1 | # `@actions/core`
2 |
3 | > Core functions for setting results, logging, registering secrets and exporting variables across actions
4 |
5 | ## Usage
6 |
7 | ### Import the package
8 |
9 | ```js
10 | // javascript
11 | const core = require('@actions/core');
12 |
13 | // typescript
14 | import * as core from '@actions/core';
15 | ```
16 |
17 | #### Inputs/Outputs
18 |
19 | Action inputs can be read with `getInput` which returns a `string` or `getBooleanInput` which parses a boolean based on the [yaml 1.2 specification](https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2804923). If `required` set to be false, the input should have a default value in `action.yml`.
20 |
21 | Outputs can be set with `setOutput` which makes them available to be mapped into inputs of other actions to ensure they are decoupled.
22 |
23 | ```js
24 | const myInput = core.getInput('inputName', { required: true });
25 | const myBooleanInput = core.getBooleanInput('booleanInputName', { required: true });
26 | const myMultilineInput = core.getMultilineInput('multilineInputName', { required: true });
27 | core.setOutput('outputKey', 'outputVal');
28 | ```
29 |
30 | #### Exporting variables
31 |
32 | Since each step runs in a separate process, you can use `exportVariable` to add it to this step and future steps environment blocks.
33 |
34 | ```js
35 | core.exportVariable('envVar', 'Val');
36 | ```
37 |
38 | #### Setting a secret
39 |
40 | Setting a secret registers the secret with the runner to ensure it is masked in logs.
41 |
42 | ```js
43 | core.setSecret('myPassword');
44 | ```
45 |
46 | #### PATH Manipulation
47 |
48 | To make a tool's path available in the path for the remainder of the job (without altering the machine or containers state), use `addPath`. The runner will prepend the path given to the jobs PATH.
49 |
50 | ```js
51 | core.addPath('/path/to/mytool');
52 | ```
53 |
54 | #### Exit codes
55 |
56 | You should use this library to set the failing exit code for your action. If status is not set and the script runs to completion, that will lead to a success.
57 |
58 | ```js
59 | const core = require('@actions/core');
60 |
61 | try {
62 | // Do stuff
63 | }
64 | catch (err) {
65 | // setFailed logs the message and sets a failing exit code
66 | core.setFailed(`Action failed with error ${err}`);
67 | }
68 | ```
69 |
70 | Note that `setNeutral` is not yet implemented in actions V2 but equivalent functionality is being planned.
71 |
72 | #### Logging
73 |
74 | Finally, this library provides some utilities for logging. Note that debug logging is hidden from the logs by default. This behavior can be toggled by enabling the [Step Debug Logs](../../docs/action-debugging.md#step-debug-logs).
75 |
76 | ```js
77 | const core = require('@actions/core');
78 |
79 | const myInput = core.getInput('input');
80 | try {
81 | core.debug('Inside try block');
82 |
83 | if (!myInput) {
84 | core.warning('myInput was not set');
85 | }
86 |
87 | if (core.isDebug()) {
88 | // curl -v https://github.com
89 | } else {
90 | // curl https://github.com
91 | }
92 |
93 | // Do stuff
94 | core.info('Output to the actions build log')
95 |
96 | core.notice('This is a message that will also emit an annotation')
97 | }
98 | catch (err) {
99 | core.error(`Error ${err}, action may still succeed though`);
100 | }
101 | ```
102 |
103 | This library can also wrap chunks of output in foldable groups.
104 |
105 | ```js
106 | const core = require('@actions/core')
107 |
108 | // Manually wrap output
109 | core.startGroup('Do some function')
110 | doSomeFunction()
111 | core.endGroup()
112 |
113 | // Wrap an asynchronous function call
114 | const result = await core.group('Do something async', async () => {
115 | const response = await doSomeHTTPRequest()
116 | return response
117 | })
118 | ```
119 |
120 | #### Annotations
121 |
122 | This library has 3 methods that will produce [annotations](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/checks#create-a-check-run).
123 | ```js
124 | core.error('This is a bad error, action may still succeed though.')
125 |
126 | core.warning('Something went wrong, but it\'s not bad enough to fail the build.')
127 |
128 | core.notice('Something happened that you might want to know about.')
129 | ```
130 |
131 | These will surface to the UI in the Actions page and on Pull Requests. They look something like this:
132 |
133 | ![Annotations Image](../../docs/assets/annotations.png)
134 |
135 | These annotations can also be attached to particular lines and columns of your source files to show exactly where a problem is occuring.
136 |
137 | These options are:
138 | ```typescript
139 | export interface AnnotationProperties {
140 | /**
141 | * A title for the annotation.
142 | */
143 | title?: string
144 |
145 | /**
146 | * The name of the file for which the annotation should be created.
147 | */
148 | file?: string
149 |
150 | /**
151 | * The start line for the annotation.
152 | */
153 | startLine?: number
154 |
155 | /**
156 | * The end line for the annotation. Defaults to `startLine` when `startLine` is provided.
157 | */
158 | endLine?: number
159 |
160 | /**
161 | * The start column for the annotation. Cannot be sent when `startLine` and `endLine` are different values.
162 | */
163 | startColumn?: number
164 |
165 | /**
166 | * The end column for the annotation. Cannot be sent when `startLine` and `endLine` are different values.
