17.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2018 Adobe. All rights reserved.
3 * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
5 * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6 *
7 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
8 * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
9 * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
10 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
11 */
13/* eslint no-unused-vars: ["error", { "argsIgnorePattern": "^_" }] */
15const fetchAPI = require('@adobe/helix-fetch');
16const fs = require('fs-extra');
17const path = require('path');
18const fastly = require('@adobe/fastly-native-promises');
19const chalk = require('chalk');
20const ProgressBar = require('progress');
21const glob = require('glob-to-regexp');
22const { HelixConfig } = require('@adobe/helix-shared');
23const AbstractCommand = require('./abstract.cmd.js');
24const GitUtils = require('./git-utils.js');
25const cliversion = require('../package.json').version;
27const { fetch } = process.env.HELIX_FETCH_FORCE_HTTP1
28 ? fetchAPI.context({ httpsProtocols: ['http1'] })
29 : fetchAPI;
31class RemotePublishCommand extends AbstractCommand {
32 constructor(logger) {
33 super(logger);
34 this._wsk_auth = null;
35 this._wsk_namespace = null;
36 this._wsk_host = null;
37 this._fastly_namespace = null;
38 this._debug_key = null;
39 this._fastly_auth = null;
40 this._dryRun = false;
41 this._publishAPI = 'https://adobeioruntime.net/api/v1/web/helix/helix-services/publish@v7';
42 this._githubToken = '';
43 this._updateBotConfig = false;
44 this._configPurgeAPI = 'https://app.project-helix.io/config/purge';
45 this._vcl = null;
46 this._dispatchVersion = null;
47 this._purge = 'soft';
48 this._algoliaAppID = null;
49 this._algoliaAPIKey = null;
50 this._epsagonAppName = null;
51 this._epsagonToken = null;
52 this._coralogixAppName = null;
53 this._coralogixToken = null;
54 }
56 tick(ticks = 1, message, name) {
57 if (name === true) {
58 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
59 name = message;
60 }
61 this.progressBar().tick(ticks, {
62 action: name || '',
63 });
64 if (message) {
65 this.log.log({
66 progress: true,
67 level: 'info',
68 message,
69 });
70 }
71 }
73 progressBar() {
74 if (!this._bar) {
75 this._bar = new ProgressBar('Publishing [:bar] :action :etas', {
76 total: 24 + (this._updateBotConfig ? 2 : 0),
77 width: 50,
78 renderThrottle: 1,
79 stream: process.stdout,
80 });
81 }
82 return this._bar;
83 }
85 withPublishAPI(value) {
86 this._publishAPI = value;
87 return this;
88 }
90 withWskHost(value) {
91 this._wsk_host = value;
92 return this;
93 }
95 withWskAuth(value) {
96 this._wsk_auth = value;
97 return this;
98 }
100 withWskNamespace(value) {
101 this._wsk_namespace = value;
102 return this;
103 }
105 withFastlyNamespace(value) {
106 this._fastly_namespace = value;
107 return this;
108 }
110 withFastlyAuth(value) {
111 this._fastly_auth = value;
112 return this;
113 }
115 withDryRun(value) {
116 this._dryRun = value;
117 return this;
118 }
120 withGithubToken(value) {
121 this._githubToken = value;
122 return this;
123 }
125 withUpdateBotConfig(value) {
126 this._updateBotConfig = value;
127 return this;
128 }
130 withConfigPurgeAPI(value) {
131 this._configPurgeAPI = value;
132 return this;
133 }
135 withPurge(value) {
136 this._purge = value;
137 return this;
138 }
140 withDebugKey(value) {
141 this._debug_key = value;
142 return this;
143 }
145 withAlgoliaAppID(value) {
146 this._algoliaAppID = value;
147 return this;
148 }
150 withAlgoliaAPIKey(value) {
151 this._algoliaAPIKey = value;
152 return this;
153 }
155 withEpsagonAppName(value) {
156 this._epsagonAppName = value;
157 return this;
158 }
160 withEpsagonToken(value) {
161 this._epsagonToken = value;
162 return this;
163 }
165 withCoralogixAppName(value) {
166 this._coralogixAppName = value;
167 return this;
168 }
170 withCoralogixToken(value) {
171 this._coralogixToken = value;
172 return this;
173 }
175 withFilter(only, exclude) {
176 if (!(only || exclude)) {
177 return this;
178 }
179 const globex = glob(only || exclude);
181 const onlyfilter = (master, current) => {
182 const includecurrent = current && current.name && globex.test(current.name);
183 const includemaster = master && master.name && !includecurrent;
184 if (includecurrent) {
185 return current;
186 }
187 if (includemaster) {
188 return master;
189 }
190 return undefined;
191 };
193 const excludefilter = (master, current) => {
194 const includecurrent = current && current.name && !globex.test(current.name);
195 const includemaster = master && master.name && !includecurrent;
196 if (includecurrent) {
197 return current;
198 }
199 if (includemaster) {
200 return master;
201 }
202 return undefined;
203 };
205 if (only) {
206 this._filter = onlyfilter;
207 } else if (exclude) {
208 this._filter = excludefilter;
209 }
211 return this;
212 }
214 /**
215 * Adds a list of VCL files to the publish command. Each VCL file is represented
216 * by a path relative to the current command (e.g. ['vcl/extensions.vcl']).
