#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; const Config = require('bcfg'); const WalletClient = require('../lib/wallet'); const ports = { main: 8334, testnet: 18334, regtest: 48334, simnet: 18558 }; class CLI { constructor() { this.config = new Config('bcoin', { suffix: 'network', fallback: 'main', alias: { 'n': 'network', 'u': 'url', 'uri': 'url', 'k': 'api-key', 's': 'ssl', 'h': 'httphost', 'p': 'httpport' } }); this.config.load({ argv: true, env: true }); this.config.open('wallet.conf'); this.argv = this.config.argv; this.network = this.config.str('network', 'main'); const id = this.config.str('id', 'primary'); const token = this.config.str('token', ''); this.client = new WalletClient({ url: this.config.str('url'), apiKey: this.config.str('api-key'), ssl: this.config.bool('ssl'), host: this.config.str('http-host'), port: this.config.uint('http-port') || ports[this.network] || ports.main, token }); this.wallet = this.client.wallet(id, token); } log(json) { if (typeof json === 'string') return console.log.apply(console, arguments); return console.log(JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)); } async getWallets() { const wallets = await this.client.getWallets(); this.log(wallets); } async createWallet() { const id = this.config.str([0, 'id']); const options = { type: this.config.str('type'), master: this.config.str('master'), mnemonic: this.config.str('mnemonic'), m: this.config.uint('m'), n: this.config.uint('n'), witness: this.config.bool('witness'), passphrase: this.config.str('passphrase'), watchOnly: !this.config.has('account-key') ? this.config.bool('watch-only') : true, accountKey: this.config.str('account-key') }; const wallet = await this.client.createWallet(id, options); this.log(wallet); } async getMaster() { const master = await this.wallet.getMaster(); this.log(master); } async getKey() { const address = this.config.str(0); const key = await this.wallet.getKey(address); this.log(key); } async getWIF() { const address = this.config.str(0); const passphrase = this.config.str('passphrase'); const key = await this.wallet.getWIF(address, passphrase); if (!key) { this.log('Key not found.'); return; } this.log(key.privateKey); } async addSharedKey() { const key = this.config.str(0); const account = this.config.str('account'); await this.wallet.addSharedKey(account, key); this.log('Added key.'); } async removeSharedKey() { const key = this.config.str(0); const account = this.config.str('account'); await this.wallet.removeSharedKey(account, key); this.log('Removed key.'); } async getSharedKeys() { const acct = this.config.str([0, 'account']); const account = await this.wallet.getAccount(acct); if (!account) { this.log('Account not found.'); return; } this.log(account.keys); } async getAccount() { const acct = this.config.str([0, 'account']); const account = await this.wallet.getAccount(acct); this.log(account); } async createAccount() { const name = this.config.str([0, 'name']); const options = { passphrase: this.config.str('passphrase'), type: this.config.str('type'), m: this.config.uint('m'), n: this.config.uint('n'), witness: this.config.bool('witness'), accountKey: this.config.str('account-key') }; const account = await this.wallet.createAccount(name, options); this.log(account); } async createAddress() { const account = this.config.str([0, 'account']); const addr = await this.wallet.createAddress(account); this.log(addr); } async createChange() { const account = this.config.str([0, 'account']); const addr = await this.wallet.createChange(account); this.log(addr); } async createNested() { const account = this.config.str([0, 'account']); const addr = await this.wallet.createNested(account); this.log(addr); } async getAccounts() { const accounts = await this.wallet.getAccounts(); this.log(accounts); } async getWallet() { const info = await this.wallet.getInfo(); this.log(info); } async getWalletHistory() { const account = this.config.str('account'); const txs = await this.wallet.getHistory(account); this.log(txs); } async getWalletPending() { const account = this.config.str('account'); const txs = await this.wallet.getPending(account); this.log(txs); } async getWalletCoins() { const account = this.config.str('account'); const coins = await this.wallet.getCoins(account); this.log(coins); } async listenWallet() { await this.client.open(); await this.wallet.open(); this.wallet.on('tx', (details) => { this.log('TX:'); this.log(details); }); this.wallet.on('confirmed', (details) => { this.log('TX confirmed:'); this.log(details); }); this.wallet.on('unconfirmed', (details) => { this.log('TX