1 | # `@adobe/leonardo-contrast-colors`
2 |
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7 | [![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/adobe/leonardo)](https://github.com/adobe/leonardo/blob/master/LICENSE)
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10 |
11 | This package contains all the functions for generating colors by target contrast ratio.
12 |
13 | ## Using Leonardo Contrast Colors
14 |
15 | ### Install the package:
16 |
17 | ```
18 | npm i @adobe/leonardo-contrast-colors
19 | ```
20 |
21 | ### Import the package:
22 |
23 | #### CJS (Node 12.x)
24 |
25 | ```js
26 | const { Theme, Color, BackgroundColor } = require('@adobe/leonardo-contrast-colors');
27 | ```
28 |
29 | #### ESM (Node 13.x)
30 |
31 | ```js
32 | import { Theme, Color, BackgroundColor } from '@adobe/leonardo-contrast-colors';
33 | ```
34 |
35 | ### Create and pass colors and a background color to a new Theme (see additional options below):
36 |
37 | ```js
38 | let gray = new BackgroundColor({
39 | name: 'gray',
40 | colorKeys: ['#cacaca'],
41 | ratios: [2, 3, 4.5, 8]
42 | });
43 |
44 | let blue = new Color({
45 | name: 'blue',
46 | colorKeys: ['#5CDBFF', '#0000FF'],
47 | ratios: [3, 4.5]
48 | });
49 |
50 | let red = new Color({
51 | name: 'red',
52 | colorKeys: ['#FF9A81', '#FF0000'],
53 | ratios: [3, 4.5]
54 | });
55 |
56 | let theme = new Theme({colors: [gray, blue, red], backgroundColor: gray, lightness: 97});
57 |
58 | // returns theme colors as JSON
59 | let colors = theme.contrastColors;
60 | ```
61 |
62 | ## API Reference
63 |
64 | ### `Theme`
65 |
66 | Class function used to generate adaptive contrast-based colors. Parameters are destructured and need to be explicitly called.
67 |
68 | | Parameter | Type | Description |
69 | |-----------|-------|------------|
70 | | `colors` | Array | List of `Color` classes to generate theme colors for. A single `BackgroundColor` class is required. |
71 | | `lightness` | Number | Value from 0-100 for desired lightness of generated theme background color (whole number)|
72 | | `contrast` | Number | Multiplier to increase or decrease contrast for all theme colors (default is `1`) |
73 | | `output` | Enum | Desired color output format |
74 |
75 |
76 | #### Setters
77 | | Setter | Description of output |
78 | |--------|-----------------------|
79 | | `.lightness()` | Sets the theme's lightness value |
80 | | `.contrast()` | Sets the theme's contrast value |
81 | | `.backgroundColor()` | Sets the theme's background color (creates a new `BackgroundColor` if passing a string) |
82 | | `.colors()` | Sets colors for theme (must pass `Color`)|
83 | | `.output()` | Sets output format for theme |
84 |
85 |
86 | #### Supported output formats:
87 | Available output formats conform to the [W3C CSS Color Module Level 4](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/) spec for the supported options, as listed below:
88 |
89 | | Output option | Sample value |
90 | |---------------|--------------|
91 | | `'HEX'` _(default)_ | `#RRGGBB` |
92 | | `'RGB'` | `rgb(255, 255, 255)` |
93 | | `'HSL'` | `hsl(360deg, 0%, 100%)` |
94 | | `'HSV'` | `hsv(360deg, 0%, 100%)` |
95 | | `'HSLuv'` | `hsluv(360, 0, 100)` |
96 | | `'LAB'` | `lab(100%, 0, 0)` |
97 | | `'LCH'` | `lch(100%, 0, 360deg)` |
98 | | `'CAM02'` | `jab(100%, 0, 0)`|
99 | | `'CAM02p'` | `jch(100%, 0, 360deg)` |
100 |
101 | ----------
102 |
103 | ### `Color`
104 | Class function used to define colors for a theme. Parameters are destructured and need to be explicitly called.
