var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", { value: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { __markAsModule(target); for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; // src/index.js __export(exports, { Changed: () => Changed, DESERIALIZE_MODE: () => DESERIALIZE_MODE, Not: () => Not, Types: () => Types, addComponent: () => addComponent, addEntity: () => addEntity, commitRemovals: () => commitRemovals, createWorld: () => createWorld, defineComponent: () => defineComponent, defineDeserializer: () => defineDeserializer, defineQuery: () => defineQuery, defineSerializer: () => defineSerializer, defineSystem: () => defineSystem, deleteWorld: () => deleteWorld, enterQuery: () => enterQuery, exitQuery: () => exitQuery, getEntityComponents: () => getEntityComponents, hasComponent: () => hasComponent, parentArray: () => parentArray, pipe: () => pipe, registerComponent: () => registerComponent, registerComponents: () => registerComponents, removeComponent: () => removeComponent, removeEntity: () => removeEntity, removeQuery: () => removeQuery, resetChangedQuery: () => resetChangedQuery, resetWorld: () => resetWorld, setDefaultSize: () => setDefaultSize }); // src/Constants.js var TYPES_ENUM = { i8: "i8", ui8: "ui8", ui8c: "ui8c", i16: "i16", ui16: "ui16", i32: "i32", ui32: "ui32", f32: "f32", f64: "f64", eid: "eid" }; var TYPES_NAMES = { i8: "Int8", ui8: "Uint8", ui8c: "Uint8Clamped", i16: "Int16", ui16: "Uint16", i32: "Int32", ui32: "Uint32", eid: "Uint32", f32: "Float32", f64: "Float64" }; var TYPES = { i8: Int8Array, ui8: Uint8Array, ui8c: Uint8ClampedArray, i16: Int16Array, ui16: Uint16Array, i32: Int32Array, ui32: Uint32Array, f32: Float32Array, f64: Float64Array, eid: Uint32Array }; var UNSIGNED_MAX = { uint8: 2 ** 8, uint16: 2 ** 16, uint32: 2 ** 32 }; // src/Storage.js var roundToMultiple = (mul) => (x) => Math.ceil(x / mul) * mul; var roundToMultiple4 = roundToMultiple(4); var $storeRef = Symbol("storeRef"); var $storeSize = Symbol("storeSize"); var $storeMaps = Symbol("storeMaps"); var $storeFlattened = Symbol("storeFlattened"); var $storeBase = Symbol("storeBase"); var $storeType = Symbol("storeType"); var $storeArrayCounts = Symbol("storeArrayCount"); var $storeSubarrays = Symbol("storeSubarrays"); var $subarrayCursors = Symbol("subarrayCursors"); var $subarray = Symbol("subarray"); var $subarrayFrom = Symbol("subarrayFrom"); var $subarrayTo = Symbol("subarrayTo"); var $parentArray = Symbol("subStore"); var $tagStore = Symbol("tagStore"); var $queryShadow = Symbol("queryShadow"); var $serializeShadow = Symbol("serializeShadow"); var $indexType = Symbol("indexType"); var $indexBytes = Symbol("indexBytes"); var $isEidType = Symbol("isEidType"); var stores = {}; var resize = (ta, size) => { const newBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(size * ta.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); const newTa = new ta.constructor(newBuffer); newTa.set(ta, 0); return newTa; }; var createShadow = (store, key) => { if (!ArrayBuffer.isView(store)) { const shadowStore = store[$parentArray].slice(0).fill(0); store[key] =, eid) => { const from = store[eid][$subarrayFrom]; const to = store[eid][$subarrayTo]; return shadowStore.subarray(from, to); }); } else { store[key] = store.slice(0).fill(0); } }; var resizeSubarray = (metadata, store, size) => { const cursors = metadata[$subarrayCursors]; let type = store[$storeType]; const length = store[0].length; const indexType = length <= UNSIGNED_MAX.uint8 ? "ui8" : length <= UNSIGNED_MAX.uint16 ? "ui16" : "ui32"; const arrayCount = metadata[$storeArrayCounts][type]; const summedLength = Array(arrayCount).fill(0).reduce((a, p) => a + length, 0); const array = new TYPES[type](roundToMultiple4(summedLength * size)); array.set(metadata[$storeSubarrays][type]); metadata[$storeSubarrays][type] = array; array[$indexType] = TYPES_NAMES[indexType]; array[$indexBytes] = TYPES[indexType].