import url from 'url' import { ECPair, address, crypto } from 'bitcoinjs-lib' import { config } from './config' import { Logger } from './logger' /** * @ignore */ export const BLOCKSTACK_HANDLER = 'blockstack' /** * Time * @private * @ignore */ export function nextYear() { return new Date( new Date().setFullYear( new Date().getFullYear() + 1 ) ) } /** * Time * @private * @ignore */ export function nextMonth() { return new Date( new Date().setMonth( new Date().getMonth() + 1 ) ) } /** * Time * @private * @ignore */ export function nextHour() { return new Date( new Date().setHours( new Date().getHours() + 1 ) ) } /** * Query Strings * @private * @ignore */ export function updateQueryStringParameter(uri: string, key: string, value: string) { const re = new RegExp(`([?&])${key}=.*?(&|$)`, 'i') const separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?' if (uri.match(re)) { return uri.replace(re, `$1${key}=${value}$2`) } else { return `${uri}${separator}${key}=${value}` } } /** * Versioning * @param {string} v1 - the left half of the version inequality * @param {string} v2 - right half of the version inequality * @returns {bool} iff v1 >= v2 * @private * @ignore */ export function isLaterVersion(v1: string, v2: string) { if (v1 === undefined) { v1 = '0.0.0' } if (v2 === undefined) { v2 = '0.0.0' } const v1tuple = v1.split('.').map(x => parseInt(x, 10)) const v2tuple = v2.split('.').map(x => parseInt(x, 10)) for (let index = 0; index < v2.length; index++) { if (index >= v1.length) { v2tuple.push(0) } if (v1tuple[index] < v2tuple[index]) { return false } } return true } /** * Time * @private * @ignore */ export function hexStringToECPair(skHex: string): ECPair.ECPairInterface { const ecPairOptions = { network:, compressed: true } if (skHex.length === 66) { if (skHex.slice(64) !== '01') { throw new Error('Improperly formatted private-key hex string. 66-length hex usually ' + 'indicates compressed key, but last byte must be == 1') } return ECPair.fromPrivateKey(Buffer.from(skHex.slice(0, 64), 'hex'), ecPairOptions) } else if (skHex.length === 64) { ecPairOptions.compressed = false return ECPair.fromPrivateKey(Buffer.from(skHex, 'hex'), ecPairOptions) } else { throw new Error('Improperly formatted private-key hex string: length should be 64 or 66.') } } /** * * @ignore */ export function ecPairToHexString(secretKey: ECPair.ECPairInterface) { const ecPointHex = secretKey.privateKey.toString('hex') if (secretKey.compressed) { return `${ecPointHex}01` } else { return ecPointHex } } /** * Time * @private * @ignore */ export function ecPairToAddress(keyPair: ECPair.ECPairInterface) { return address.toBase58Check(crypto.hash160(keyPair.publicKey), } /** * UUIDs * @private * @ignore */ export function makeUUID4() { let d = new Date().getTime() if (typeof performance !== 'undefined' && typeof === 'function') { d += // use high-precision timer if available } return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => { const r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0 d = Math.floor(d / 16) return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16) }) } /** * Checks if both urls pass the same origin check & are absolute * @param {[type]} uri1 first uri to check * @param {[type]} uri2 second uri to check * @return {Boolean} true if they pass the same origin check * @private * @ignore */ export function isSameOriginAbsoluteUrl(uri1: string, uri2: string) { const parsedUri1 = url.parse(uri1) const parsedUri2 = url.parse(uri2) const port1 = parseInt(parsedUri1.port || '0', 10) | 0 || (parsedUri1.protocol === 'https:' ? 443 : 80) const port2 = parseInt(parsedUri2.port || '0', 10) | 0 || (parsedUri2.protocol === 'https:' ? 443 : 80) const match = { scheme: parsedUri1.protocol === parsedUri2.protocol, hostname: parsedUri1.hostname === parsedUri2.hostname, port: port1 === port2, absolute: (uri1.includes('http://') || uri1.includes('https://')) && (uri2.includes('http://') || uri2.includes('https://')) } return match.scheme && match.hostname && match.port && match.absolute } /** * Returns the global scope `Window`, `WorkerGlobalScope`, or `NodeJS.Global` if available in the * currently executing environment. * @see * @see * @see * * This could be switched to `globalThis` once it is standardized and widely available. * @see */ function getGlobalScope(): Window { if (typeof self !