167 | * Defaults to `startColumn` when `startColumn` is provided.
168 | */
169 | endColumn?: number
170 | }
171 | ```
172 |
173 | #### Styling output
174 |
175 | Colored output is supported in the Action logs via standard [ANSI escape codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code). 3/4 bit, 8 bit and 24 bit colors are all supported.
176 |
177 | Foreground colors:
178 |
179 | ```js
180 | // 3/4 bit
181 | core.info('\u001b[35mThis foreground will be magenta')
182 |
183 | // 8 bit
184 | core.info('\u001b[38;5;6mThis foreground will be cyan')
185 |
186 | // 24 bit
187 | core.info('\u001b[38;2;255;0;0mThis foreground will be bright red')
188 | ```
189 |
190 | Background colors:
191 |
192 | ```js
193 | // 3/4 bit
194 | core.info('\u001b[43mThis background will be yellow');
195 |
196 | // 8 bit
197 | core.info('\u001b[48;5;6mThis background will be cyan')
198 |
199 | // 24 bit
200 | core.info('\u001b[48;2;255;0;0mThis background will be bright red')
201 | ```
202 |
203 | Special styles:
204 |
205 | ```js
206 | core.info('\u001b[1mBold text')
207 | core.info('\u001b[3mItalic text')
208 | core.info('\u001b[4mUnderlined text')
209 | ```
210 |
211 | ANSI escape codes can be combined with one another:
212 |
213 | ```js
214 | core.info('\u001b[31;46mRed foreground with a cyan background and \u001b[1mbold text at the end');
215 | ```
216 |
217 | > Note: Escape codes reset at the start of each line
218 |
219 | ```js
220 | core.info('\u001b[35mThis foreground will be magenta')
221 | core.info('This foreground will reset to the default')
222 | ```
223 |
224 | Manually typing escape codes can be a little difficult, but you can use third party modules such as [ansi-styles](https://github.com/chalk/ansi-styles).
225 |
226 | ```js
227 | const style = require('ansi-styles');
228 | core.info(style.color.ansi16m.hex('#abcdef') + 'Hello world!')
229 | ```
230 |
231 | #### Action state
232 |
233 | You can use this library to save state and get state for sharing information between a given wrapper action:
234 |
235 | **action.yml**:
236 |
237 | ```yaml
238 | name: 'Wrapper action sample'
239 | inputs:
240 | name:
241 | default: 'GitHub'
242 | runs:
243 | using: 'node12'
244 | main: 'main.js'
245 | post: 'cleanup.js'
246 | ```
247 |
248 | In action's `main.js`:
249 |
250 | ```js
251 | const core = require('@actions/core');
252 |
253 | core.saveState("pidToKill", 12345);
254 | ```
255 |
256 | In action's `cleanup.js`:
257 |
258 | ```js
259 | const core = require('@actions/core');
260 |
261 | var pid = core.getState("pidToKill");
262 |
263 | process.kill(pid);
264 | ```
265 |
266 | #### OIDC Token
267 |
268 | You can use these methods to interact with the GitHub OIDC provider and get a JWT ID token which would help to get access token from third party cloud providers.
269 |
270 | **Method Name**: getIDToken()
271 |
272 | **Inputs**
273 |
274 | audience : optional
275 |
276 | **Outputs**
277 |
278 | A [JWT](https://jwt.io/) ID Token
279 |
280 | In action's `main.ts`:
281 | ```js
282 | const core = require('@actions/core');
283 | async function getIDTokenAction(): Promise<void> {
284 |
285 | const audience = core.getInput('audience', {required: false})
286 |
287 | const id_token1 = await core.getIDToken() // ID Token with default audience
288 | const id_token2 = await core.getIDToken(audience) // ID token with custom audience
289 |
290 | // this id_token can be used to get access token from third party cloud providers
291 | }
292 | getIDTokenAction()
293 | ```
294 |
295 | In action's `actions.yml`:
296 |
297 | ```yaml
298 | name: 'GetIDToken'
299 | description: 'Get ID token from Github OIDC provider'
300 | inputs:
301 | audience:
302 | description: 'Audience for which the ID token is intended for'
303 | required: false
304 | outputs:
305 | id_token1:
306 | description: 'ID token obtained from OIDC provider'
307 | id_token2:
308 | description: 'ID token obtained from OIDC provider'
309 | runs:
310 | using: 'node12'
311 | main: 'dist/index.js'
312 | ```
313 |
314 | #### Filesystem path helpers
315 |
316 | You can use these methods to manipulate file paths across operating systems.
317 |
318 | The `toPosixPath` function converts input paths to Posix-style (Linux) paths.
319 | The `toWin32Path` function converts input paths to Windows-style paths. These
320 | functions work independently of the underlying runner operating system.
321 |
322 | ```js
323 | toPosixPath('\\foo\\bar') // => /foo/bar
324 | toWin32Path('/foo/bar') // => \foo\bar
325 | ```
326 |
327 | The `toPlatformPath` function converts input paths to the expected value on the runner's operating system.
328 |
329 | ```js
330 | // On a Windows runner.
331 | toPlatformPath('/foo/bar') // => \foo\bar
332 |
333 | // On a Linux runner.
334 | toPlatformPath('\\foo\\bar') // => /foo/bar
335 | ```