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const start = cursors[type]; let end = 0; for (let eid = 0; eid < size; eid++) { const from = cursors[type] + eid * length; const to = from + length; store[eid] = metadata[$storeSubarrays][type].subarray(from, to); store[eid][$subarrayFrom] = from; store[eid][$subarrayTo] = to; store[eid][$subarray] = true; store[eid][$indexType] = TYPES_NAMES[indexType]; store[eid][$indexBytes] = TYPES[indexType].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; end = to; } cursors[type] = end; store[$parentArray] = metadata[$storeSubarrays][type].subarray(start, end); }; var resizeRecursive = (metadata, store, size) => { Object.keys(store).forEach((key) => { const ta = store[key]; if (Array.isArray(ta)) { resizeSubarray(metadata, ta, size); store[$storeFlattened].push(ta); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(ta)) { store[key] = resize(ta, size); store[$storeFlattened].push(store[key]); } else if (typeof ta === "object") { resizeRecursive(metadata, store[key], size); } }); }; var resizeStore = (store, size) => { if (store[$tagStore]) return; store[$storeSize] = size; store[$storeFlattened].length = 0; Object.keys(store[$subarrayCursors]).forEach((k) => { store[$subarrayCursors][k] = 0; }); resizeRecursive(store, store, size); }; var resetStoreFor = (store, eid) => { if (store[$storeFlattened]) { store[$storeFlattened].forEach((ta) => { if (ArrayBuffer.isView(ta)) ta[eid] = 0; else ta[eid].fill(0); }); } }; var createTypeStore = (type, length) => { const totalBytes = length * TYPES[type].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(totalBytes); const store = new TYPES[type](buffer); store[$isEidType] = type === TYPES_ENUM.eid; return store; }; var parentArray = (store) => store[$parentArray]; var createArrayStore = (metadata, type, length) => { const size = metadata[$storeSize]; const store = Array(size).fill(0); store[$storeType] = type; store[$isEidType] = type === TYPES_ENUM.eid; const cursors = metadata[$subarrayCursors]; const indexType = length < UNSIGNED_MAX.uint8 ? "ui8" : length < UNSIGNED_MAX.uint16 ? "ui16" : "ui32"; if (!length) throw new Error("bitECS - Must define component array length"); if (!TYPES[type]) throw new Error(`bitECS - Invalid component array property type ${type}`); if (!metadata[$storeSubarrays][type]) { const arrayCount = metadata[$storeArrayCounts][type]; const summedLength = Array(arrayCount).fill(0).reduce((a, p) => a + length, 0); const array = new TYPES[type](roundToMultiple4(summedLength * size)); metadata[$storeSubarrays][type] = array; array[$indexType] = TYPES_NAMES[indexType]; array[$indexBytes] = TYPES[indexType].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; } const start = cursors[type]; let end = 0; for (let eid = 0; eid < size; eid++) { const from = cursors[type] + eid * length; const to = from + length; store[eid] = metadata[$storeSubarrays][type].subarray(from, to); store[eid][$subarrayFrom] = from; store[eid][$subarrayTo] = to; store[eid][$subarray] = true; store[eid][$indexType] = TYPES_NAMES[indexType]; store[eid][$indexBytes] = TYPES[indexType].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; end = to; } cursors[type] = end; store[$parentArray] = metadata[$storeSubarrays][type].subarray(start, end); return store; }; var isArrayType = (x) => Array.isArray(x) && typeof x[0] === "string" && typeof x[1] === "number"; var createStore = (schema, size) => { const $store = Symbol("store"); if (!schema || !Object.keys(schema).length) { stores[$store] = { [$storeSize]: size, [$tagStore]: true, [$storeBase]: () => stores[$store] }; return stores[$store]; } schema = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(schema)); const arrayCounts = {}; const collectArrayCounts = (s) => { const keys = Object.keys(s); for (const k of keys) { if (isArrayType(s[k])) { if (!arrayCounts[s[k][0]]) arrayCounts[s[k][0]] = 0; arrayCounts[s[k][0]]++; } else if (s[k] instanceof Object) { collectArrayCounts(s[k]); } } }; collectArrayCounts(schema); const