1 | #!/usr/bin/env node
2 |
3 | const { Command } = require('commander')
4 |
5 | const program = new Command()
6 | program.version('0.0.1')
7 |
8 | program
9 | .command('config <arg> [value]')
10 | .description('set or show config for host', {
11 | arg: 'the params to set, maybe host、port or token',
12 | value: 'the value to set'
13 | })
14 | .action((arg, value) => {
15 | const avalivableArgs = ['host', 'port', 'token']
16 | if(avalivableArgs.includes(arg)) {
17 | const parseConf = require('../src/parse-conf')
18 | const configContent = parseConf()
19 | if(value) {
20 | const { updateConf } = require('../src/update-conf')
21 | configContent[arg] = value
22 | updateConf(configContent)
23 | }else{
24 | console.log(configContent[arg])
25 | }
26 | }
27 | else
28 | {
29 | console.log(`unknown params: ${arg}`)
30 | }
31 |
32 | })
33 |
34 | program
35 | .command('add', { isDefault: true })
36 | .description('upload file')
37 | .option('-d, --debug', 'output extra debugging')
38 | .option('-p, --path <path>', 'wrapper dir', '/')
39 | .option('--host <host>', 'ipfs cluster api host', '')
40 | .option('--port <port>', 'ipfs cluster api port', '')
41 | .option('--showAll', 'show all file cid')
42 | .option('-t, --token <token>', 'ipfs cluster api base auth token', '')
43 | .option('-r, --recursive', 'recursive all sub dir')
44 | .option('-a, --all', 'include hidden file')
45 | .arguments('<file>')
46 | .action((file)=>{
47 | run(file)
48 | })
49 | program.parse(process.argv)
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 | function run(file) {
54 | const IpfsClusterAPI = require('ipfs-cluster-api')
55 |
56 | const options = program.opts()
57 | if (options.debug) console.log(options)
58 |
59 | let headers = {}
60 | const parseConf = require('../src/parse-conf')
61 | const conf = parseConf()
62 | options.host = options.host || conf.host
63 | options.port = options.port || conf.port
64 | options.token = options.token || conf.token
65 | if(options.token) {
66 |
67 | headers = {
68 | authorization: 'Basic ' + options.token
69 | }
70 | }
71 |
72 | const cluster = IpfsClusterAPI({
73 | host: options.host,
74 | port: options.port,
75 | protocol: 'http',
76 | headers,
77 | })
78 | const loadPath = require('../src/load-path')
79 | const files = loadPath({path: file,hidden: options.all, ignore: false}, {
80 | recursive: options.recursive,
81 | }, options.path)
82 | cluster.add(files).then(res=>{
83 | if(!options.showAll && options.recursive) {
84 | const path = require('path')
85 | let filePath = path.resolve(file)
86 | filePath = filePath.split(path.sep).join('/')
87 | const fullDir = filePath + (filePath.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/')
88 | let dirName = fullDir.split('/')
89 | dirName = dirName[dirName.length - 2]
90 | res = res.filter((item)=>{return item.path==dirName})
91 | }
92 | if(options.showAll) {
93 | console.log(res)
94 | }
95 | else{
96 | console.log(res[0])
97 | }
98 | })
99 | }