/// import { Options as SequelizeOptions } from "sequelize"; import ConfigurationBase from "../common/ConfigurationBase"; import { StoreDestinationArray } from "../common/persistence/IExtentStore"; /** * The configuration for the server based on sql database. * * @export * @class SqlBlobConfiguration * @extends {ConfigurationBase} */ export default class SqlBlobConfiguration extends ConfigurationBase { readonly sqlURL: string; readonly sequelizeOptions: SequelizeOptions; readonly persistenceArray: StoreDestinationArray; constructor(host: string | undefined, port: number | undefined, sqlURL: string, sequelizeOptions?: SequelizeOptions, persistenceArray?: StoreDestinationArray, enableAccessLog?: boolean, accessLogWriteStream?: NodeJS.WritableStream, enableDebugLog?: boolean, debugLogFilePath?: string, loose?: boolean, skipApiVersionCheck?: boolean, cert?: string, key?: string, pwd?: string, oauth?: string); } //# sourceMappingURL=SqlBlobConfiguration.d.ts.map