metadata = { [$storeSize]: size, [$storeMaps]: {}, [$storeSubarrays]: {}, [$storeRef]: $store, [$subarrayCursors]: Object.keys(TYPES).reduce((a, type) => ({ ...a, [type]: 0 }), {}), [$storeFlattened]: [], [$storeArrayCounts]: arrayCounts }; if (schema instanceof Object && Object.keys(schema).length) { const recursiveTransform = (a, k) => { if (typeof a[k] === "string") { a[k] = createTypeStore(a[k], size); a[k][$storeBase] = () => stores[$store]; metadata[$storeFlattened].push(a[k]); } else if (isArrayType(a[k])) { const [type, length] = a[k]; a[k] = createArrayStore(metadata, type, length); a[k][$storeBase] = () => stores[$store]; metadata[$storeFlattened].push(a[k]); } else if (a[k] instanceof Object) { a[k] = Object.keys(a[k]).reduce(recursiveTransform, a[k]); } return a; }; stores[$store] = Object.assign(Object.keys(schema).reduce(recursiveTransform, schema), metadata); stores[$store][$storeBase] = () => stores[$store]; return stores[$store]; } }; // src/Util.js var SparseSet = () => { const dense = []; const sparse = []; dense.sort = function(comparator) { const result =, comparator); for (let i = 0; i < dense.length; i++) { sparse[dense[i]] = i; } return result; }; const has = (val) => dense[sparse[val]] === val; const add = (val) => { if (has(val)) return; sparse[val] = dense.push(val) - 1; }; const remove = (val) => { if (!has(val)) return; const index = sparse[val]; const swapped = dense.pop(); if (swapped !== val) { dense[index] = swapped; sparse[swapped] = index; } }; return { add, remove, has, sparse, dense }; }; // src/Serialize.js var DESERIALIZE_MODE = { REPLACE: 0, APPEND: 1, MAP: 2 }; var resized = false; var canonicalize = (target) => { let componentProps = []; let changedProps = new Map(); if (Array.isArray(target)) { componentProps = => { if (!p) throw new Error("bitECS - Cannot serialize undefined component"); if (typeof p === "function") { const [c, mod] = p(); if (mod === "changed") { c[$storeFlattened].forEach((prop) => { const $ = Symbol(); createShadow(prop, $); changedProps.set(prop, $); }); return p()[$storeFlattened]; } } if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(p).includes($storeFlattened)) { return p[$storeFlattened]; } if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(p).includes($storeBase)) { return p; } }).reduce((a, v) => a.concat(v), []); } return [componentProps, changedProps]; }; var defineSerializer = (target, maxBytes = 2e7) => { const isWorld = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target).includes($componentMap); let [componentProps, changedProps] = canonicalize(target); const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(maxBytes); const view = new DataView(buffer); return (ents) => { if (resized) { [componentProps, changedProps] = canonicalize(target); resized = false; } if (isWorld) { componentProps = []; target[$componentMap].forEach((c, component) => { if (component[$storeFlattened]) componentProps.push(...component[$storeFlattened]); else componentProps.push(component); }); } let world; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(ents).includes($componentMap)) { world = ents; ents = ents[$entityArray]; } else { world = eidToWorld.get(ents[0]); } if (!ents.length) return; let where = 0; for (let pid = 0; pid < componentProps.length; pid++) { const prop = componentProps[pid]; const $diff = changedProps.get(prop); view.setUint8(where, pid); where += 1; const countWhere = where; where += 4; let count = 0; for (let i = 0; i < ents.length; i++) { const eid = ents[i]; if (!hasComponent(world, prop[$storeBase](), eid)) { continue; } if ($diff) { if (ArrayBuffer.isView(prop[eid])) { let dirty = false; for (let i2 = 0; i2 < prop[eid].length; i2++) { if (prop[eid][i2] !