7.32 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# Untitled undefined type in MDAST Schema
7The node type of the MDAST node
10| Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Access Restrictions | Defined In |
11| :------------------ | ---------- | -------------- | ----------------------- | :---------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
12| Can be instantiated | No | Unknown status | Unknown identifiability | Forbidden | Allowed | none | [mdast.schema.json\*](mdast.schema.json "open original schema") |
14## type Type
18## type Constraints
20**enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:
22| Value | Explanation |
23| :--------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
24| `"root"` | The root node, representing a document or section |
25| `"paragraph"` | A paragraph. Note: standalone \`image\` blocks are often wrapped in a \`paragraph\` |
26| `"text"` | Plain text |
27| `"heading"` | A heading with heading level |
28| `"thematicBreak"` | A section break |
29| `"blockquote"` | A blockquote |
30| `"list"` | An ordered or unordered list |
31| `"listItem"` | |
32| `"table"` | A table |
33| `"tableRow"` | A row in a table |
34| `"tableCell"` | A cell in a table |
35| `"html"` | Raw HTML embedded in Markdown. Disabled by default. |
36| `"code"` | A code block |
37| `"yaml"` | A metadata block. If the block is not at the top of the document, it will start a new section. |
38| `"definition"` | A definition that can be referenced |
39| `"footnoteDefinition"` | A footnote |
40| `"emphasis"` | emphasis (often in italics) |
41| `"strong"` | strong (often in bold type) |
42| `"delete"` | deleted content |
43| `"inlineCode"` | inline code |
44| `"break"` | A line break |
45| `"link"` | A hyperlink |
46| `"image"` | An image |
47| `"linkReference"` | A pointer to a link |
48| `"imageReference"` | A pointer to an image |
49| `"footnote"` | A footnote |
50| `"footnoteReference"` | A reference to a footnote |
51| `"embed"` | Content embedded from another page, identified by the \`url\` attribute. |
52| `"dataEmbed"` | Data embedded from another data source (API), identified by the \`url\` attribute. |
53| `"section"` | A section within the document. Sections serve as a high-level structure of a single markdown document and can have their own section-specific front matter metadata. |
54| `"icon"` | An SVG icon, identified by the syntax \`:foo:\` |