2.58 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.DataType = void 0;
4const _ = require("lodash");
5const calldata_1 = require("../calldata/calldata");
6const raw_calldata_1 = require("../calldata/raw_calldata");
7const constants_1 = require("../utils/constants");
8class DataType {
9 constructor(dataItem, factory) {
10 this._dataItem = dataItem;
11 this._factory = factory;
12 }
13 getDataItem() {
14 return this._dataItem;
15 }
16 getFactory() {
17 return this._factory;
18 }
19 encode(value, rules, selector) {
20 const rules_ = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, constants_1.constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING_RULES), rules);
21 const calldata = new calldata_1.Calldata(rules_);
22 if (selector !== undefined) {
23 calldata.setSelector(selector);
24 }
25 const block = this.generateCalldataBlock(value);
26 calldata.setRoot(block);
27 const encodedCalldata = calldata.toString();
28 return encodedCalldata;
29 }
30 decode(calldata, rules, selector) {
31 if (selector !== undefined && !_.startsWith(calldata, selector)) {
32 throw new Error(`Tried to decode calldata, but it was missing the function selector. Expected prefix '${selector}'. Got '${calldata}'.`);
33 }
34 const hasSelector = selector !== undefined;
35 const rawCalldata = new raw_calldata_1.RawCalldata(calldata, hasSelector);
36 const rules_ = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, constants_1.constants.DEFAULT_DECODING_RULES), rules);
37 const value = rules_.isStrictMode || rawCalldata.getSizeInBytes() > 0
38 ? this.generateValue(rawCalldata, rules_)
39 : this.getDefaultValue(rules_);
40 return value;
41 }
42 decodeAsArray(returndata, rules) {
43 const value = this.decode(returndata, rules);
44 const valuesAsArray = _.isObject(value) ? _.values(value) : [value];
45 return valuesAsArray;
46 }
47 getSignature(isDetailed) {
48 if (_.isEmpty(this._dataItem.name) || !isDetailed) {
49 return this.getSignatureType();
50 }
51 const name = this.getDataItem().name;
52 const lastIndexOfScopeDelimiter = name.lastIndexOf('.');
53 const isScopedName = lastIndexOfScopeDelimiter !== undefined && lastIndexOfScopeDelimiter > 0;
54 const shortName = isScopedName ? name.substr(lastIndexOfScopeDelimiter + 1) : name;
55 const detailedSignature = `${shortName} ${this.getSignatureType()}`;
56 return detailedSignature;
57 }
59exports.DataType = DataType;
60//# sourceMappingURL=data_type.js.map
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