== prop[eid][$diff][i2]) { dirty = true; break; } } if (dirty) continue; } else if (prop[eid] === prop[$diff][eid]) continue; } count++; view.setUint32(where, eid); where += 4; if (prop[$tagStore]) { continue; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(prop[eid])) { const type = prop[eid]"Array", ""); const indexType = prop[eid][$indexType]; const indexBytes = prop[eid][$indexBytes]; const countWhere2 = where; where += 1; let count2 = 0; for (let i2 = 0; i2 < prop[eid].length; i2++) { const value = prop[eid][i2]; if ($diff && prop[eid][i2] === prop[eid][$diff][i2]) { continue; } view[`set${indexType}`](where, i2); where += indexBytes; view[`set${type}`](where, value); where += prop[eid].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; count2++; } view[`set${indexType}`](countWhere2, count2); } else { const type ="Array", ""); view[`set${type}`](where, prop[eid]); where += prop.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; if (prop[$diff]) prop[$diff][eid] = prop[eid]; } } view.setUint32(countWhere, count); } return buffer.slice(0, where); }; }; var newEntities = new Map(); var defineDeserializer = (target) => { const isWorld = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target).includes($componentMap); let [componentProps] = canonicalize(target); return (world, packet, mode = 0) => { newEntities.clear(); if (resized) { [componentProps] = canonicalize(target); resized = false; } if (isWorld) { componentProps = []; target[$componentMap].forEach((c, component) => { if (component[$storeFlattened]) componentProps.push(...component[$storeFlattened]); else componentProps.push(component); }); } const localEntities = world[$localEntities]; const view = new DataView(packet); let where = 0; while (where < packet.byteLength) { const pid = view.getUint8(where); where += 1; const entityCount = view.getUint32(where); where += 4; const prop = componentProps[pid]; for (let i = 0; i < entityCount; i++) { let eid = view.getUint32(where); where += 4; if (mode === DESERIALIZE_MODE.MAP) { if (localEntities.has(eid)) { eid = localEntities.get(eid); } else if (newEntities.has(eid)) { eid = newEntities.get(eid); } else { const newEid = addEntity(world); localEntities.set(eid, newEid); newEntities.set(eid, newEid); eid = newEid; } } if (mode === DESERIALIZE_MODE.APPEND || mode === DESERIALIZE_MODE.REPLACE && !world[$entitySparseSet].has(eid)) { const newEid = newEntities.get(eid) || addEntity(world); newEntities.set(eid, newEid); eid = newEid; } const component = prop[$storeBase](); if (!hasComponent(world, component, eid)) { addComponent(world, component, eid); } if (component[$tagStore]) { continue; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(prop[eid])) { const array = prop[eid]; const count = view[`get${array[$indexType]}`](where); where += array[$indexBytes]; for (let i2 = 0; i2 < count; i2++) { const index = view[`get${array[$indexType]}`](where); where += array[$indexBytes]; const value = view[`get${"Array", "")}`](where); where += array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; if (prop[$isEidType]) { let localEid = localEntities.get(value); if (!world[$entitySparseSet].has(localEid)) localEid = addEntity(world); prop[eid][index] = localEid; } else prop[eid][index] = value; } } else { const value = view[`get${"Array", "")}`](where); where += prop.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; if (prop[$isEidType]) { let localEid = localEntities.get(value); if (!world[$entitySparseSet].has(localEid)) localEid = addEntity(world); prop[eid] = localEid; } else prop[eid] = value; } } } }; }; // src/Entity.js var $entityMasks = Symbol("entityMasks"); var $entityComponents = Symbol("entityComponents"); var $entitySparseSet = Symbol("entitySparseSet"); var $entityArray = Symbol("entityArray"); var $entityIndices = Symbol("entityIndices"); var $removedEntities = Symbol("removedEntities"); var defaultSize = 1e5; var globalEntityCursor = 0; var globalSize = defaultSize; var getGlobalSize = () => globalSize; var removed = []; var resetGlobals = () => { globalSize = defaultSize; globalEntityCursor = 0; removed.length = 0; }; var getDefaultSize = () => defaultSize; var setDefaultSize = (size) => { defaultSize = size; resetGlobals(); }; var getEntityCursor = () => globalEntityCursor; var eidToWorld = new Map(); var addEntity = (world) => { const eid = removed.length > 0 ? removed.shift() : globalEntityCursor++; world[$entitySparseSet].add(eid); eidToWorld.set(eid, world); if (globalEntityCursor >= defaultSize) { console.error(`bitECS - max entities of ${defaultSize} reached, increase with setDefaultSize function.