217 * @param {array} value List of vcl files to add as vcl extensions
218 * @returns {RemotePublishCommand} the current instance
219 */
220 withCustomVCLs(vcls) {
221 if (vcls && vcls.length > 0) {
222 const vcl = {};
223 vcls.forEach((file) => {
224 try {
225 const fullPath = path.resolve(this.directory, file);
226 const name = path.basename(fullPath, '.vcl');
227 const content = fs.readFileSync(fullPath).toString();
228 vcl[name] = content;
229 } catch (error) {
230 this.log.error(`Cannot read provided custom vcl file ${file}`);
231 throw error;
232 }
233 });
234 this._vcl = vcl;
235 }
236 return this;
237 }
239 /**
240 * Sets custom dispatch version.
241 * @param {string} version The custom version
242 */
243 withDispatchVersion(version) {
244 this._dispatchVersion = version;
245 return this;
246 }
248 showNextStep(dryrun) {
249 this.progressBar().terminate();
250 if (dryrun) {
251 this.log.info(`✅ A new version has been prepared, but not activated. See version ${this._version} in the Fastly UI at:`);
252 this.log.info(chalk.grey(`https://manage.fastly.com/configure/services/${this._fastly_namespace}/versions/${this._version}/domains`));
253 } else {
254 const urls = this.config.strains
255 .getByFilter((strain) => strain.url)
256 .map((strain) => strain.url);
258 this.log.info(`✅ The following strains have been published and version ${this._version} is now online:`);
259 this.config.strains.getByFilter((strain) => !!strain.url).forEach((strain) => {
260 const { url } = strain;
261 urls.push(url);
262 this.log.info(`- ${strain.name}: ${url}`);
263 });
265 if (urls.length) {
266 this.log.info('\nYou may now access your site using:');
267 this.log.info(chalk.grey(`$ curl ${urls[0]}`));
268 }
269 }
270 }
272 serviceAddLogger() {
273 return fetch('https://adobeioruntime.net/api/v1/web/helix/helix-services/logging@v1', {
274 method: 'POST',
275 json: {
276 service: this._fastly_namespace,
277 token: this._fastly_auth,
278 version: this._version,
279 coralogixkey: this._coralogixToken,
280 coralogixapp: this._coralogixAppName,
281 cliversion,
282 },
283 }).then(async (res) => {
284 if (!res.ok) {
285 const e = new Error(`${res.status} - "${await res.text()}"`);
286 e.statusCode = e.status;
287 throw e;
288 }
289 await res.buffer();
290 this.tick(10, 'set up logging', true);
291 }).catch((e) => {
292 this.tick(10, 'failed to set up logging', true);
293 this.log.warn(`Remote addlogger service failed ${e}`);
294 });
295 }
297 purgeFastly() {
298 if (this._dryRun || this._purge === 'skip') {
299 this.tick(1, 'skipping cache purge');
300 return false;
301 }
303 const ok = () => {
304 this.tick(1, 'purged cache', true);
305 return true;
306 };
308 const err = (e) => {
309 this.tick(1, 'failed to purge cache', true);
310 this.log.error(`Cache could not get purged ${e}`);
311 throw new Error('Unable to purge cache: ');
312 };
314 if (this._purge === 'hard') {
315 return this._fastly.purgeAll().then(ok).catch(err);
316 }
317 return this._fastly.softPurgeKey('all').then(ok).catch(err);
318 }
320 async servicePublish() {
321 this.tick(1, 'preparing service config for Helix', true);
323 if (this._filter) {
324 this.log.debug('filtering');
325 try {
326 const content = await GitUtils.getRawContent('.', 'master', 'helix-config.yaml');
328 const other = await new HelixConfig()
329 .withSource(content.toString())
330 .init();
332 this.log.debug(`this: ${Array.from(this.config.strains.keys()).join(', ')}`);
333 this.log.debug(`other: ${Array.from(other.strains.keys()).join(', ')}`);
334 const merged = other.merge(this.config, this._filter);
335 this.log.debug(Array.from(merged.strains.keys()).join(', '));
337 this._helixConfig = merged;
338 } catch (e) {
339 this.log.error(`Cannot merge configuration from master. Do you have a helix-config.yaml commited in the master branch?
