6.32 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2018 Adobe. All rights reserved.
3 * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
5 * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6 *
7 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
8 * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
9 * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
10 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
11 */
13'use strict';
15const yargsOpenwhisk = require('./yargs-openwhisk.js');
16const yargsFastly = require('./yargs-fastly.js');
17const yargsBuild = require('./yargs-build.js');
18const yargsParams = require('./yargs-params.js');
19const yargsCoralogix = require('./yargs-coralogix.js');
20const yargsEpsagon = require('./yargs-epsagon.js');
21const { getOrCreateLogger } = require('./log-common.js');
23module.exports = function deploy() {
24 let executor;
26 return {
27 set executor(value) {
28 executor = value;
29 },
30 command: 'deploy [files..]',
31 desc: 'Deploy packaged functions to Adobe I/O runtime',
32 builder: (yargs) => {
33 yargsOpenwhisk(yargs);
34 yargsFastly(yargs);
35 yargsBuild(yargs);
36 yargsEpsagon(yargs);
37 yargsCoralogix(yargs);
38 yargsParams(yargs, {
39 name: 'default',
40 describe: 'Adds a default parameter to the function',
41 type: 'array',
42 default: [],
43 });
44 yargs
45 .option('auto', {
46 describe: 'Enable auto-deployment',
47 type: 'boolean',
48 default: false,
49 demandOption: true,
50 })
51 .option('dry-run', {
52 alias: 'dryRun',
53 describe: 'List the actions that would be created, but do not actually deploy',
54 type: 'boolean',
55 default: false,
56 })
57 .option('circleci-auth', {
58 alias: 'circleciAuth',
59 describe: 'API Key for CircleCI API ($HLX_CIRCLECI_AUTH)',
60 type: 'string',
61 default: '',
62 })
63 .option('target', {
64 alias: 'o',
65 default: '.hlx/build',
66 type: 'string',
67 describe: 'Target directory of created action packages.',
68 })
69 .option('dirty', {
70 describe: 'Allows deploying a working copy with uncommitted changes (dangerous)',
71 type: 'boolean',
72 default: false,
73 })
74 .option('add', {
75 describe: 'Adds missing strains to the config',
76 type: 'string',
77 })
78 .option('package', {
79 describe: 'Automatically create or update outdated action packages.',
80 type: 'string',
81 choices: ['auto', 'ignore', 'always'],
82 default: 'auto',
83 })
84 .option('minify', {
85 describe: 'Enables minification of the final action bundle.',
86 type: 'boolean',
87 default: false,
88 })
89 .option('svc-resolve-git-ref', {
90 alias: 'svcResolveGitRef',
91 describe: 'Service name for git-resolve-ref service',
92 type: 'string',
93 default: 'helix-services/resolve-git-ref@v1',
94 })
95 .option('updated-at', {
96 alias: 'updatedAt',
97 describe: 'Informative Unix timestamp for the deployed actions.',
98 type: 'string',
99 default: new Date().getTime(),
100 })
101 .option('updated-by', {
102 alias: 'updatedBy',
103 describe: 'Informative user name for the deployed actions.',
104 type: 'string',
105 })
106 .group(['auto', 'wsk-auth', 'wsk-namespace', 'default', 'default-file', 'dirty'], 'Deployment Options')
107 .group(['wsk-host', 'target', 'epsagon-app-name', 'epsagon-token', 'coralogix-app-name', 'coralogix-token'], 'Advanced Options')
108 .group(['package', 'minify', 'target'], 'Package options')
109 .check((args) => {
110 if (!args.auto) {
111 // single-shot deployment is easy
112 return true;
113 }
114 const message = 'Auto-deployment requires: ';
115 const missing = [];
116 if (!args.circleciAuth) {
117 missing.push('--circleci-auth');
118 }
119 if (!args.fastlyAuth) {
120 missing.push('--fastly-auth');
121 }
122 if (!args.fastlyNamespace) {
123 missing.push('--fastly-namespace');
124 }
125 if (!args.wskAuth) {
126 missing.push('--wsk-auth');
127 }
128 if (!args.wskNamespace) {
129 missing.push('--wsk-namespace');
130 }
131 if (!args.wskHost) {
132 missing.push('--wsk-host');
133 }
134 if (missing.length === 0) {
135 return true;
136 }
137 return new Error(message + missing.join(', '));
138 })
139 .help();
140 },
141 handler: async (argv) => {
142 if (!executor) {
143 // eslint-disable-next-line global-require
144 const DeployCommand = require('./deploy.cmd'); // lazy load the handler to speed up execution time
145 executor = new DeployCommand(getOrCreateLogger(argv));
146 }
148 await executor
149 .withEnableAuto(argv.auto)
150 .withEnableDirty(argv.dirty)
151 .withWskAuth(argv.wskAuth)
152 .withWskHost(argv.wskHost)
153 .withWskNamespace(argv.wskNamespace)
154 .withWskActionMemory(argv.wskActionMemory)
155 .withWskActionConcurrency(argv.wskActionConcurrency)
156 .withTarget(argv.target)
157 .withFiles(argv.files)
158 .withDefault(argv.default)
159 .withDefaultFile(argv.defaultFile)
160 .withDryRun(argv.dryRun)
161 .withCircleciAuth(argv.circleciAuth)
162 .withFastlyAuth(argv.fastlyAuth)
163 .withFastlyNamespace(argv.fastlyNamespace)
164 .withCreatePackages(argv.package)
165 .withAddStrain(argv.add)
166 .withMinify(argv.minify)
167 .withResolveGitRefService(argv.svcResolveGitRef)
168 .withCustomPipeline(argv.customPipeline)
169 .withEpsagonAppName(argv.epsagonAppName)
170 .withEpsagonToken(argv.epsagonToken)
171 .withCoralogixAppName(argv.coralogixAppName)
172 .withCoralogixToken(argv.coralogixToken)
173 .withUpdatedAt(argv.updatedAt)
174 .withUpdatedBy(argv.updatedBy)
175 .run();
176 },
178 };