2.92 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
3import Transaction from './transaction';
4import Batch from './batch';
5import { IRedisKeyOptions } from './types/redis';
6export interface IRedisOptions {
7 host: string;
8 port: number;
9 prefix?: string;
11declare class Redis extends EventEmitter {
12 private _client;
13 private _prefix;
14 /**
15 * Constructor
16 */
17 constructor(options: IRedisOptions);
18 /**
19 * Get the underlying redis client
20 */
21 readonly client: any;
22 /**
23 * Close the client
24 */
25 dispose(): Promise<void>;
26 /**
27 * Return the transaction prototype
28 */
29 static readonly Transaction: typeof Transaction;
30 /**
31 * Get a transaction
32 */
33 transaction(): Transaction;
34 /**
35 * Watch a key
36 */
37 watch(key: string): Promise<void>;
38 /**
39 * Begin a batch of commands
40 */
41 batch(): Batch;
42 /**
43 * Key exists
44 */
45 exists(key: string): Promise<boolean>;
46 /**
47 * Get a key value
48 */
49 get(key: string): Promise<string>;
50 /**
51 * Set a key value
52 */
53 set(key: string, value: string | number, options?: IRedisKeyOptions): Promise<void>;
54 /**
55 * Increment an integer value
56 */
57 incrby(key: string, value: number, options?: IRedisKeyOptions): Promise<void>;
58 /**
59 * Increment a float value
60 */
61 incrbyfloat(key: string, value: number, options?: IRedisKeyOptions): Promise<void>;
62 /**
63 * Increment an integer value in a hash set
64 */
65 hincrby(key: string, hashKey: string, value: number, options?: IRedisKeyOptions): Promise<void>;
66 /**
67 * Increment a float value in a hash set
68 */
69 hincrbyfloat(key: string, hashKey: string, value: number, options?: IRedisKeyOptions): Promise<void>;
70 /**
71 * Hash map set
72 */
73 hmset(key: string, hash: object, options?: IRedisKeyOptions): Promise<void>;
74 /**
75 * Get a hash set
76 */
77 hgetall(key: string): Promise<any>;
78 /**
79 * Delete a key
80 */
81 del(key: string): Promise<void>;
82 /**
83 * Add to a set
84 */
85 sadd(key: string, value: string | number | Array<string | number>, options?: IRedisKeyOptions): Promise<void>;
86 /**
87 * Get a set
88 */
89 smembers(key: any): Promise<string[]>;
90 /**
91 * Remove from set
92 */
93 srem(key: string, value: string | number): Promise<void>;
94 /**
95 * Scan and delete keys
96 */
97 scanDel(pattern: string): Promise<void>;
98 /**
99 * Scan keys
100 */
101 scan(pattern: string, delegate: (keys: string[]) => Promise<void> | void): Promise<void>;
102 /**
103 * Get the remaining time of a key
104 */
105 ttl(key: any): Promise<number>;
106 /**
107 * Set the expiry in seconds
108 */
109 private _checkExpiry(key, options);
110 /**
111 * Check to make sure this transaction is still open
112 */
113 private _checkDisposed();
115export default Redis;