341 throw new Error('Unable to merge configurations for selective publishing');
342 }
343 }
344 const body = {
345 indexconfig: this.indexConfig.toJSON(),
346 algoliaappid: this._algoliaAppID,
347 epsagontoken: this._epsagonToken,
348 epsagonapp: this._epsagonAppName,
349 configuration: this.config.toJSON(),
350 service: this._fastly_namespace,
351 token: this._fastly_auth,
352 version: this._version,
353 };
355 if (this._vcl) {
356 body.vcl = this._vcl;
357 }
359 if (this._dispatchVersion) {
360 body.dispatchVersion = this._dispatchVersion;
361 }
363 return fetch(this._publishAPI, {
364 method: 'POST',
365 json: body,
366 }).then(async (res) => {
367 if (!res.ok) {
368 const e = new Error(`${res.status} - "${await res.text()}"`);
369 e.statusCode = res.status;
370 throw e;
371 }
372 await res.buffer();
373 this.tick(9, 'set service config up for Helix', true);
374 return true;
375 }).catch((e) => {
376 this.tick(9, 'failed to set service config up for Helix', true);
377 this.log.error(`Remote publish service failed ${e}`);
378 throw new Error('Unable to setup service config');
379 });
380 }
382 async updateFastlySecrets() {
383 const jobs = [];
384 if (this._wsk_auth) {
385 const auth = this._fastly.writeDictItem(this._version, 'secrets', 'OPENWHISK_AUTH', this._wsk_auth);
386 jobs.push(auth);
387 }
388 if (this._wsk_namespace) {
389 const namespace = this._fastly.writeDictItem(this._version, 'secrets', 'OPENWHISK_NAMESPACE', this._wsk_namespace);
390 jobs.push(namespace);
391 }
392 if (this._algoliaAPIKey) {
393 const apikey = this._fastly.writeDictItem(this._version, 'secrets', 'ALGOLIA_API_KEY', this._algoliaAPIKey);
394 jobs.push(apikey);
395 }
396 if (this._algoliaAppID) {
397 const appid = this._fastly.writeDictItem(this._version, 'secrets', 'ALGOLIA_APP_ID', this._algoliaAppID);
398 jobs.push(appid);
399 }
400 const token = this._fastly.writeDictItem(this._version, 'secrets', 'GITHUB_TOKEN', this._githubToken);
401 jobs.push(token);
402 const debugKey = this._fastly.writeDictItem(this._version, 'secrets', 'DEBUG_KEY', this._debug_key || this._fastly_namespace);
403 jobs.push(debugKey);
404 return Promise.all(jobs).then(() => {
405 this.tick(2, 'enabled authentication', true);
406 return true;
407 }).catch((e) => {
408 this.tick(2, 'failed to enable authentication', true);
409 this.log.error(`failed to enable authentication ${e}`);
410 throw new Error('Unable to set credentials');
411 });
412 }
414 async updateBotConfig() {
415 const repos = {};
416 this.tick(1, 'updating helix-bot purge config', true);
417 this._strainsToPublish.forEach((strain) => {
418 const url = strain.content;
419 // todo: respect path
420 const urlString = `${url.protocol}://${url.host}/${url.owner}/${url.repo}.git#${url.ref}`;
421 if (!repos[urlString]) {
422 repos[urlString] = {
423 strains: [],
424 key: `${url.owner}/${url.repo}#${url.ref}`,
425 };
426 }
427 repos[urlString].strains.push(strain.name);
428 });
430 const response = await fetch(this._configPurgeAPI, {
431 method: 'POST',
432 json: {
433 github_token: this._githubToken,
434 content_repositories: Object.keys(repos),
435 fastly_service_id: this._fastly_namespace,
436 fastly_token: this._fastly_auth,
437 },
438 });
440 if (!response.ok) {
441 const e = new Error(`${response.status} - "${await response.text()}"`);
442 e.statusCode = response.status;
443 throw e;
444 }
446 this._botStatus = {
447 repos,
448 response: await response.json(),
449 };
450 this.tick(1, 'updated helix-bot purge config', true);
451 }
453 showHelixBotResponse() {
454 if (!this._botStatus) {
455 return;
456 }
457 const { repos, response } = this._botStatus;
458 // create summary
459 const reposNoBot = [];
460 const reposUpdated = [];
461 const reposErrors = [];
462 Object.keys(repos).forEach((repoUrl) => {
463 const repo = repos[repoUrl];
464 const info = response[repo.key];
