1 | # JSON Schema Markdown Tools
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3 | [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/adobe/jsonschema2md.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/adobe/jsonschema2md)
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5 | Documenting and validating complex JSON Schemas can be hard. This tool makes it easier by providing a number of scripts that can turn JSON Schema files into readable Markdown documentation that is ready for consumption on GitHub or processed using Jekyll or other static site generators.
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7 | These tools have been introduced by Adobe to document Adobe's Experience Data Models (XDM), but can be used for other JSON Schema documents, too.
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9 | ## JSON Schema Support
10 |
11 | `jsonschema2md` is developed against JSON Schema `2019-09`, but not the full vocabulary is supported. Please check the [detailed list of JSON Schema keywords supported by `jsonschema2md`](schemasupport.md). This list is updated by our tests.
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13 | ## Requirements
14 |
15 | - `npm` version 3.10.8 or up
16 | - `node` v10 or up
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18 | ## Example Output
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20 | Using the schemas in [`examples/schemas`](examples/schemas), the output in [`examples/docs`](examples/docs) has been generated.
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22 | ## Installing and running
23 |
24 | ```bash
25 | $ npm install -g @adobe/jsonschema2md
26 |
27 | # show usage information
28 | $ jsonschema2md
29 |
30 | # run task
31 | $ jsonschema2md -d examples/schemas -o examples/docs
32 | # generated output for whole folder is written to ./examples/docs
33 | ```
34 |
35 | ## Internationalization
36 |
37 | The generated documentation can be internationalized. Select the language you want to use for the output using the `-l` parameter.
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39 | Supported languages are:
40 | - English
41 | - German
42 |
43 | If you want to provide a translation of your own, [please use GitLocalize](https://gitlocalize.com/repo/3622)
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45 | ## Display custom attributes in the property description
46 | `jsonschema2md` displays only the attributes of an property which are defined by the JSON Schema standard. If you want to display additional attributes in the property description you could provide a comma separated list with your custom attributes.
47 |
48 | ```bash
49 | $ jsonschema2md -d examples/schemas -o examples/docs -p version,test
50 | ```
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52 | ## Disable header template
53 | In some cases you do not need a header because it does not provide any useful information. With the `--header` (or `-h`) parameter you can disable the inclusion of headers.
54 |
55 | ```bash
56 | # run against JSON Schema Draft 06
57 | $ jsonschema2md -d examples/schemas -o examples/docs -v 06 -h false
58 | ```
59 |
60 | ## Using JSON Schema Markdown Tools from `npm`
61 |
62 | You can conveniently use the JSON Schema Markdown Tools from `npm`. This makes it possible to set up a conversion toolchain for your JSON Schema project that is driven entirely by `npm`. To do so, first define the dependency by adding this to your `"devDependencies"` section of `package.json`
63 |
64 | ```json
65 | "devDependencies": {
66 | "@adobe/jsonschema2md": "^4.0.0"
67 | }
68 | ```
69 |
70 | Then add the following to the `"scripts"` section of your `package.json` and adapt accordingly:
71 |
72 | ```json
73 | "scripts": {
74 | "prepare": "mkdir -p docs/reference && jsonschema2md -o docs/reference -d schemas/draft-04
75 | }
76 | ```
77 |
78 | If you run `npm install` before running `npm run prepare`, `npm` will install the `@adobe/jsonschema2md` in a `node_modules/.bin` path, even if you did not install the JSON Schema Markdown beforehand.
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80 | ## Tests
81 |
82 | Ensure you have all the dependencies installed via `npm install`, then run:
83 |
84 | ```bash
85 | npm test
86 | ```
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88 | This will run our Jasmine test suite as well as lint the JavaScript according to our style guide (see below).
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90 | ### CI
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92 | Continuous integration runs on [CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/adobe/jsonschema2md).
93 | All pull requests automatically trigger a job that runs the [tests](#tests) by executing the [`config.yml`](.circleci/config.yml).
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95 | ### Code Coverage
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97 | `npm run test` will generate a code coverage report at the end of the test run. Anything below 100% coverage counts as a test failure.
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99 | ## Style Guide / Linting
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101 | This project uses [eslint](https://eslint.org) to enforce JavaScript coding style. To run the linter:
102 |
103 | ```bash
104 | npm run lint
105 | ```
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107 | ## TODOs
108 |
109 | Add support for [missing keywords](schemasupport.md)
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111 | ## Contributing
112 |
113 | Please see [Contributing.md](Contributing.md) for details. Pull requests are welcome.
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115 | ## License/Copyright
116 |
117 | Copyright 2017 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
118 | This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
119 | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
120 | of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0