/* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Uber Technologies, Inc. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ // @flow import type {ComponentType} from 'react'; import type {IconPropsT} from '../icon/types.js'; import type { ColorTokensT, ComponentColorTokensT, SemanticColorTokensT, DeprecatedSemanticColorTokensT, AnimationT, BreakpointsT, BorderT, BordersT, FontT, GridT, LightingT, MediaQueryT, SizingT, TypographyT, ZIndexT, } from '../themes/types.js'; export type { AnimationT, BreakpointsT, BorderT, BordersT, FontT as Font, GridT, LightingT, MediaQueryT, SizingT, TypographyT, ZIndexT, }; export type ColorsT = { ...ColorTokensT, ...ComponentColorTokensT, ...SemanticColorTokensT, ...DeprecatedSemanticColorTokensT, }; export type ThemeT = {| name: string, animation: AnimationT, borders: BordersT, breakpoints: BreakpointsT, colors: ColorsT, direction: 'auto' | 'rtl' | 'ltr', grid: GridT, icons?: IconT, lighting: LightingT, mediaQuery: MediaQueryT, sizing: SizingT, typography: TypographyT, zIndex: ZIndexT, // Remove this section in next v11 major version // https://github.com/uber/baseweb/pull/1184 tooltip?: { backgroundColor: string, }, // ^^^^^^^ |}; export type IconT = { Alert?: ComponentType, ArrowDown?: ComponentType, ArrowLeft?: ComponentType, ArrowRight?: ComponentType, ArrowUp?: ComponentType, Blank?: ComponentType, CheckIndeterminate?: ComponentType, Check?: ComponentType, ChevronDown?: ComponentType, ChevronUp?: ComponentType, ChevronLeft?: ComponentType, ChevronRight?: ComponentType, DeleteAlt?: ComponentType, Delete?: ComponentType, Filter?: ComponentType, Grab?: ComponentType, Hide?: ComponentType, Menu?: ComponentType, Overflow?: ComponentType, Plus?: ComponentType, Search?: ComponentType, Show?: ComponentType, Spinner?: ComponentType, TriangleDown?: ComponentType, TriangleLeft?: ComponentType, TriangleRight?: ComponentType, TriangleUp?: ComponentType, Upload?: ComponentType, }; declare var __DEV__: boolean; declare var __NODE__: boolean; declare var __BROWSER__: boolean;