465 if (!info) {
466 this.log.error(`Internal error: ${repo.key} should be in the service response`);
467 reposErrors.push(repo);
468 return;
469 }
470 if (info.errors) {
471 this.log.error(`${repo.key} update failed: ${info.errors}`);
472 reposErrors.push(repo);
473 return;
474 }
475 if (!info.installation_id) {
476 reposNoBot.push(repo);
477 return;
478 }
479 if (!info.config || !info.config.caches) {
480 this.log.error(`Internal error: ${repo.key} status does not have configuration details.`);
481 reposErrors.push(repo);
482 return;
483 }
484 // find the fastlyId in the cache
485 const cacheInfo = info.config.caches
486 .find((cache) => cache.fastlyServiceId === this._fastly_namespace);
487 if (!cacheInfo) {
488 this.log.error(`Internal error: ${repo.key} status does have a configuration entry for given fastly service id.`);
489 reposErrors.push(repo);
490 return;
491 }
492 if (cacheInfo.errors) {
493 this.log.error(`${repo.key} update failed for given fastly service id: ${cacheInfo.errors}`);
494 reposErrors.push(repo);
495 return;
496 }
497 reposUpdated.push(repo);
498 });
500 if (reposUpdated.length > 0) {
501 this.log.info('');
502 this.log.info('Updated the purge-configuration of the following repositories:');
503 reposUpdated.forEach((repo) => {
504 this.log.info(chalk`- {cyan ${repo.key}} {grey (${repo.strains.join(', ')})}`);
505 });
506 }
508 if (reposErrors.length > 0) {
509 this.log.info('');
510 this.log.info('The purge-configuration of following repositories were not updated due to errors (see log for details):');
511 reposErrors.forEach((repo) => {
512 this.log.info(chalk`- {cyan ${repo.key}} {grey (${repo.strains.join(', ')})}`);
513 });
514 }
516 if (reposNoBot.length > 0) {
517 this.log.info('');
518 this.log.info('The following repositories are referenced by strains but don\'t have the helix-bot setup:');
519 reposNoBot.forEach((repo) => {
520 this.log.info(chalk`- {cyan ${repo.key}} {grey (${repo.strains.join(', ')})}`);
521 });
522 this.log.info(chalk`\nVisit {blue https://github.com/apps/helix-bot} to manage the helix bot installations.`);
523 }
524 }
526 async init() {
527 await super.init();
528 this._fastly = fastly(this._fastly_auth, this._fastly_namespace);
530 // gather all content repositories of the affected strains
531 this._strainsToPublish = this.config.strains.getByFilter((strain) => {
532 if (strain.isProxy()) {
533 this.log.debug(`ignoring proxy strain ${strain.name}`);
534 return false;
535 }
536 // skip the strains where we can't determine the action name
537 if (!strain.package) {
538 this.log.debug(`ignoring unaffected strain ${strain.name}`);
539 return false;
540 }
541 return true;
542 });
543 }
545 async run() {
546 await this.init();
547 if (this._strainsToPublish.length === 0) {
548 this.log.warn(chalk`None of the strains contains {cyan package} information. Aborting command.`);
549 return;
550 }
551 try {
552 this.tick(1, 'preparing fastly transaction', true);
553 await this._fastly.transact(async (version) => {
554 this._version = version;
555 await this.servicePublish();
556 await this.serviceAddLogger();
557 await this.updateFastlySecrets();
558 }, !this._dryRun);
559 if (this._updateBotConfig) {
560 await this.updateBotConfig();
561 }
562 await this.purgeFastly();
563 this.showHelixBotResponse();
564 this.showNextStep(this._dryRun);
565 } catch (e) {
566 const message = 'Error while running the Publish command';
567 if (e.statusCode === 403) {
568 throw new Error(`${message}:
569The provided GITHUB_TOKEN is not authorized to act on behalf
570of the Helix Bot and can therefore not be used to update the purge config.
571You can generate a new token by running 'hlx auth'`);
572 } else {
573 this.log.error(`${message}: ${e.stack}`, e);
574 throw new Error(message, e);
575 }
576 }
577 }
579module.exports = RemotePublishCommand;