import * as chokidar from "chokidar"; import * as findUp from "find-up"; import * as path from "path"; import anymatch from "anymatch"; import { logger } from "backfill-logger"; import { outputFolderAsArray } from "backfill-config"; let changedFilesOutsideScope: string[] = []; let changedFilesInsideScope: string[] = []; let watcher: chokidar.FSWatcher; function getGitRepositoryRoot(packageRoot: string) { const nearestGitFolder = findUp.sync(".git", { cwd: packageRoot, type: "directory" }); if (nearestGitFolder) { // Return the parent folder of some/path/.git return path.join(nearestGitFolder, ".."); } return packageRoot; } function addGlobstars(globPatterns: string[]): string[] { const folders = => path.posix.join("**", p, "**", "*")); const files = => path.posix.join("**", p)); return [...folders, ...files]; } export function initializeWatcher( packageRoot: string, internalCacheFolder: string, logFolder: string, outputFolder: string | string[], hashGlobs: string[] ) { // Trying to find the git root and using it as an approximation of code boundary const repositoryRoot = getGitRepositoryRoot(packageRoot); // Empty the arrays changedFilesOutsideScope = []; changedFilesInsideScope = [];"Running in AUDIT mode");`[audit] Watching file changes in: ${repositoryRoot}`);`[audit] Backfill will cache folder: ${outputFolder}`); // Define globs const ignoreGlobs = addGlobstars([ ".git", ".cache", logFolder, internalCacheFolder ]); const cacheFolderGlob = outputFolderAsArray(outputFolder).map(folder => path.posix.join("**", folder, "**") ); watcher = chokidar .watch(hashGlobs, { ignored: ignoreGlobs, cwd: repositoryRoot, persistent: true, ignoreInitial: true, followSymlinks: false, usePolling: true }) .on("all", (event, filePath) => { const logLine = `${filePath} (${event})`; logger.silly(`[audit] File change: ${logLine}`); if (!anymatch(cacheFolderGlob, filePath)) { changedFilesOutsideScope.push(logLine); } else { changedFilesInsideScope.push(logLine); } }); } export const sideEffectWarningString = "[audit] The following files got changed outside of the scope of the folder to be cached:"; export const sideEffectCallToActionString = "[audit] You should make sure that these changes are non-essential, as they would not be brought back on a cache-hit."; export const noSideEffectString = "[audit] All observed file changes were within the scope of the folder to be cached."; async function delay(time: number) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, time); }); } export async function closeWatcher() { // Wait for one second before closing, giving time for file changes to propagate await delay(1000); if (changedFilesOutsideScope.length > 0) { logger.warn(sideEffectWarningString); changedFilesOutsideScope.forEach(file => logger.warn(`- ${file}`)); logger.warn(sideEffectCallToActionString); } else {; } watcher.close(); }