import * as async from 'async'; import * as crypto from 'crypto'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import {emptyDir, ensureDir, rmdir, writeFile} from "fs-extra"; import * as moment from 'moment'; import * as OS from 'os'; import * as request from 'request'; import * as Debug from 'debug'; import * as UrlParser from 'url'; import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; const debug = Debug('bablic:seo'); const zlib = require('zlib'); import { ExtendedRequest, ExtendedResponse, Middleware, getLink, KeywordMapper, SiteMeta, LastModifiedByLocale, BablicLinkOptions } from "./common"; import {OutgoingMessage, ServerResponse} from "http"; import {Stats} from "fs"; import {RequestResponse} from "request"; import _ = require("lodash"); export interface SeoOptions { useCache?:boolean; defaultCache?:string[]; cacheDir?: string; test?:boolean; altHost?: string; cacheDays?: number; } export interface SeoSubDirOptions { subDir: boolean; subDirBase: string; subDirOptional: boolean; } export class SeoMiddleware{ private subDirOptions: BablicLinkOptions; constructor(private siteId: string, private options: SeoOptions, subDirOptions: SeoSubDirOptions){ this.subDirOptions = Object.assign({returnFull: true}, subDirOptions); } async writeToCache(url: string, locale: string, translated: string): Promise { let cachePath = fullPathFromUrl(url, locale, this.options.cacheDir); try { await writeFile(cachePath, translated); } catch (e) { const cacheDir = getCacheDir(locale, this.options.cacheDir); debug("create cache dir", cacheDir); await ensureDir(cacheDir); debug("created"); await writeFile(cachePath, translated); } } getHtml(url: string, locale: string, html?: string): Promise { if (!isRenderHealthy) { return Promise.reject(new Error("Render is not health")); } debug('getting from bablic', url, 'html:', !!html ); let ld = ''; if(this.subDirOptions.subDir) { ld = '&ld=subdir'; if(this.subDirOptions.subDirBase) ld += '&sdb=' + encodeURIComponent(this.subDirOptions.subDirBase); if(this.subDirOptions.subDirOptional) ld += '&sdo=true'; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request({ url: SEO_ROOT + "?site=" + this.siteId + "&el=" + locale + "&url=" + (encodeURIComponent(url)) + ld, headers:{ "Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate" }, method: 'POST', json: { html: html }, timeout: 20000, encoding:null, }, (error:any, response:RequestResponse, body: any) => { if (error) return reject(error); if (response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 300) return reject(new Error("Status-" + response.statusCode)); if (body == null) return reject(new Error('empty response')); debug('received translated html', response.statusCode); resolve(body); this.writeToCache(url, locale, body).catch((e) => { debug("error writing to cache", e); }); }); }); } getFromCache(url: string, locale: string, skip: boolean, callback:(e?:Error, html?: Buffer | string, isValid?: boolean) => void) { if (!this.options.useCache || skip) return callback(); let file_path = fullPathFromUrl(url, locale, this.options.cacheDir); fs.stat(file_path, (error:NodeJS.ErrnoException, file_stats: Stats) => { if (error) return callback(error); fs.readFile(file_path, (error:NodeJS.ErrnoException, data: Buffer) => { if (error) return callback(error); callback(error, data, cacheValid(file_stats, this.options.cacheDays || 1)); }); }); }; isEncoded(buffer) { try { // every gzip content start with 0x1f8b 2 bytes let firstByte = buffer[0]; let secondByte = buffer[1]; return (firstByte == 0x1f) && (secondByte == 0x8b) } catch (err) { return false; } } readHeaderAsString(res: ExtendedResponse, headerName: string): string { let value = res.getHeader(headerName); if (!value) return ""; if (Array.isArray(value)) { value = value[0]; } if (typeof(value) !