9.71 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
4const common_1 = require("@nestjs/common");
5const jsonwebtoken_1 = require("jsonwebtoken");
6const lodash_1 = require("lodash");
7const passport = require("passport");
8const passport_1 = require("passport");
9const passport_auth0_1 = require("passport-auth0");
10const passport_google_oauth20_1 = require("passport-google-oauth20");
11const passport_local_1 = require("passport-local");
12const passport_openidconnect_1 = require("passport-openidconnect");
13const passport_saml_1 = require("passport-saml");
14const context_1 = require("../datastore/context");
15const datastore_provider_1 = require("../datastore/datastore.provider");
16const logging_1 = require("../gcloud/logging");
17const auth_service_1 = require("./auth.service");
18const user_service_1 = require("./user.service");
19const GOOGLE_SIGNIN = 'google';
20const SAML_SIGNIN = 'saml';
21const AUTH0_SIGNIN = 'auth0';
22const OIDC_SIGNIN = 'oidc';
23const LOCAL_SIGNIN = 'local-signin';
24const FAKE_SIGNIN = 'fake-signin';
26let AuthConfigurer = class AuthConfigurer {
27 constructor(datastoreProvider, configuration, userService, authService) {
28 this.configuration = configuration;
29 this.userService = userService;
30 this.authService = authService;
31 this.validate = async (username, password, done) => this.validateAuth(done, () => this.authService.validateUser(context_1.newContext(this.datastore), username, password));
32 this.validateFakeLogin = async (req, username, password, done) => this.validateAuth(done, () => this.authService.validateFakeLogin(context_1.newContext(this.datastore), req.headers['x-fake-secret'], username, lodash_1.get(req, 'body.name', ''), lodash_1.get(req, 'body.roles', []), lodash_1.get(req, 'body.orgId', ''), lodash_1.get(req, 'body.props', {})));
33 this.validateGmail = async (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => this.validateAuth(done, () => this.authService.validateUserGoogle(context_1.newContext(this.datastore), profile));
34 this.validateSaml = (profile, done) => this.validateAuth(done, () => this.authService.validateUserSaml(context_1.newContext(this.datastore), profile));
35 this.validateOidc = (_issuer, _sub, profile, _accessToken, _refreshToken, done) => this.validateAuth(done, () => this.authService.validateUserOidc(context_1.newContext(this.datastore), profile, !!this.configuration.auth.oidc.replaceAuth));
36 this.validateAuth0 = (accessToken, refreshToken, extraParams, profile, done) => this.validateAuth(done, () => {
37 const decoded = jsonwebtoken_1.decode(extraParams.id_token);
38 const { email, name } = decoded;
39 const namespace = this.configuration.auth.auth0.namespace;
40 const roles = decoded[`${namespace}roles`];
41 const orgId = decoded[`${namespace}orgId`];
42 const props = decoded[`${namespace}props`];
43 if (!roles || !roles.length) {
44 this.logger.warn(`No roles were provided by auth0 for ${email}`);
45 }
46 return this.authService.validateUserAuth0(context_1.newContext(this.datastore), email, name, orgId, roles, props);
47 });
48 this.validateAuth = async (done, auth) => {
49 try {
50 const user = await auth();
51 if (!user) {
52 return done(null, false, new common_1.UnauthorizedException());
53 }
54 done(null, user);
55 }
56 catch (ex) {
57 this.logger.error(ex);
58 if (ex instanceof auth_service_1.AuthenticationFailedException) {
59 done(null, false, ex);
60 }
61 else {
62 done(new common_1.UnauthorizedException('Internal error', ex), false);
63 }
64 }
65 };
66 this.datastore = datastoreProvider.datastore;
67 this.logger = logging_1.createLogger('auth');
68 this.init();
69 }
70 init() {
71 passport.serializeUser((user, done) => {
72 done(null, { id: user.id });
73 });
74 passport.deserializeUser(async (user, done) => {
75 done(null, { id: user.id });
76 });
77 if (this.configuration.auth.local && this.configuration.auth.local.enabled) {
78 passport_1.use(LOCAL_SIGNIN, new passport_local_1.Strategy({}, this.validate));
79 }
80 if (this.configuration.auth.fake && this.configuration.auth.fake.enabled) {
81 if (!this.configuration.isDevelopment()) {
82 if (!this.configuration.auth.fake.secret) {
83 throw new Error('Fake login must have secret configured in non-development environments');
84 }
85 this.logger.warn('Fake login is enabled');
86 }
