * @abstract * @returns {Promise} * @memberof Server */ protected async beforeClose(): Promise { /** NOOP */ } /** * Async task after server closes. * * @protected * @abstract * @returns {Promise} * @memberof Server */ protected async afterClose(): Promise { /** NOOP */ } }