/** * Slightly modernized version of [`base64-js`][1]. * Performance is slightly improved due to pre-allocating arrays. * * This version drops support for platforms that don't provide * `Uint8Array` and `DataView`. Use the original in those cases. * * [1]: https://github.com/beatgammit/base64-js * [2]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.3 */ /** * Takes a base 64 string and converts it to an array buffer. * Accepts both regular Base64 and the URL-friendly variant, * where `+` => `-`, `/` => `_`, and the padding character is omitted. * * @param str A Base64 string in either regular or URL-friendly representation. * @returns The binary data as `Uint8Array`. */ export declare function toByteArray(str: string): Uint8Array; /** * Encodes binary data provided in an array buffer as a Base64 string. * @param bufferSource The raw data to encode. * @param urlFriendly Set to true to encode in a URL-friendly way. * @returns The contents a Base64 string. */ export declare function fromByteArray(bufferSource: BufferSource, urlFriendly?: boolean): string; export { fromByteArray as encode, toByteArray as decode, };