import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { Environments, EnvironmentName } from './v2/environments'; import { OfcTokenConfig } from './v2/coins/ofcToken'; import { Erc20TokenConfig } from './v2/coins/erc20Token'; import { StellarTokenConfig } from './v2/coins/stellarToken'; import { CeloTokenConfig } from './v2/coins/celoToken'; import { EosTokenConfig } from './v2/coins/eosToken'; import { AlgoTokenConfig } from './v2/coins/algoToken'; import { coins, Erc20Coin, StellarCoin, OfcCoin, CeloCoin, CoinKind, NetworkType, EosCoin, Networks, AlgoCoin } from '@bitgo/statics'; export interface Tokens { bitcoin: { eth: { tokens: Erc20TokenConfig[]; }; xlm: { tokens: StellarTokenConfig[]; }; algo: { tokens: AlgoTokenConfig[]; }; ofc: { tokens: OfcTokenConfig[]; }; celo: { tokens: CeloTokenConfig[]; }; eos: { tokens: EosTokenConfig[]; }; }; testnet: { eth: { tokens: Erc20TokenConfig[]; }; xlm: { tokens: StellarTokenConfig[]; }; algo: { tokens: AlgoTokenConfig[]; }; ofc: { tokens: OfcTokenConfig[]; }; celo: { tokens: CeloTokenConfig[]; }; eos: { tokens: EosTokenConfig[]; } }; } // Get the list of ERC-20 tokens from statics and format it properly const formattedErc20Tokens = coins.reduce((acc: Erc20TokenConfig[], coin) => { if (coin instanceof Erc20Coin) { let baseCoin: string; switch ( { case Networks.main.ethereum: baseCoin = 'eth'; break; case Networks.test.kovan: baseCoin = 'teth'; break; case Networks.test.goerli: baseCoin = 'gteth'; break; default: throw new Error(`Erc20 token ${} has an unsupported network`); } acc.push({ type:, coin: baseCoin, network: === NetworkType.MAINNET ? 'Mainnet' : 'Testnet', name: coin.fullName, tokenContractAddress: coin.contractAddress.toString().toLowerCase(), decimalPlaces: coin.decimalPlaces, }); } return acc; }, []); export const ethGasConfigs = { minimumGasPrice: 1000000000, // minimum gas price a user can provide (1 Gwei) defaultGasPrice: 20000000000, // default gas price if estimation fails (20 Gwei) maximumGasPrice: 2500000000000, // minimum gas price a user can provide (2500 Gwei) defaultGasLimit: 500000, // Default gas limit we set for contract send defaultGasLimitTokenSend: 1000000, // Default gas limit we set for token send minimumGasLimit: 30000, // minimum gas limit a user can set for a send maximumGasLimit: 20000000, // Customers cannot set gas limits beyond this amount }; // Get the list of Stellar tokens from statics and format it properly const formattedStellarTokens = coins.reduce((acc: StellarTokenConfig[], coin) => { if (coin instanceof StellarCoin) { acc.push({ type:, coin: === NetworkType.MAINNET ? 'xlm' : 'txlm', network: === NetworkType.MAINNET ? 'Mainnet' : 'Testnet', name: coin.fullName, decimalPlaces: coin.decimalPlaces, }); } return acc; }, []); // Get the list of Stellar tokens from statics and format it properly const formattedAlgoTokens = coins.reduce((acc: AlgoTokenConfig[], coin) => { if (coin instanceof AlgoCoin) { acc.push({ type:, coin: === NetworkType.MAINNET ? 'algo' : 'talgo', network: === NetworkType.MAINNET ? 'Mainnet' : 'Testnet', name: coin.fullName, decimalPlaces: coin.decimalPlaces, }); } return acc; }, []); // Get the list of OFC tokens from statics and format it properly const formattedOfcCoins = coins.reduce((acc: OfcTokenConfig[], coin) => { if (coin instanceof OfcCoin) { acc.push({ type:, coin: 'ofc', backingCoin: coin.asset, name: coin.fullName, decimalPlaces: coin.decimalPlaces, isFiat: coin.kind === CoinKind.FIAT, }); } return acc; }, []); const formattedCeloTokens = coins.reduce((acc: CeloTokenConfig[], coin) => { if (coin instanceof CeloCoin) { acc.push({ type:, coin: === NetworkType.MAINNET ? 'celo' : 'tcelo', network: === NetworkType.MAINNET ? 'Mainnet' : 'Testnet', name: coin.fullName, tokenContractAddress: coin.contractAddress.toString().toLowerCase(), decimalPlaces: coin.decimalPlaces, }); } return acc; }, []); const formattedEosTokens = coins.reduce((acc: EosTokenConfig[], coin) => { if (coin instanceof EosCoin) { acc.push({ type:, coin: === NetworkType.MAINNET ? 'eos' : 'teos', network: === NetworkType.MAINNET ? 