1.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { EIP712Object, EIP712ObjectValue, EIP712TypedData, EIP712Types } from '@0x/types';
3export declare const signTypedDataUtils: {
4 /**
5 * Generates the EIP712 Typed Data hash for signing
6 * @param typedData An object that conforms to the EIP712TypedData interface
7 * @return A Buffer containing the hash of the typed data.
8 */
9 generateTypedDataHash(typedData: EIP712TypedData): Buffer;
10 /**
11 * Generates the EIP712 Typed Data hash for a typed data object without using the domain field. This
12 * makes hashing easier for non-EIP712 data.
13 * @param typedData An object that conforms to the EIP712TypedData interface
14 * @return A Buffer containing the hash of the typed data.
15 */
16 generateTypedDataHashWithoutDomain(typedData: EIP712TypedData): Buffer;
17 /**
18 * Generates the hash of a EIP712 Domain with the default schema
19 * @param domain An EIP712 domain with the default schema containing a name, version, chain id,
20 * and verifying address.
21 * @return A buffer that contains the hash of the domain.
22 */
23 generateDomainHash(domain: EIP712Object): Buffer;
24 _findDependencies(primaryType: string, types: EIP712Types, found?: string[]): string[];
25 _encodeType(primaryType: string, types: EIP712Types): string;
26 _encodeData(primaryType: string, data: EIP712Object, types: EIP712Types): string;
27 _normalizeValue(type: string, value: any): EIP712ObjectValue;
28 _typeHash(primaryType: string, types: EIP712Types): Buffer;
29 _structHash(primaryType: string, data: EIP712Object, types: EIP712Types): Buffer;
31//# sourceMappingURL=sign_typed_data_utils.d.ts.map
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