105 |
106 | | Parameter | Type | Description |
107 | |-----------|-------|------|
108 | | `name` | String | User-defined name for a color, (eg "Blue"). Used to name output color values |
109 | | `colorKeys` | Array of strings | List of specific colors to interpolate between in order to generate a full lightness scale of the color. |
110 | | `colorspace` | Enum | The [colorspace](#Supported-interpolation-colorspaces) in which the key colors will be interpolated within. |
111 | | `ratios` | Array or Object | List of target contrast ratios, or object with named keys for each value. |
112 | | `smooth` | Boolean | Applies bezier smoothing to interpolation (false by default) |
113 | | `output` | Enum | Desired color output format |
114 |
115 | #### Setters
116 | | Setter | Description of output |
117 | |--------|-----------------------|
118 | | `.colorKeys()` | Sets the color keys |
119 | | `.colorspace()` | Sets the interpolation colorspace |
120 | | `.ratios()` | Sets the ratios |
121 | | `.name()` | Sets the name |
122 | | `.smooth()` | Sets the smoothing option |
123 | | `.output()` | Sets the output format |
124 |
125 | #### Supported interpolation colorspaces:
126 | Below are the available options for interpolation in Leonardo:
127 |
128 | - [LCH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HCL_color_space)
129 | - [LAB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space)
130 | - [CAM02](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIECAM02)
131 | - [HSL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV)
132 | - [HSLuv](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSLuv)
133 | - [HSV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV)
134 | - [RGB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGB_color_space)
135 |
136 | #### Ratios as an array
137 | When passing a flat array of target ratios, the output colors in your Theme will be generated by concatenating the color name (eg "Blue") with numeric increments. Colors with a **positive contrast ratio** with the base (ie, 2:1) will be named in increments of 100. For example, `gray100`, `gray200`.
138 |
139 | Colors with a **negative contrast ratio** with the base (ie -2:1) will be named in increments less than 100 and _based on the number of negative values declared_. For example, if there are 3 negative values `[-1.4, -1.3, -1.2, 1, 2, 3]`, the name for those values will be incremented by 100/4 (length plus one to avoid a `0` value), such as `gray25`, `gray50`, and `gray75`.
140 |
141 | For example:
142 | ```js
143 | new Color({
144 | name: 'blue',
145 | colorKeys: ['#5CDBFF', '#0000FF'],
146 | colorSpace: 'LCH',
147 | ratios: [3, 4.5]
148 | });
149 |
150 | // Returns:
151 | [
152 | {
153 | name: 'blue',
154 | values: [
155 | {name: "blue100", contrast: 3, value: "#8d63ff"},
156 | {name: "blue200", contrast: 4.5, value: "#623aff"}
157 | ]
158 | }
159 | ]
160 | ```
161 |
162 | #### Ratios as an object
163 | When defining ratios as an object with key-value pairs, you define what name will be output in your Leonardo theme.
164 | ```js
165 | new Color({
166 | name: 'blue',
167 | colorKeys: ['#5CDBFF', '#0000FF'],
168 | colorSpace: 'LCH',
169 | ratios: {
170 | 'blue--largeText': 3,
171 | 'blue--normalText': 4.5
172 | }
173 | });
174 |
175 | // Returns:
176 | [
177 | {
178 | name: 'blue',
179 | values: [
180 | {name: "blue--largeText", contrast: 3, value: "#8d63ff"},
181 | {name: "blue--normalText", contrast: 4.5, value: "#623aff"}
182 | ]
183 | }
184 | ]
185 | ```
186 |
187 | ---
188 |
189 | ## Output examples
190 | There are two types of output you can get from the `Theme` class:
191 | | Getter | Description of output |
192 | |--------|-----------------------|
193 | | `Theme.contrastColors` | Returns array of color objects with key-value pairs |
194 | | `Theme.contrastColorPairs` | Returns object with key-value pairs |
195 | | `Theme.contrastColorValues` | Returns flat array of color values |
196 |
197 |
198 | ### `Theme.contrastColors`
199 | Each color is an object named by user-defined value (eg `name: 'gray'`). "Values" array consists of all generated color values for the color, with properties `name`, `contrast`, and `value`:
200 |
201 | ```js
202 | [
203 | { background: "#e0e0e0" },
204 | {
205 | name: 'gray',
206 | values: [
207 | {name: "gray100", contrast: 1, value: "#e0e0e0"},
208 | {name: "gray200", contrast: 2, value: "#a0a0a0"},
209 | {name: "gray300", contrast: 3, value: "#808080"},
210 | {name: "gray400", contrast: 4.5, value: "#646464"}
211 | ]
212 | },
213 | {
214 | name: 'blue',
215 | values: [
216 | {name: "blue100", contrast: 2, value: "#b18cff"},
217 | {name: "blue200", contrast: 3, value: "#8d63ff"},
218 | {name: "blue300", contrast: 4.5, value: "#623aff"},
219 | {name: "blue400", contrast: 8, value: "#1c0ad1"}
220 | ]
221 | }
222 | ]
223 | ```
224 |
225 | ### `Theme.contrastColorPairs`
226 | Simplified format as an object of key-value pairs. Property is equal to the [generated](#Ratios-as-an-array) or [user-defined name](#Ratios-as-an-object) for each generated value.