'Mainnet' : 'Testnet', name: coin.fullName, tokenContractAddress: coin.contractName.toString().toLowerCase(), decimalPlaces: coin.decimalPlaces, }); } return acc; }, []); export const tokens: Tokens = { // network name for production environments bitcoin: { eth: { tokens: formattedErc20Tokens.filter(token => === 'Mainnet'), }, xlm: { tokens: formattedStellarTokens.filter(token => === 'Mainnet'), }, algo: { tokens: formattedAlgoTokens.filter(token => === 'Mainnet'), }, ofc: { tokens: formattedOfcCoins.filter(token => coins.get(token.type).network.type === NetworkType.MAINNET), }, celo: { tokens: formattedCeloTokens.filter(token => === 'Mainnet'), }, eos: { tokens: formattedEosTokens.filter(token => === 'Mainnet'), }, }, // network name for test environments testnet: { eth: { tokens: formattedErc20Tokens.filter(token => === 'Testnet'), }, xlm: { tokens: formattedStellarTokens.filter(token => === 'Testnet'), }, algo: { tokens: formattedAlgoTokens.filter(token => === 'Testnet'), }, ofc: { tokens: formattedOfcCoins.filter(token => coins.get(token.type).network.type === NetworkType.TESTNET), }, celo: { tokens: formattedCeloTokens.filter(token => === 'Testnet'), }, eos: { tokens: formattedEosTokens.filter(token => === 'Testnet'), }, }, }; /** * Verify mainnet or testnet tokens * @param tokens */ const verifyTokens = function (tokens) { const verifiedTokens = {}; _.forEach(tokens, function (token) { if (verifiedTokens[token.type]) { throw new Error('token : ' + token.type + ' duplicated.'); } verifiedTokens[token.type] = true; if (token.tokenContractAddress && token.tokenContractAddress !== _.toLower(token.tokenContractAddress)) { throw new Error('token contract: ' + token.type + ' is not all lower case: ' + token.tokenContractAddress); } }); return verifiedTokens; }; const mainnetErc20Tokens = verifyTokens(tokens.bitcoin.eth.tokens); const mainnetStellarTokens = verifyTokens(tokens.bitcoin.xlm.tokens); export const mainnetTokens = _.assign({}, mainnetErc20Tokens, mainnetStellarTokens); const testnetErc20Tokens = verifyTokens(tokens.testnet.eth.tokens); const testnetStellarTokens = verifyTokens(tokens.testnet.xlm.tokens); export const testnetTokens = _.assign({}, testnetErc20Tokens, testnetStellarTokens); export const defaults = { maxFee: 0.1e8, maxFeeRate: 1000000, minFeeRate: 5000, fallbackFeeRate: 50000, minOutputSize: 2730, minInstantFeeRate: 10000, bitgoEthAddress: '0x0f47ea803926926f299b7f1afc8460888d850f47', }; // Supported cross-chain recovery routes. The coin to be recovered is the index, the valid coins for recipient wallets // are listed in the array. export const supportedCrossChainRecoveries = { btc: ['bch', 'ltc', 'bsv'], bch: ['btc', 'ltc', 'bsv'], ltc: ['btc', 'bch', 'bsv'], bsv: ['btc', 'ltc', 'bch'], }; export type KrsProvider = { feeType: 'flatUsd'; feeAmount: number; supportedCoins: string[]; feeAddresses?: Record } // KRS providers and their fee structures export const krsProviders: Record = { keyternal: { feeType: 'flatUsd', feeAmount: 99, supportedCoins: ['btc', 'eth'], feeAddresses: { btc: '', // TODO [BG-6965] Get address from Keyternal - recovery will fail for now until Keyternal is ready }, }, bitgoKRSv2: { feeType: 'flatUsd', feeAmount: 0, // we will receive payments off-chain supportedCoins: ['btc', 'eth'], }, dai: { feeType: 'flatUsd', feeAmount: 0, // dai will receive payments off-chain supportedCoins: ['btc', 'eth', 'xlm', 'xrp', 'dash', 'zec', 'ltc', 'bch', 'bsv', 'bcha'], }, }; export const coinGeckoBaseUrl = ''; // TODO: once server starts returning eth address keychains, remove bitgoEthAddress /** * Get the default (hardcoded) constants for a particular network. * * Note that this may not be the complete set of constants, and additional constants may get fetched * from BitGo during the lifespan of a BitGo object. * @param env */ export const defaultConstants = (env: EnvironmentName) => { if (Environments[env] === undefined) { throw Error(`invalid environment ${env}`); } const network = Environments[env].network; return _.merge({}, defaults, tokens[network]); };