unconfirmed:'); this.log(details); }); this.wallet.on('conflict', (details) => { this.log('TX conflict:'); this.log(details); }); this.wallet.on('address', (receive) => { this.log('New addresses allocated:'); this.log(receive); }); this.wallet.on('balance', (balance) => { this.log('Balance:'); this.log(balance); }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.client.once('disconnect', resolve); }); } async getBalance() { const account = this.config.str('account'); const balance = await this.wallet.getBalance(account); this.log(balance); } async getMempool() { const txs = await this.wallet.getMempool(); this.log(txs); } async sendTX() { const outputs = []; if (this.config.has('script')) { outputs.push({ script: this.config.str('script'), value: this.config.ufixed([0, 'value'], 8) }); } else { outputs.push({ address: this.config.str([0, 'address']), value: this.config.ufixed([1, 'value'], 8) }); } const options = { account: this.config.str('account'), passphrase: this.config.str('passphrase'), outputs: outputs, smart: this.config.bool('smart'), rate: this.config.ufixed('rate', 8), subtractFee: this.config.bool('subtract-fee') }; const tx = await this.wallet.send(options); this.log(tx); } async createTX() { let output; if (this.config.has('script')) { output = { script: this.config.str('script'), value: this.config.ufixed([0, 'value'], 8) }; } else { output = { address: this.config.str([0, 'address']), value: this.config.ufixed([1, 'value'], 8) }; } const options = { account: this.config.str('account'), passphrase: this.config.str('passphrase'), outputs: [output], smart: this.config.bool('smart'), rate: this.config.ufixed('rate', 8), subtractFee: this.config.bool('subtract-fee') }; const tx = await this.wallet.createTX(options); this.log(tx); } async signTX() { const passphrase = this.config.str('passphrase'); const tx = this.config.str([0, 'tx']); const signedTX = await this.wallet.sign({tx, passphrase}); this.log(signedTX); } async zapWallet() { const age = this.config.uint([0, 'age'], 72 * 60 * 60); const account = this.config.str('account'); await this.wallet.zap(account, age); this.log('Zapped!'); } async viewTX() { const raw = this.config.str([0, 'tx']); const tx = await this.wallet.fill(raw); this.log(tx); } async getDetails() { const hash = this.config.str(0); const details = await this.wallet.getTX(hash); this.log(details); } async getWalletBlocks() { const blocks = await this.wallet.getBlocks(); this.log(blocks); } async getWalletBlock() { const height = this.config.uint(0); const block = await this.wallet.getBlock(height); this.log(block); } async retoken() { const passphrase = this.config.str('passphrase'); const result = await this.wallet.retoken(passphrase); this.log(result); } async rescan() { const height = this.config.uint(0); await this.client.rescan(height); this.log('Rescanning...'); } async resend() { await this.client.resend(); this.log('Resending...'); } async resendWallet() { await this.wallet.resend(); this.log('Resending...'); } async backup() { const path = this.config.str(0); await this.client.backup(path); this.log('Backup complete.'); } async importKey() { const key = this.config.str(0); const account = this.config.str('account'); const passphrase = this.config.str('passphrase'); if (!key) throw new Error('No key for import.'); if (key.length === 66 || key.length === 130) { await this.wallet.importPublic(account, key); this.log('Imported public key.'); return; } await this.wallet.importPrivate(account, key, passphrase); this.log('Imported private key.'); } async importAddress() { const address = this.config.str(0); const account = this.config.str('account'); await this.wallet.importAddress(account, address); this.log('Imported address.'); } async lock() { await this.wallet.lock(); this.log('Locked.'); } async unlock() { const passphrase = this.config.str(0); const timeout = this.config.uint(1); await this.wallet.unlock(passphrase, timeout); this.log('Unlocked.'); } async rpc() { const method = this.argv.shift(); const params = []; for (const arg of this.argv) { let param; try { param = JSON.parse(arg); } catch (e) { param = arg; } params.push(param); } let result; try { result = await this.client.execute(method, params); } catch (e) { if (e.type === 'RPCError') { this.log(e.message); return; } throw e; } this.log(result); } async handleWallet() { switch (this.argv.shift()) { case 'listen': await this.listenWallet(); break; case 'get': await this.getWallet(); break; case 'master': await this.getMaster(); break; case 'shared': if (this.argv[0] === 'add') { this.argv.shift(); await