== 'undefined') { return self } if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { return window } // This function is meant to be called when accessing APIs that are typically only available in // web-browser/DOM environments, but we also want to support situations where running in Node.js // environment, and a polyfill was added to the Node.js `global` object scope without adding the // `window` global object as well. if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { return (global as unknown) as Window } throw new Error('Unexpected runtime environment - no supported global scope (`window`, `self`, `global`) available') } function getAPIUsageErrorMessage( scopeObject: unknown, apiName: string, usageDesc?: string ): string { if (usageDesc) { return `Use of '${usageDesc}' requires \`${apiName}\` which is unavailable on the '${scopeObject}' object within the currently executing environment.` } else { return `\`${apiName}\` is unavailable on the '${scopeObject}' object within the currently executing environment.` } } interface GetGlobalObjectOptions { /** * Throw an error if the object is not found. * @default false */ throwIfUnavailable?: boolean; /** * Additional information to include in an error if thrown. */ usageDesc?: string; /** * If the object is not found, return an new empty object instead of undefined. * Requires [[throwIfUnavailable]] to be falsey. * @default false */ returnEmptyObject?: boolean; } /** * Returns an object from the global scope (`Window` or `WorkerGlobalScope`) if it * is available within the currently executing environment. * When executing within the Node.js runtime these APIs are unavailable and will be * `undefined` unless the API is provided via polyfill. * @see * @ignore */ export function getGlobalObject( name: K, { throwIfUnavailable, usageDesc, returnEmptyObject }: GetGlobalObjectOptions = { } ): Window[K] { let globalScope: Window try { globalScope = getGlobalScope() if (globalScope) { const obj = globalScope[name] if (obj) { return obj } } } catch (error) { Logger.error(`Error getting object '${name}' from global scope '${globalScope}': ${error}`) } if (throwIfUnavailable) { const errMsg = getAPIUsageErrorMessage(globalScope, name, usageDesc) Logger.error(errMsg) throw new Error(errMsg) } if (returnEmptyObject) { return {} } return undefined } /** * Returns a specified subset of objects from the global scope (`Window` or `WorkerGlobalScope`) * if they are available within the currently executing environment. * When executing within the Node.js runtime these APIs are unavailable will be `undefined` * unless the API is provided via polyfill. * @see * @ignore */ export function getGlobalObjects( names: K[], { throwIfUnavailable, usageDesc, returnEmptyObject }: GetGlobalObjectOptions = {} ): Pick { let globalScope: Window try { globalScope = getGlobalScope() } catch (error) { Logger.error(`Error getting global scope: ${error}`) if (throwIfUnavailable) { const errMsg = getAPIUsageErrorMessage(globalScope, names[0], usageDesc) Logger.error(errMsg) throw errMsg } else if (returnEmptyObject) { globalScope = {} as any } } const result: Pick = {} as any for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { const name = names[i] try { if (globalScope) { const obj = globalScope[name] if (obj) { result[name] = obj } else if (throwIfUnavailable) { const errMsg = getAPIUsageErrorMessage(globalScope, name, usageDesc) Logger.error(errMsg) throw new Error(errMsg) } else if (returnEmptyObject) { result[name] = {} } } } catch (error) { if (throwIfUnavailable) { const errMsg = getAPIUsageErrorMessage(globalScope, name, usageDesc) Logger.error(errMsg) throw new Error(errMsg) } } } return result }