`); } world[$notQueries].forEach((q) => { const match = queryCheckEntity(world, q, eid); if (match) queryAddEntity(q, eid); }); world[$entityComponents].set(eid, new Set()); return eid; }; var removeEntity = (world, eid) => { if (!world[$entitySparseSet].has(eid)) return; world[$queries].forEach((q) => { queryRemoveEntity(world, q, eid); }); removed.push(eid); world[$entitySparseSet].remove(eid); world[$entityComponents].delete(eid); for (let i = 0; i < world[$entityMasks].length; i++) world[$entityMasks][i][eid] = 0; }; var getEntityComponents = (world, eid) => Array.from(world[$entityComponents].get(eid)); // src/Query.js function Not(c) { return () => [c, "not"]; } function Changed(c) { return () => [c, "changed"]; } function Any(...comps) { return function QueryAny() { return comps; }; } function All(...comps) { return function QueryAll() { return comps; }; } function None(...comps) { return function QueryNone() { return comps; }; } var $queries = Symbol("queries"); var $notQueries = Symbol("notQueries"); var $queryAny = Symbol("queryAny"); var $queryAll = Symbol("queryAll"); var $queryNone = Symbol("queryNone"); var $queryMap = Symbol("queryMap"); var $dirtyQueries = Symbol("$dirtyQueries"); var $queryComponents = Symbol("queryComponents"); var $enterQuery = Symbol("enterQuery"); var $exitQuery = Symbol("exitQuery"); var enterQuery = (query) => (world) => { if (!world[$queryMap].has(query)) registerQuery(world, query); const q = world[$queryMap].get(query); return q.entered.splice(0); }; var exitQuery = (query) => (world) => { if (!world[$queryMap].has(query)) registerQuery(world, query); const q = world[$queryMap].get(query); return q.exited.splice(0); }; var registerQuery = (world, query) => { const components2 = []; const notComponents = []; const changedComponents = []; query[$queryComponents].forEach((c) => { if (typeof c === "function") { const [comp, mod] = c(); if (!world[$componentMap].has(comp)) registerComponent(world, comp); if (mod === "not") { notComponents.push(comp); } if (mod === "changed") { changedComponents.push(comp); components2.push(comp); } } else { if (!world[$componentMap].has(c)) registerComponent(world, c); components2.push(c); } }); const mapComponents = (c) => world[$componentMap].get(c); const allComponents = components2.concat(notComponents).map(mapComponents); const sparseSet = SparseSet(); const archetypes = []; const changed = []; const toRemove = []; const entered = []; const exited = []; const generations = => c.generationId).reduce((a, v) => { if (a.includes(v)) return a; a.push(v); return a; }, []); const reduceBitflags = (a, c) => { if (!a[c.generationId]) a[c.generationId] = 0; a[c.generationId] |= c.bitflag; return a; }; const masks =, {}); const notMasks =, {}); const hasMasks = allComponents.reduce(reduceBitflags, {}); const flatProps = components2.filter((c) => !c[$tagStore]).map((c) => Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(c).includes($storeFlattened) ? c[$storeFlattened] : [c]).reduce((a, v) => a.concat(v), []); const shadows = => { const $ = Symbol(); createShadow(prop, $); return prop[$]; }, []); const q = Object.assign(sparseSet, { archetypes, changed, components: components2, notComponents, changedComponents, masks, notMasks, hasMasks, generations, flatProps, toRemove, entered, exited, shadows }); world[$queryMap].set(query, q); world[$queries].add(q); allComponents.forEach((c) => { c.queries.add(q); }); if (notComponents.length) world[$notQueries].add(q); for (let eid = 0; eid < getEntityCursor(); eid++) { if (!world[$entitySparseSet].has(eid)) continue; if (queryCheckEntity(world, q, eid)) { queryAddEntity(q, eid); } } }; var diff = (q, clearDiff) => { if (clearDiff) q.changed = []; const { flatProps, shadows } = q; for (let i = 0; i < q.dense.length; i++) { const eid = q.dense[i]; let dirty = false; for (let pid = 0; pid < flatProps.length; pid++) { const prop = flatProps[pid]; const shadow = shadows[pid]; if (ArrayBuffer.isView(prop[eid])) { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < prop[eid].length; i2++) { if (prop[eid][i2] !