this.addSharedKey(); break; } if (this.argv[0] === 'remove') { this.argv.shift(); await this.removeSharedKey(); break; } if (this.argv[0] === 'list') this.argv.shift(); await this.getSharedKeys(); break; case 'balance': await this.getBalance(); break; case 'history': await this.getWalletHistory(); break; case 'pending': await this.getWalletPending(); break; case 'coins': await this.getWalletCoins(); break; case 'account': if (this.argv[0] === 'list') { this.argv.shift(); await this.getAccounts(); break; } if (this.argv[0] === 'create') { this.argv.shift(); await this.createAccount(); break; } if (this.argv[0] === 'get') this.argv.shift(); await this.getAccount(); break; case 'address': await this.createAddress(); break; case 'change': await this.createChange(); break; case 'nested': await this.createNested(); break; case 'retoken': await this.retoken(); break; case 'sign': await this.signTX(); break; case 'mktx': await this.createTX(); break; case 'send': await this.sendTX(); break; case 'zap': await this.zapWallet(); break; case 'tx': await this.getDetails(); break; case 'blocks': await this.getWalletBlocks(); break; case 'block': await this.getWalletBlock(); break; case 'view': await this.viewTX(); break; case 'import': await this.importKey(); break; case 'watch': await this.importAddress(); break; case 'key': await this.getKey(); break; case 'dump': await this.getWIF(); break; case 'lock': await this.lock(); break; case 'unlock': await this.unlock(); break; case 'resend': await this.resendWallet(); break; case 'rescan': await this.rescan(); break; default: this.log('Unrecognized command.'); this.log('Commands:'); this.log(' $ listen: Listen for events.'); this.log(' $ get: View wallet.'); this.log(' $ master: View wallet master key.'); this.log(' $ shared add [xpubkey]: Add key to wallet.'); this.log(' $ shared remove [xpubkey]: Remove key from wallet.'); this.log(' $ balance: Get wallet balance.'); this.log(' $ history: View TX history.'); this.log(' $ pending: View pending TXs.'); this.log(' $ coins: View wallet coins.'); this.log(' $ account list: List account names.'); this.log(' $ account create [account-name]: Create account.'); this.log(' $ account get [account-name]: Get account details.'); this.log(' $ address: Derive new address.'); this.log(' $ change: Derive new change address.'); this.log(' $ nested: Derive new nested address.'); this.log(' $ retoken: Create new api key.'); this.log(' $ send [address] [value]: Send transaction.'); this.log(' $ mktx [address] [value]: Create transaction.'); this.log(' $ sign [tx-hex]: Sign transaction.'); this.log(' $ zap [age?]: Zap pending wallet TXs.'); this.log(' $ tx [hash]: View transaction details.'); this.log(' $ blocks: List wallet blocks.'); this.log(' $ block [height]: View wallet block.'); this.log(' $ view [tx-hex]: Parse and view transaction.'); this.log(' $ import [wif|hex]: Import private or public key.'); this.log(' $ watch [address]: Import an address.'); this.log(' $ key [address]: Get wallet key by address.'); this.log(' $ dump [address]: Get wallet key WIF by address.'); this.log(' $ lock: Lock wallet.'); this.log(' $ unlock [passphrase] [timeout?]: Unlock wallet.'); this.log(' $ resend: Resend pending transactions.'); this.log(' $ rescan [height]: Rescan for transactions.'); this.log(' $ admin [command]: Admin commands'); this.log('Other Options:'); this.log(' --passphrase [passphrase]: For signing/account-creation.'); this.log(' --account [account-name]: Account name.'); break; } } async open() { switch (this.argv[0]) { case 'wallets': case 'create': case 'mkwallet': case 'resend': case 'backup': case 'rpc': this.argv.unshift('admin'); break; } if (this.argv[0] === 'admin') { this.argv.shift(); switch (this.argv.shift()) { case 'wallets': await this.getWallets(); break; case 'create': case 'mkwallet': await this.createWallet(); break; case 'resend': await this.resend(); break; case 'backup': await this.backup(); break; case 'rpc': await this.rpc(); break; default: this.log('Unrecognized command.'); this.log('Commands:'); this.log(' $ wallets: List all wallets.'); this.log(' $ create [id]: Create wallet.'); this.log(' $ resend: Resend pending transactions.'); this.log(' $ backup [path]: Backup the wallet db.'); this.log(' $ rpc [command] [args]: Execute RPC command.'); break; } return; } return this.handleWallet(); } async destroy() { if (this.client.opened) await this.client.close(); } } (async () => { const cli = new CLI(); await cli.open(); await cli.destroy(); })().catch((err) => { console.error(err.stack); process.exit(1); });