== "string") { return value + ""; } else { return value; } } async purgeCache(): Promise { debug("purge cache", this.options.cacheDir); await rmdir(this.options.cacheDir); debug("purge done"); } middleware(){ return (meta:SiteMeta,lastModified:LastModifiedByLocale, keywordsByLocale: KeywordMapper, reverseKeywordByLocale: KeywordMapper, req: ExtendedRequest, res: ExtendedResponse, next: () => void) => { let replaceUrls = shouldReplaceUrls(req); if (!shouldHandle(req) && !replaceUrls) { debug('ignored', req.url); return next(); } let acceptGZIP = (req.headers['accept-encoding'] || '').indexOf('gzip') > -1; delete req.headers['accept-encoding']; req.bablic.proxied = true; let protocol = req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'] || 'http'; let my_url = protocol + "://" + + req.originalUrl; if (this.options.altHost) my_url = "http://" + this.options.altHost + req.originalUrl; this.getFromCache(my_url, req.bablic.locale, replaceUrls, (e, html, isValid) => { let cache_only = false; if (html) { debug('flushing from cache'); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); res.setHeader('Content-Language', req.bablic.locale); const encoded = this.isEncoded(html); // if browser support gzip encoding if (acceptGZIP) { // adding gzip flag if (encoded) { res.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip'); } }else{ // if the content from cache is gzipped if (encoded) { html = zlib.gunzipSync(html); } } res.write(html); res.end(); if (isValid) return; cache_only = true; } if (!isRenderHealthy && !replaceUrls) { debug('render not healthy, skipping'); return next(); } debug('overriding response'); let _end = res.end; let _write = res.write; let _writeHead = res.writeHead; res.writeHead = (status, _headers) => { res.statusCode = status; if (_headers && typeof _headers === 'object') { let results = []; for (let key in _headers) results.push(res.setHeader(key, _headers[key])); return results; } }; let headers = {}; let _getHeader; if (cache_only) { _getHeader = res.getHeader; res.finished = false; Object.defineProperty(res,"headersSent",{ get:()=>{ return false; }, configurable:true, enumerable:true, }); res.setHeader = (name, value) => headers[name.toLowerCase().trim()] = value; res.removeHeader = name => headers[name.toLowerCase().trim()] = null; res.getHeader = name => { let local = headers[name.toLowerCase().trim()]; if (local) return local; if (local === null) return; return, name); }; } let restore_override = () => { if (!_write || !_end || !_writeHead) return; debug('undo override'); res.write = _write; res.end = _end; res.writeHead = _writeHead; if (cache_only) { _getHeader = null; const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(OutgoingMessage.prototype,"headersSent"); Object.defineProperty(res,"headersSent",getter ); } _write = _end = _writeHead = null; }; let head_checked = false; let is_html = null; let chunks = []; let check_head = () => { if (head_checked) return; const ct = this.readHeaderAsString(res, 'content-type'); is_html = ct.indexOf('text/html') > -1 || replaceUrls; if (!is_html) { debug('not html', ct); restore_override(); } if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode >= 300) { debug('error response', res.statusCode); is_html = false; restore_override(); } head_checked = true; }; let justAnObject: any = res; res.write = function(chunk?: any, encoding?: any, cb?: any) { check_head(); if (!is_html) { if (cache_only) return; debug('write original'); return res.write.apply(res, arguments); } if (chunk instanceof Buffer) chunk = (chunk).toString(encoding); chunks.push(chunk); if(typeof(encoding) == 'function') cb = encoding; if(cb) cb(); }; const self = this; let alt_host = this.options.altHost; justAnObject.end = function(chunk?: any, encoding?: any, cb?: any) { if(typeof(encoding) == 'function'){ cb = encoding; encoding = void(0); } check_head(); if (!is_html) { if (cache_only) return; debug('flush original'); restore_override(); return res.end.apply(res, arguments); } if (chunk != null) res.write.apply(res, arguments); let original_html = chunks.join(''); res.setHeader('Content-Language', req.bablic.locale); if (replaceUrls) { restore_override(); // detect that URL is of sitemap and is XML (res content type).If XML, then try to parse XML. And go over all if (lastModified && lastModified[req.bablic.locale] && /sitemap/i.test(req.url) && self.readHeaderAsString(res, 'content-type').indexOf('xml') > -1){ const bablicDate = new Date(lastModified[req.bablic.locale]); original_html = original_html.replace(new RegExp("(.