import { EventStream } from "./observable"; /** * JQuery/Zepto integration support */ export declare const $: { /** Creates an EventStream from events on a jQuery or Zepto.js object. You can pass optional arguments to add a jQuery live selector and/or a function that processes the jQuery event and its parameters, if given, like this: ```js $("#my-div").asEventStream("click", ".more-specific-selector") $("#my-div").asEventStream("click", ".more-specific-selector", function(event, args) { return args[0] }) $("#my-div").asEventStream("click", function(event, args) { return args[0] }) ``` Note: you need to install the `asEventStream` method on JQuery by calling [init()](#_.aseventstream) as in `Bacon.$.init($)`. */ asEventStream(eventName: string, selector: string | undefined, eventTransformer: any): EventStream; /** * Installs the [asEventStream](#_.aseventstream) to the given jQuery/Zepto object (the `$` object). */ init(jQuery: any): void; };