9.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 *
6 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 *
8 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 * limitations under the License.
13 */
15'use strict';
17const ErgoCompiler = require('../lib/compiler');
18const Chai = require('chai');
24const Fs = require('fs');
25const Path = require('path');
27const TESTS_DIR = '../../tests';
29describe('ergo-compiler', () => {
31 afterEach(() => {});
33 describe('#targets', () => {
34 it('should return all the compiler targets', () => {
35 ErgoCompiler.availableTargets().should.deep.equal(['es6','java']);
36 });
37 it('es5 should *not* be a valid target', () => {
38 (() => ErgoCompiler.isValidTarget('es5')).should.throw('Unknown target: es5 (available: es6,java)');
39 });
40 it('es6 should be a valid target', () => {
41 ErgoCompiler.isValidTarget('es6').should.equal(true);
42 });
43 it('java should be a valid target', () => {
44 ErgoCompiler.isValidTarget('java').should.equal(true);
45 });
46 it('should not be a valid target', () => {
47 (() => ErgoCompiler.isValidTarget('es7')).should.throw('Unknown target: es7 (available: es6,java)');
48 });
49 });
51 describe('#callname', function () {
52 it('should sanitize call names for contracts', async function () {
53 const contractName = 'org.accordproject.volumediscount.VolumeDiscount';
54 const result = await ErgoCompiler.contractCallNamePromise(contractName);
55 result.should.equal('orgXaccordprojectXvolumediscountXVolumeDiscount');
56 });
57 });
59 describe('#parsefail', function () {
60 it('should fail when Ergo does not parse', async function () {
61 const ergoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'bad-logic', 'logic/logic.ergo');
62 const ergoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ergoFile, 'utf8');
63 const ctoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'bad-logic', 'model/model.cto');
64 const ctoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ctoFile, 'utf8');
65 const result = await ErgoCompiler.compile([{ 'name': ergoFile, 'content' : ergoContent }], [{ 'name': ctoFile, 'content' : ctoContent }], null, 'es6', false);
66 result.error.kind.should.equal('ParseError');
67 result.error.message.should.equal('Parse error');
68 result.error.locstart.should.deep.equal({ 'line' : 17, 'column' : 20 });
69 result.error.locend.should.deep.equal({ 'line' : 17, 'column' : 23 });
70 });
71 });
72 describe('#parseerrormessage', function () {
73 it('should format parse error', async function () {
74 const result = await ErgoCompiler.ergoErrorToString({ 'kind' : 'ParseError', 'message' : 'Parse error', 'fullMessage' : 'Parse error (at file ../../tests/bad-logic/logic/logic.ergo line 17 col 20). \ncontract HelloWorld ovr TemplateModel {\n ^^^ ', 'locstart' : { 'line' : 16, 'column' : 25 }, 'locend' : { 'line' : 16, 'column' : 26 } });
75 result.should.deep.equal('Parse error');
76 });
77 });
78 describe('#verboseparseerrormessage', function () {
79 it('should format fullMessage parse error', async function () {
80 const result = await ErgoCompiler.ergoVerboseErrorToString({ 'kind' : 'ParseError', 'message' : 'Parse error', 'fullMessage' : 'Parse error (at file ../../tests/bad-logic/logic/logic.ergo line 17 col 20). \ncontract HelloWorld ovr TemplateModel {\n ^^^ ', 'locstart' : { 'line' : 16, 'column' : 25 }, 'locend' : { 'line' : 16, 'column' : 26 } });
81 result.should.deep.equal('Parse error (at file ../../tests/bad-logic/logic/logic.ergo line 17 col 20). \ncontract HelloWorld ovr TemplateModel {\n ^^^ ');
82 });
83 });
84 describe('#compilationerrormessage', function () {
85 it('should format compilation error', async function () {
86 const result = await ErgoCompiler.ergoErrorToString({ 'kind' : 'CompilationError', 'message' : 'Import not found: org.accordproject.test', 'locstart' : { 'line' : -1, 'column' : -1 }, 'locend' : { 'line' : -1, 'column' : -1 } });
87 result.should.deep.equal('Import not found: org.accordproject.test');
88 });
89 });
90 describe('#compile', function () {
91 it('should compile a smart Ergo contract to JavaScript (ES6)', async function () {
92 const ergoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'helloworld', 'logic/logic.ergo');
