/** * @module botbuilder */ /** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. */ import { Activity, ChannelInfo, TeamsChannelAccount, TeamDetails, TurnContext, TeamsPagedMembersResult, ConversationReference, TeamsMeetingParticipant, TeamsMeetingInfo } from 'botbuilder-core'; /** * Provides utility methods for the events and interactions that occur within Microsoft Teams. */ export declare class TeamsInfo { /** * Gets the meeting participant for the given meeting id and participant id. This only works in * teams scoped meeting conversations. * @param context The [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) for this turn. * @param meetingId The meeting ID to fetch * @param participantId The participant ID to fetch * @param tenantId The tenant ID to use when scoping the request * @returns The [TeamsMeetingParticipant](xref:botbuilder-core.TeamsMeetingParticipant) fetched */ static getMeetingParticipant(context: TurnContext, meetingId?: string, participantId?: string, tenantId?: string): Promise; /** * Gets the information for the given meeting id. * @param context The [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) for this turn. * @param meetingId The BASE64-encoded id of the Teams meeting. * @returns The [TeamsMeetingInfo](xref:botbuilder-core.TeamsMeetingInfo) fetched */ static getMeetingInfo(context: TurnContext, meetingId?: string): Promise; /** * Gets the details for the given team id. This only works in teams scoped conversations. * @param context The [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) for this turn. * @param teamId The id of the Teams team. * @returns The [TeamDetails](xref:botbuilder-core.TeamDetails) fetched */ static getTeamDetails(context: TurnContext, teamId?: string): Promise; /** * Creates a new thread in a Teams chat and sends an [Activity](xref:botframework-schema.Activity) to that new thread. * @param context The [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) for this turn. * @param activity The [Activity](xref:botframework-schema.Activity) to send. * @param teamsChannelId The Team's Channel ID, note this is distinct from the Bot Framework activity property with same name. * @param botAppId The bot's appId. This is only used when context.adapter is an instance of CloudAdapter. * @returns The [ConversationReference](xref:botframework-schema.ConversationReference) and the id of the [Activity](xref:botframework-schema.Activity) (if sent). */ static sendMessageToTeamsChannel(context: TurnContext, activity: Activity, teamsChannelId: string, botAppId?: string): Promise<[ ConversationReference, string ]>; /** * Returns a list of channels in a Team. This only works in teams scoped conversations. * @param context The [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) for this turn. * @param teamId ID of the Teams team. * @returns The list of [ChannelInfo](xref:botframework-schema.ChannelInfo) objects with the conversations. */ static getTeamChannels(context: TurnContext, teamId?: string): Promise; /** * Gets the conversation members of a one-on-one or group chat. * @param context The [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) for this turn. * @returns The list of [TeamsChannelAccount](xref:botframework-schema.TeamsChannelAccount). */ static getMembers(context: TurnContext): Promise; /** * Gets a pagined list of members of one-on-one, group, or team conversation. * @param context The [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) for this turn. * @param pageSize Suggested number of entries on a page. * @param continuationToken A continuation token. * @returns The [TeamsPagedMembersResult](xref:botframework-schema.TeamsPagedMembersResult) with the list of members. */ static getPagedMembers(context: TurnContext, pageSize?: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise; /** * Gets the account of a single conversation member. * @param context The [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) for this turn. * @param userId ID of the user in question. * @returns The [TeamsChannelAccount](xref:botframework-schema.TeamsChannelAccount) of the member. */ static getMember(context: TurnContext, userId: string): Promise; /** * Gets the list of [TeamsChannelAccount](xref:botframework-schema.TeamsChannelAccount) within a team. * @param context The [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) for this turn. * @param teamId ID of the Teams team. * @returns The list of [TeamsChannelAccount](xref:botframework-schema.TeamsChannelAccount) of the members. */ static getTeamMembers(context: TurnContext, teamId?: string): Promise; /** * Gets a paginated list of members of a team. * @param context The [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) for this turn. * @param teamId ID of the Teams team. * @param pageSize The number of entries on the page. * @param continuationToken The continuationToken token. * @returns A [TeamsPagedMembersResult](xref:botframework-schema.TeamsPagedMembersResult) with the list of members. */ static getPagedTeamMembers(context: TurnContext, teamId?: string, pageSize?: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise; /** * Gets the account of a member in a teams scoped conversation. * @param context The [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) for this turn. * @param teamId ID of the Teams team. * @param userId ID of the Teams user. * @returns The [TeamsChannelAccount](xref:botframework-schema.TeamsChannelAccount) of the member. */ static getTeamMember(context: TurnContext, teamId?: string, userId?: string): Promise; /** * @private */ private static getMembersInternal; /** * @private */ private static getPagedMembersInternal; /** * @private */ private static getMemberInternal; /** * @private */ private static getTeamId; /** * @private */ private static getConnectorClient; /** * @private */ private static getTeamsConnectorClient; } //# sourceMappingURL=teamsInfo.d.ts.map