8.26 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2018 Adobe. All rights reserved.
3 * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
5 * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6 *
7 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
8 * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
9 * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
10 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
11 */
12/* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */
13const chalk = require('chalk');
14const { fetch } = require('@adobe/helix-fetch');
15const path = require('path');
16const _ = require('lodash/fp');
17const JunitPerformanceReport = require('./junit-utils');
18const AbstractCommand = require('./abstract.cmd.js');
20class PerformanceError extends Error {
24// need console outpit for user feedback
25/* eslint-disable no-console */
26class PerfCommand extends AbstractCommand {
27 constructor(logger) {
28 super(logger);
29 this._location = 'London';
30 this._device = 'MotorolaMotoG4';
31 this._connection = 'regular3G';
32 this._junit = null;
33 this._fastly_namespace = null;
34 this._fastly_auth = null;
35 }
37 withFastlyNamespace(value) {
38 this._fastly_namespace = value;
39 return this;
40 }
42 withFastlyAuth(value) {
43 this._fastly_auth = value;
44 return this;
45 }
47 withJunit(value) {
48 if (value && value !== '') {
49 this._junit = new JunitPerformanceReport().withOutfile(path.resolve(process.cwd(), value));
50 }
51 return this;
52 }
54 withLocation(value) {
55 this._location = value;
56 return this;
57 }
59 withDevice(value) {
60 this._device = value;
61 return this;
62 }
64 withConnection(value) {
65 this._connection = value;
66 return this;
67 }
69 getDefaultParams() {
70 const defaultparams = {
71 device: this._device,
72 location: this._location,
73 connection: this._connection,
74 };
75 return defaultparams;
76 }
78 getStrainParams(strain) {
79 if (strain.perf) {
80 return {
81 device: strain.perf.device || this._device,
82 location: strain.perf.location || this._location,
83 connection: strain.perf.connection || this._connection,
84 };
85 }
86 return this.getDefaultParams();
87 }
89 static formatScore(score, limit) {
90 if (score >= limit) {
91 return chalk.green.bold(score);
92 }
93 return chalk.red.bold(score) + chalk.red(' (failed)');
94 }
96 static formatMeasure(measure, limit) {
97 if (measure <= limit) {
98 return chalk.green.bold(measure);
99 }
100 return chalk.red.bold(measure) + chalk.red(' (failed)');
101 }
103 /**
104 *
105 * @param {*} metrics
106 * @param {*} name name of the test to run
107 * @param {*} limit
108 * @returns true if successful, false if unsuccessful and undefined if the name isn't valid
109 */
110 format(metrics, name, limit) {
111 const metric = metrics.filter((m) => m.name === name).length >= 1
112 ? metrics.filter((m) => m.name === name)[0] : null;
113 if (metric && metric.name.endsWith('-score')) {
114 this.log.info(` ${chalk.gray(`${metric.label}: `)}${PerfCommand.formatScore(metric.value, limit)}`);
115 return PerfCommand.formatScore(metric.value, limit).indexOf('(failed)') === -1;
116 }
117 if (metric) {
118 this.log.info(` ${chalk.gray(`${metric.label}: `)}${PerfCommand.formatMeasure(metric.value, limit)}`);
119 return PerfCommand.formatMeasure(metric.value, limit).indexOf('(failed)') === -1;
120 }
121 return undefined;
122 }
124 formatResponse(response, params = {}, strainname = 'default') {
125 this.log.info(`\nResults for ${response.url} on ${response.device.title} (${response.connection.title}) from ${response.location.emoji} ${response.location.name} using ${strainname} strain.\n`);
126 const strainresults = Object.keys(params).map((key) => {
127 const value = params[key];
128 if (Number.isInteger(value)) {
129 return this.format(response.metrics, key, value);
130 }
131 return undefined;
132 });
133 if (strainresults.length === 0 || strainresults.every((val) => val === undefined)) {
134 const perf = this.format(response.metrics, 'lighthouse-performance-score', 80);
135 const access = this.format(response.metrics, 'lighthouse-accessibility-score', 80);
136 // use the default metrics
137 return access && perf;
138 }
139 // make sure all tests have been passed
140 return strainresults.every((result) => result === true || result === undefined);
141 }
143 async run() {
144 await this.init();
145 this.log.info(chalk.green('Testing performance…'));
147 const tests = this.config.strains
148 .getByFilter(({ urls }) => urls.length)
149 .map((strain) => {
150 const { location, device, connection } = this.getStrainParams(strain);
151 return strain.urls.map((url) => ({
152 url,
153 location,
154 device,
155 connection,
156 strain: strain.name,
157 ...strain.perf,
158 }));
159 });
160 const flatttests = _.flatten(tests);
161 const uri = 'https://adobeioruntime.net/api/v1/web/helix/helix-services/perf@v1';
163 try {
164 let response = await fetch(uri, {
165 method: 'POST',
166 json: {
167 service: this._fastly_namespace,
168 token: this._fastly_auth,
169 tests: flatttests,
170 },
171 });
172 if (!response.ok) {
173 throw new Error(`${response.status} - "${await response.text()}"`);
174 }
175 const schedule = await response.json();
177 let retries = 0;
178 let results = [];
179 while (retries < 10) {
180 retries += 1;
181 const completed = results.filter((res) => typeof res === 'object').length;
182 console.log(chalk.yellow(`Waiting for test results (${completed}/${flatttests.length})`));
183 // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
184 response = await fetch(uri, {
185 method: 'POST',
186 json: {
187 service: this._fastly_namespace,
188 token: this._fastly_auth,
189 tests: schedule,
190 },
191 });
192 if (!response.ok) {
193 // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
194 throw new Error(`${response.status} - "${await response.text()}"`);
195 }
196 // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
197 results = await response.json();
199 if (results.reduce((p, uuid) => p && typeof uuid === 'object', true)) {
200 break;
201 }
202 }
204 let skipped = 0;
205 const formatted = _.zip(results, flatttests).map(([res, test]) => {
206 if (this._junit && typeof res === 'object') {
207 // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
208 this._junit.appendResults(res, test._thresholds, test.strain);
209 }
210 if (typeof res === 'object') {
211 // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
212 return this.formatResponse(res, test._thresholds, test.strain);
213 }
214 skipped += 1;
215 console.log(chalk.yellow(`\nSkipped test for ${test.url} on ${test.strain}`));
216 return undefined;
217 });
219 if (this._junit) {
220 this._junit.writeResults();
221 }
223 const fail = formatted.filter((res) => res === false).length;
224 const succeed = formatted.filter((res) => res === true).length;
225 if (skipped) {
226 console.log(chalk.yellow(`${skipped} tests skipped due to 10 minute timeout`));
227 }
228 if (fail && succeed) {
229 this.log.error(chalk.yellow(`all tests completed with ${fail} failures and ${succeed} successes.`));
230 throw new PerformanceError('Performance test failed partially');
231 } else if (fail) {
232 this.log.error(chalk.red(`all ${fail} tests failed.`));
233 throw new PerformanceError('Performance test failed entirely');
234 } else if (succeed) {
235 this.log.info(chalk.green(`all ${succeed} tests succeeded.`));
236 } else if (skipped) {
237 throw new PerformanceError('Performance test skipped entirely');
238 }
239 } catch (e) {
240 if (e instanceof PerformanceError) {
241 throw e;
242 }
243 this.log.error(`Unable to run performance test ${e}`);
244 throw new PerformanceError(`Unable to run performance test ${e}`);
245 }
246 }
249module.exports = PerfCommand;