93 const ergoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ergoFile, 'utf8');
94 const ctoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'helloworld', 'model/model.cto');
95 const ctoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ctoFile, 'utf8');
96 const result = await ErgoCompiler.compile([{ 'name': ergoFile, 'content' : ergoContent }], [{ 'name': ctoFile, 'content' : ctoContent }], null, 'es6', false, false);
97 result.success.should.not.be.null;
98 });
99 it('should compile a smart Ergo contract to JavaScript and print a warning (ES6)', async function () {
100 const ergoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'helloworldWarning', 'logic/logicWarn.ergo');
101 const ergoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ergoFile, 'utf8');
102 const ctoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'helloworldWarning', 'model/model.cto');
103 const ctoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ctoFile, 'utf8');
104 const result = await ErgoCompiler.compile([{ 'name': ergoFile, 'content' : ergoContent }], [{ 'name': ctoFile, 'content' : ctoContent }], null, 'es6', false, true);
105 result.success.should.not.be.null;
106 });
107 it('should compile and link a smart Ergo contract to JavaScript (ES6)', async function () {
108 const ergoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'helloworld', 'logic/logic.ergo');
109 const ergoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ergoFile, 'utf8');
110 const ctoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'helloworld', 'model/model.cto');
111 const ctoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ctoFile, 'utf8');
112 const result = await ErgoCompiler.compile([{ 'name': ergoFile, 'content' : ergoContent }], [{ 'name': ctoFile, 'content' : ctoContent }], null, 'es6', true);
113 result.success.should.not.be.null;
114 });
115 });
116 describe('#compilelatedeliveryfail', function () {
117 it('should fail when compiling a smart Ergo contract to JavaScript', async function () {
118 const ergoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'latedeliveryandpenalty2', 'logic/logic.ergo');
119 const ergoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ergoFile, 'utf8');
120 const ctoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'latedeliveryandpenalty2', 'model/model2.cto');
121 const ctoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ctoFile, 'utf8');
122 const result = await ErgoCompiler.compile([{ 'name': ergoFile, 'content' : ergoContent }], [{ 'name': ctoFile, 'content' : ctoContent }], null, 'es6', false);
123 result.should.deep.equal({ 'error' : { 'kind' : 'CompilationError', 'fileName': null, 'message': 'Import not found: org.accordproject.test', 'fullMessage' : 'Compilation error. Import not found: org.accordproject.test', 'locstart' : { 'line' : -1, 'column' : -1 }, 'locend' : { 'line' : -1, 'column' : -1 } } });
124 });
125 });
126 describe('#compilelatedeliveryandlinkfail', function () {
127 it('should fail when compiling and linking a smart Ergo contract to JavaScript', async function () {
128 const ergoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'latedeliveryandpenalty2', 'logic/logic.ergo');
129 const ergoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ergoFile, 'utf8');
130 const ctoFile = Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'latedeliveryandpenalty2', 'model/model2.cto');
131 const ctoContent = Fs.readFileSync(ctoFile, 'utf8');
132 const result = await ErgoCompiler.compile([{ 'name': ergoFile, 'content' : ergoContent }], [{ 'name': ctoFile, 'content' : ctoContent }], null, 'es6', true);
133 result.should.deep.equal({ 'error' : { 'kind' : 'CompilationError', 'fileName': null, 'message': 'Import not found: org.accordproject.test', 'fullMessage' : 'Compilation error. Import not found: org.accordproject.test', 'locstart' : { 'line' : -1, 'column' : -1 }, 'locend' : { 'line' : -1, 'column' : -1 } } });
134 });
135 });
136 describe('#parsecto', function () {
137 it('should parse CTO', async function () {
138 const ctoText = Fs.readFileSync(Path.resolve(TESTS_DIR, 'helloworld', 'model/model.cto'), 'utf8');
139 const result = ErgoCompiler.parseCTOtoJSON(ctoText);
140 result.should.not.be.null;
141 });
142 });