import mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; import { createWriteStream, fstatSync, openSync, renameSync } from 'fs'; import { dirname } from 'path'; import words from './words'; import colors from 'colors'; import findUp from 'find-up'; import SMTPTransport from 'nodemailer/lib/smtp-transport'; import nodemailer from 'nodemailer'; export class BaseException extends Error { kind: string; constructor(public name: string, public json = {} as T) { super(); this.kind =; } } export class ClientException extends BaseException {} export class ExternalException extends BaseException {} export class Exception extends BaseException {} type Levels = keyof typeof levels; type LoggerStreamConfig = | { level: Levels; type: 'file'; file: string; rotate?: 'daily' } | { level: Levels; type: 'stdout' } | { level: Levels; type: 'email'; options: SMTPTransport.Options; from: string; to: string; subject: { start: string; error: string }; }; export interface LoggerSettings { streams: LoggerStreamConfig[]; } export class Logger { protected streams: LoggerStream[] = []; constructor(settings: LoggerSettings) { this.setSettings(settings); } protected setSettings(settings: LoggerSettings) { for (const streamConfig of settings.streams) { const level = levels[streamConfig.level]; if (streamConfig.type === 'file') { logger.streams.push(new FileStream(level, streamConfig)); } if (streamConfig.type === 'stdout') { logger.streams.push(new StdoutStream(level, streamConfig)); } if (streamConfig.type === 'email') { logger.streams.push(new EmailStream(level, streamConfig)); } } } protected log(type: Levels, name: string, json?: object) { if (this.streams.length === 0) throw new Exception('Empty logger streams'); if (json === undefined) json = {}; if (!(json instanceof Object)) json = { raw: json }; const id = words[Math.floor(words.length * Math.random())]; const parentId = ''; const date = new Date(); for (const stream of this.streams) { if (levels[type] <= stream.level) { stream.write(id, parentId, date, type, name, json); } } } info(name: string, json?: object) { return this.log('info', name, json); } clientError(name: string, json?: object) { return this.log('clientError', name, json); } warn(name: string, json?: object) { return this.log('warn', name, json); } trace(name: string, json?: object) { return this.log('trace', name, json); } error(name: string | Error, json?: object) { if (name instanceof Error) { const error = name; if (error instanceof BaseException) { if (error.kind === { return this.clientError(, error); } if (error.kind === { return this.external(, error); } if (error.kind === { return this.log('error',, error); } } return this.log('error',, error); } if (typeof name !== 'string') { return this.log('error', 'Raw error', (name as {}) instanceof Object ? name : { error: name }); } return this.log('error', name, json); } external(name: string, json?: object) { return this.log('external', name, json); } } class LoggerOpened extends Logger { setSettings(_settings: LoggerSettings) {} } abstract class LoggerStream { constructor(public level: number) {} abstract write(id: string, parentId: string, date: Date, type: Levels, name: string, json: object): void; } class EmailStream extends LoggerStream { constructor( level: number, public options: { options: SMTPTransport.Options; from: string; to: string; subject: { start: string; error: string }; }, ) { super(level); this.sendMail(this.options.subject.start, ''); } transport = nodemailer.createTransport(this.options.options); lastSendedAt = new Date(0); previousLogsCount = 0; sendMail(subject: string, text: string) { this.transport .sendMail({ to:, from: this.options.from, subject, text, }) .catch(err => logger.error(err)); } write(_id: string, _parentId: string, date: Date, type: Levels, name: string, json: object): void { if ( - this.lastSendedAt.getTime() < 3_600_000) { this.previousLogsCount++; return; } this.sendMail( this.options.subject.error, `${ this.previousLogsCount > 0 ? `Prev errors count: ${this.previousLogsCount}\n` : '' }${date.toISOString()} ${type} ${name} ${JSON.stringify(json, jsonReplacer, 2)}`, ); this.lastSendedAt = new Date(); this.previousLogsCount = 0; } } class FileStream extends LoggerStream { createdAt: Date; stream: NodeJS.WritableStream; rotate: 'daily' | 'never'; fileName: string; constructor(level: number, public options: { file: string; rotate?: 'daily' }) { super(level); mkdirp.sync(dirname(options.file)); let createdAt = new Date(); try { createdAt = fstatSync(openSync(options.file, 'r')).ctime; } catch (e) {} = createWriteStream(options.file, { flags: 'a' }); this.createdAt = createdAt; this.rotate = options.rotate || 'never'; this.fileName = options.file; } protected selectFile() { const d = new Date(); if (this.rotate === 'daily') { const d2 = this.createdAt; if (d.getDate() !== d2.getDate() || d.getMonth() !== d2.getMonth() || d.getFullYear() !== d2.getFullYear()) {; const historyName = this.fileName.replace(/\.log$/, '') + '_' + this.createdAt.toISOString().split('T')[0] + '.log'; renameSync(this.fileName, historyName); = createWriteStream(this.fileName); this.createdAt = new Date(); } } } write(id: string, parentId: string, date: Date, type: Levels, name: string, json: object) { this.selectFile(); const str = JSON.stringify([id, parentId, date, type, name, json], jsonReplacer) + '\n';; } } class StdoutStream extends LoggerStream { constructor(level: number, _options: {}) { super(level); } write(_id: string, _parentId: string, date: Date, type: Levels, name: string, json: object) { let fn =; if (type === 'error') fn =; if (type === 'info') fn = colors.cyan; if (type === 'warn') fn = colors.yellow; if (type === 'trace') fn = colors.gray; if (type === 'external') fn = colors.magenta; if (type === 'clientError') fn =; const dtS = ('0' + date.getHours()).substr(-2) + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).substr(-2) + ':' + ('0' + date.getSeconds()).substr(-2); process.stdout.write( colors.gray(dtS + ' ' + type + ' ') + fn(name + ' ') + colors.gray(JSON.stringify(json, jsonReplacer, 2) + '\n'), ); } } function jsonReplacer(_key: string, value: unknown) { if (value instanceof Error) { const stack = cleanStackTrace(value.stack); if (value instanceof BaseException) { return { name:, stack, json: value.json }; } return { ...value, error: value.message, stack }; } if (value instanceof Object) { if ('request' in value && 'headers' in value && 'body' in value && 'statusCode' in value) { return { __type: 'responseObject' }; } if ('method' in value && 'uri' in value && 'headers' in value) { return { __type: 'requestObject' }; } if (value instanceof Promise) { return { __type: 'promise' }; } if (value instanceof Buffer) { return { __type: 'buffer' }; } } return value; } const levels = { error: 0, warn: 1, external: 2, info: 3, clientError: 4, trace: 5, }; const packageJsonFile = findUp.sync('package.json', { cwd: require.main!.filename }); if (!packageJsonFile) throw new Exception('package.json is not found'); export const logger = new Logger({ streams: [] }); const extractPathRegex = /\s+at.*?\((.*?)\)/; const pathRegex = /^internal|(.*?\/node_modules\/(ts-node)\/)/; function cleanStackTrace(stack: string | undefined) { if (!stack) return; return stack .replace(/\\/g, '/') .split('\n') .filter(line => { const pathMatches = line.match(extractPathRegex); if (pathMatches === null) return true; const match = pathMatches[1]; return !pathRegex.test(match); }) .filter(line => line.trim() !== '') .join('\n'); } export function setLoggerSettings(settings: LoggerSettings) { (logger as LoggerOpened).setSettings(settings); }