*?)", "g"), (captureAll, dateCapture) => { let siteMapDate = new Date(dateCapture); if (siteMapDate < bablicDate) { return "" + bablicDate.toISOString() + ""; } else { return captureAll; } }); } const locale = req.bablic.locale; const currentHost = as string; let originalDomains: string[] = [currentHost]; if(alt_host) originalDomains.push(alt_host); if (meta.localeDetection === "custom" && meta.customUrls && meta.customUrls[locale]) { if(currentHost === meta.customUrls[locale]) { let supposeOriginDomain = meta.customUrls[meta.original]; if (supposeOriginDomain) { originalDomains.push(supposeOriginDomain); } } } html = original_html.replace(detect_url, url => { if (ignore_not_html_or_xml.test(url)) return url; if (_.every(originalDomains, (domain) => !url.includes(domain))) { return url; } let parsed = UrlParser.parse(url); // translate URLs in sitemaps and such if(keywordsByLocale && keywordsByLocale[req.bablic.locale]){ let keywords = keywordsByLocale[req.bablic.locale]; parsed.pathname = parsed.pathname.split('/').map(part => keywords[part] || part).join('/'); } return getLink(req.bablic.locale, parsed, meta, self.subDirOptions); }); if (res.getHeader('Transfer-Encoding') !== 'chunked') { res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(html)); } res.write(html, cb); return res.end(); } self.getHtml(my_url, req.bablic.locale, original_html).then((data) => { if (cache_only) return; const isEncoded = self.isEncoded(data); // if browser doesnt support gzip encoding if (!acceptGZIP) { // if the content is gzipped if (isEncoded) { data = zlib.gunzipSync(data); } }else if (isEncoded) { res.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip'); } restore_override(); debug('flushing translated'); if (res.getHeader('Transfer-Encoding') !== 'chunked') { res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(data)); } res.write(data, cb); res.end(); }, (error) => { if (cache_only) return; restore_override(); console.error('[Bablic SDK] Error:', my_url, error); debug('flushing original'); res.write(original_html, cb); res.end(); }); }; return next(); }); }; } } const ignore_not_html_or_xml = /\.(js|css|jpg|jpeg|png|ico|mp4|wmv|ogg|mp3|avi|mpeg|bmp|wav|pdf|doc|docx|xlsx|xls|json|kml|svg|eot|woff|woff2)/i; const detect_url = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig; let SEO_ROOT = ''; export function setRenderServer(url: string) { if (!url) { throw new Error("Must be a valid URL"); } SEO_ROOT = url; } function hash(data){ return crypto.createHash('md5').update(data).digest('hex'); } function fullPathFromUrl(url: string, locale: string, cacheDir: string) { return cacheDir + "/" + locale + "/" + hash(url); } function getCacheDir(locale: string, cacheDir: string) { return cacheDir + "/" + locale; } function cacheValid(file_stats: Stats, cacheDays: number) { let last_modified = moment(file_stats.mtime.getTime()); let now = moment(); last_modified.add(cacheDays, 'days'); return now.isBefore(last_modified); } const filename_tester = /\.(js|css|jpg|jpeg|png|mp3|avi|mpeg|bmp|wav|pdf|doc|xml|docx|xlsx|xls|json|kml|svg|eot|woff|woff2)/i; function ignorable(req) { return filename_tester.test(req.url); } const google_tester = /bot|crawler|yandex|bing|baidu|spider|facebook|twitter|80legs|google|seo/i; function isBot(req) { return google_tester.test(req.headers['user-agent']); } function shouldHandle(req) { return isBot(req) && !ignorable(req); } function shouldReplaceUrls(req) { return /sitemap|robots/i.test(req.url); } function renderHealthCheck(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { debug('render health check'); request({ url: SEO_ROOT, headers:{ "Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate" }, method: 'GET', timeout: 10000, }, (error:any) => { if (error) { debug('render is not healthy', error); return resolve(false); } debug('render is healthy'); resolve(true); }); }); } let isRenderHealthy = true; setInterval(() => { renderHealthCheck().then((health) => { isRenderHealthy = health; }); }, 1000*60);