87 passport_1.use(FAKE_SIGNIN, new passport_local_1.Strategy({ passReqToCallback: true }, this.validateFakeLogin));
88 }
89 if (this.configuration.auth.google && this.configuration.auth.google.enabled) {
90 passport_1.use(new passport_google_oauth20_1.Strategy({
91 clientID: this.configuration.auth.google.clientId,
92 clientSecret: this.configuration.auth.google.secret,
93 callbackURL: `${this.configuration.host}/auth/signin/google/callback`,
94 userProfileURL: 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/userinfo',
95 }, this.validateGmail));
96 }
97 if (this.configuration.auth.saml && this.configuration.auth.saml.enabled) {
98 passport_1.use(SAML_SIGNIN, new passport_saml_1.Strategy({
99 entryPoint: this.configuration.auth.saml.identityProviderUrl,
100 callbackUrl: `${this.configuration.host}/auth/signin/saml/acs`,
101 issuer: this.configuration.host,
102 acceptedClockSkewMs: 5000,
103 cert: this.configuration.auth.saml.cert,
104 }, this.validateSaml));
105 }
106 if (this.configuration.auth.auth0 && this.configuration.auth.auth0.enabled) {
107 passport_1.use(AUTH0_SIGNIN, new passport_auth0_1.Strategy({
108 domain: this.configuration.auth.auth0.domain,
109 clientID: this.configuration.auth.auth0.clientId,
110 clientSecret: this.configuration.auth.auth0.secret,
111 callbackURL: `${this.configuration.host}/auth/signin/auth0/callback`,
112 }, this.validateAuth0));
113 }
114 if (this.configuration.auth.oidc && this.configuration.auth.oidc.enabled) {
115 const { authUrl, clientId, enabled, issuer, secret, tokenUrl, userInfoUrl } = this.configuration.auth.oidc;
116 passport_1.use(OIDC_SIGNIN, new passport_openidconnect_1.Strategy({
117 issuer,
118 authorizationURL: authUrl,
119 tokenURL: tokenUrl,
120 userInfoURL: userInfoUrl,
121 clientID: clientId,
122 clientSecret: secret,
123 callbackURL: `${this.configuration.host}/auth/signin/oidc/callback`,
124 scope: 'profile email',
125 }, this.validateOidc));
126 this.logger.info(`Configured ${OIDC_SIGNIN} authentication strategy`);
127 }
128 }
129 beginAuthenticateGoogle() {
130 const options = {
131 scope: ['profile', 'email'],
132 };
133 return passport.authenticate(GOOGLE_SIGNIN, options);
134 }
135 completeAuthenticateGoogle() {
136 return passport.authenticate(GOOGLE_SIGNIN, {
137 failureRedirect: this.configuration.auth.google.failureRedirect || DEFAULT_FAILURE_REDIRECT,
138 });
139 }
140 beginAuthenticateSaml() {
141 return passport.authenticate(SAML_SIGNIN, {
142 failureRedirect: this.configuration.auth.saml.failureRedirect || DEFAULT_FAILURE_REDIRECT,
143 });
144 }
145 completeAuthenticateSaml() {
146 return passport.authenticate(SAML_SIGNIN, {
147 failureRedirect: this.configuration.auth.saml.failureRedirect || DEFAULT_FAILURE_REDIRECT,
148 });
149 }
150 beginAuthenticateOidc() {
151 return passport.authenticate(OIDC_SIGNIN, {
152 scope: ['openid', 'profile', 'email'],
153 });
154 }
155 completeAuthenticateOidc() {
156 return passport.authenticate(OIDC_SIGNIN, {
157 failureRedirect: this.configuration.auth.oidc.failureRedirect || DEFAULT_FAILURE_REDIRECT,
158 });
159 }
160 beginAuthenticateAuth0() {
161 const options = {
162 scope: ['openid', 'email', 'profile'],
163 };
164 return passport.authenticate(AUTH0_SIGNIN, options);
165 }
166 completeAuthenticateAuth0() {
167 return passport.authenticate(AUTH0_SIGNIN, {
168 failureRedirect: this.configuration.auth.auth0.failureRedirect || DEFAULT_FAILURE_REDIRECT,
169 });
170 }
171 getSignoutUrlAuth0() {
172 const clientId = this.configuration.auth.auth0.clientId;
173 const domain = this.configuration.auth.auth0.domain;
174 const host = this.configuration.host;
175 return `https://${domain}/v2/logout?client_id=${clientId}&returnTo=${host}`;
176 }
177 authenticateLocal() {
178 return passport.authenticate(LOCAL_SIGNIN, {});
179 }
180 authenticateFake() {
181 return passport.authenticate(FAKE_SIGNIN, {});
182 }
184AuthConfigurer = tslib_1.__decorate([
185 common_1.Injectable(),
186 tslib_1.__param(1, common_1.Inject('Configuration')),
187 tslib_1.__param(2, common_1.Inject(user_service_1.USER_SERVICE)),
188 tslib_1.__metadata("design:paramtypes", [datastore_provider_1.DatastoreProvider, Object, Object, auth_service_1.AuthService])
189], AuthConfigurer);
190exports.AuthConfigurer = AuthConfigurer;
191//# sourceMappingURL=auth.configurer.js.map
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