== shadow[eid][i2]) { dirty = true; shadow[eid][i2] = prop[eid][i2]; break; } } } else { if (prop[eid] !== shadow[eid]) { dirty = true; shadow[eid] = prop[eid]; } } } if (dirty) q.changed.push(eid); } return q.changed; }; var flatten = (a, v) => a.concat(v); var aggregateComponentsFor = (mod) => (x) => x.filter((f) => === mod(); var getAnyComponents = aggregateComponentsFor(Any); var getAllComponents = aggregateComponentsFor(All); var getNoneComponents = aggregateComponentsFor(None); var defineQuery = (...args) => { let components2; let any, all, none; if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { components2 = args[0]; } else { any = getAnyComponents(args); all = getAllComponents(args); none = getNoneComponents(args); } if (components2 === void 0 || components2[$componentMap] !== void 0) { return (world) => world ? world[$entityArray] : components2[$entityArray]; } const query = function(world, clearDiff = true) { if (!world[$queryMap].has(query)) registerQuery(world, query); const q = world[$queryMap].get(query); commitRemovals(world); if (q.changedComponents.length) return diff(q, clearDiff); return q.dense; }; query[$queryComponents] = components2; query[$queryAny] = any; query[$queryAll] = all; query[$queryNone] = none; return query; }; var queryCheckEntity = (world, q, eid) => { const { masks, notMasks, generations } = q; let or = 0; for (let i = 0; i < generations.length; i++) { const generationId = generations[i]; const qMask = masks[generationId]; const qNotMask = notMasks[generationId]; const eMask = world[$entityMasks][generationId][eid]; if (qNotMask && (eMask & qNotMask) > 0) { return false; } if (qMask && (eMask & qMask) !== qMask) { return false; } } return true; }; var queryAddEntity = (q, eid) => { if (q.has(eid)) return; q.add(eid); q.entered.push(eid); }; var queryCommitRemovals = (q) => { while (q.toRemove.length) { q.remove(q.toRemove.pop()); } }; var commitRemovals = (world) => { world[$dirtyQueries].forEach(queryCommitRemovals); world[$dirtyQueries].clear(); }; var queryRemoveEntity = (world, q, eid) => { if (!q.has(eid)) return; q.toRemove.push(eid); world[$dirtyQueries].add(q); q.exited.push(eid); }; var resetChangedQuery = (world, query) => { const q = world[$queryMap].get(query); q.changed = []; }; var removeQuery = (world, query) => { const q = world[$queryMap].get(query); world[$queries].delete(q); world[$queryMap].delete(query); }; // src/Component.js var $componentMap = Symbol("componentMap"); var components = []; var defineComponent = (schema) => { const component = createStore(schema, getDefaultSize()); if (schema && Object.keys(schema).length) components.push(component); return component; }; var incrementBitflag = (world) => { world[$bitflag] *= 2; if (world[$bitflag] >= 2 ** 31) { world[$bitflag] = 1; world[$entityMasks].push(new Uint32Array(world[$size])); } }; var registerComponent = (world, component) => { if (!component) throw new Error(`bitECS - Cannot register null or undefined component`); const queries = new Set(); const notQueries = new Set(); const changedQueries = new Set(); world[$queries].forEach((q) => { if (q.components.includes(component)) { queries.add(q); } }); world[$componentMap].set(component, { generationId: world[$entityMasks].length - 1, bitflag: world[$bitflag], store: component, queries, notQueries, changedQueries }); if (component[$storeSize] < world[$size]) { resizeStore(component, world[$size]); } incrementBitflag(world); }; var registerComponents = (world, components2) => { components2.forEach((c) => registerComponent(world, c)); }; var hasComponent = (world, component, eid) => { const registeredComponent = world[$componentMap].get(component); if (!registeredComponent) return; const { generationId, bitflag } = registeredComponent; const mask = world[$entityMasks][generationId][eid]; return (mask & bitflag) === bitflag; }; var addComponent = (world, component, eid, reset = true) => { if (!world[$componentMap].has(component)) registerComponent(world, component); if (hasComponent(world, component, eid)) return; const c = world[$componentMap].get(component); const { generationId, bitflag, queries, notQueries } = c; world[$entityMasks][generationId][eid] |= bitflag; queries.forEach((q) => { const match = queryCheckEntity(world, q, eid); if (match) queryAddEntity(q, eid); else queryRemoveEntity(world, q, eid); }); world[$entityComponents].get(eid).add(component); if (reset) resetStoreFor(component, eid); }; var removeComponent = (world, component, eid, reset = false) => { const c = world[$componentMap].get(component); const { generationId, bitflag, queries, notQueries } = c; if (!(world[$entityMasks][generationId][eid] & bitflag)) return; world[$entityMasks][generationId][eid] &= ~bitflag; queries.forEach((q) => { const match = queryCheckEntity(world, q, eid); if (match) queryAddEntity(q, eid); else queryRemoveEntity(world, q, eid); }); world[$entityComponents].get(eid).delete(component); if (reset) resetStoreFor(component, eid); }; // src/World.js var $size = Symbol("size"); var $resizeThreshold = Symbol("resizeThreshold"); var $bitflag = Symbol("bitflag"); var $archetypes = Symbol("archetypes"); var $localEntities = Symbol("localEntities"); var worlds = []; var createWorld = () => { const world = {}; resetWorld(world); worlds.push(world); return world; }; var resetWorld = (world) => { const size = getGlobalSize(); world[$size] = size; if (world[$entityArray]) world[$entityArray].forEach((eid) => removeEntity(world, eid)); world[$entityMasks] = [new Uint32Array(size)]; world[$entityComponents] = new Map(); world[$archetypes] = []; world[$entitySparseSet] = SparseSet(); world[$entityArray] = world[$entitySparseSet].dense; world[$bitflag] = 1; world[$componentMap] = new Map(); world[$queryMap] = new Map(); world[$queries] = new Set(); world[$notQueries] = new Set(); world[$dirtyQueries] = new Set(); world[$localEntities] = new Map(); return world; }; var deleteWorld = (world) => { Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(world).forEach(($) => { delete world[$]; }); Object.keys(world).forEach((key) => { delete world[key]; }); worlds.splice(worlds.indexOf(world), 1); }; // src/System.js var defineSystem = (fn1, fn2) => { const update = fn2 !== void 0 ? fn2 : fn1; const create = fn2 !== void 0 ? fn1 : void 0; const init = new Set(); const system = (world, ...args) => { if (create && !init.has(world)) { create(world, ...args); init.add(world); } update(world, ...args); commitRemovals(world); return world; }; Object.defineProperty(system, "name", { value: ( || "AnonymousSystem") + "_internal", configurable: true }); return system; }; // src/index.js var pipe = (...fns) => (...args) => { const input = Array.isArray(args[0]) ? args[0] : args; if (!input || input.length === 0) return; fns = Array.isArray(fns[0]) ? fns[0] : fns; let tmp = input; for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { const fn = fns[i]; if (Array.isArray(tmp)) { tmp = fn(...tmp); } else { tmp = fn(tmp); } } return tmp; }; var Types = TYPES_ENUM; // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { Changed, DESERIALIZE_MODE, Not, Types, addComponent, addEntity, commitRemovals, createWorld, defineComponent, defineDeserializer, defineQuery, defineSerializer, defineSystem, deleteWorld, enterQuery, exitQuery, getEntityComponents, hasComponent, parentArray, pipe, registerComponent, registerComponents, removeComponent, removeEntity, removeQuery, resetChangedQuery, resetWorld, setDefaultSize }); //#