import { OutputChannel, window } from "vscode"; import ILoggerStrategy, { LogLevels } from "./ILoggerStrategy"; /** * A logger strategy can log to Visual Studio Code channel. * * @export * @class VSCChannelLoggerStrategy * @implements {ILoggerStrategy} */ export default class VSCChannelLoggerStrategy implements ILoggerStrategy { private readonly channel: OutputChannel; /** * Creates an instance of VSCChannelLoggerStrategy. * * @param {string} channelName Log to specific channel * @param {LogLevels} [level=LogLevels.Debug] * @memberof VSCChannelLoggerStrategy */ public constructor( public readonly channelName: string, public readonly level: LogLevels = LogLevels.Debug ) { = window.createOutputChannel(channelName); } public log( level: LogLevels, message: string, contextID: string = "\t" ): void { `${new Date().toISOString()} ${contextID} ${level} ${message}` ); } }