227 |
228 | ```js
229 | {
230 | "gray100": "#e0e0e0";
231 | "gray200": "#a0a0a0";
232 | "gray300": "#808080";
233 | "gray400": "#646464";
234 | "blue100": "#b18cff";
235 | "blue200": "#8d63ff";
236 | "blue300": "#623aff";
237 | "blue400": "#1c0ad1";
238 | }
239 | ```
240 |
241 | ### `Theme..contrastColorValues`
242 | Returns all color values in a flat array.
243 |
244 | ```js
245 | [
246 | "#e0e0e0",
247 | "#a0a0a0",
248 | "#808080",
249 | "#646464",
250 | "#b18cff",
251 | "#8d63ff",
252 | "#623aff",
253 | "#1c0ad1"
254 | ]
255 | ```
256 |
257 | ---
258 |
259 | ## Leonardo with CSS variables
260 | Here are a few examples of how you can utilize Leonardo to dynamically create or modify CSS variables for your application.
261 |
262 | ### Vanilla JS
263 | ```js
264 | let varPrefix = '--';
265 |
266 | // Iterate each color object
267 | for (let i = 0; i < myTheme.length; i++) {
268 | // Iterate each value object within each color object
269 | for(let j = 0; j < myTheme[i].values.length; j++) {
270 | // output "name" of color and prefix
271 | let key = myTheme[i].values[j].name;
272 | let prop = varPrefix.concat(key);
273 | // output value of color
274 | let value = myTheme[i].values[j].value;
275 | // create CSS property with name and value
276 | document.documentElement.style
277 | .setProperty(prop, value);
278 | }
279 | }
280 | ```
281 |
282 | ### React
283 | Create a new Theme component `Theme.js` with your parameters:
284 | ```js
285 | import * as Leo from '@adobe/leonardo-contrast-colors';
286 |
287 | const Theme = () => {
288 | let gray = new Leo.BackgroundColor({
289 | name: 'gray',
290 | colorKeys: ['#cacaca'],
291 | ratios: [2, 3, 4.5, 8]
292 | });
293 |
294 | let blue = new Leo.Color({
295 | name: 'blue',
296 | colorKeys: ['#5CDBFF', '#0000FF'],
297 | ratios: [3, 4.5]
298 | });
299 |
300 | let red = new Leo.Color({
301 | name: 'red',
302 | colorKeys: ['#FF9A81', '#FF0000'],
303 | ratios: [3, 4.5]
304 | });
305 |
306 | const adaptiveTheme = new Leo.Theme({
307 | colors: [
308 | gray,
309 | blue,
310 | red
311 | ],
312 | backgroundColor: gray,
313 | lightness: 97,
314 | contrast: 1,
315 | });
316 |
317 | return adaptiveTheme;
318 | }
319 |
320 | export default Theme;
321 | ```
322 | Then import your Theme component at the top level of your application, and pass the Theme as a property of your app:
323 |
324 | ```js
325 | // index.js
326 | import Theme from './components/Theme';
327 |
328 | ReactDOM.render(
329 | <React.StrictMode>
330 | <App adaptiveTheme={Theme()}/>
331 | </React.StrictMode>,
332 | document.getElementById('root')
333 | );
334 | ```
335 |
336 | In your App.js file, import `useTheme` from `css-vars-hook` and provide the following within your App function in order to format Leonardo's output in the structure required for `css-vars-hook`.
337 | ```js
338 | // App.js
339 | import {useTheme} from 'css-vars-hook';
340 |
341 | function App(props) {
342 | const [lightness, setLightness] = useState(100);
343 | const [contrast, setContrast] = useState(1);
344 |
345 | const _createThemeObject = () => {
346 | let themeObj = {}
347 | props.adaptiveTheme.contrastColors.forEach(color => {
348 | if(color.name) {
349 | let values = color.values;
350 | values.forEach(instance => {
351 | let name = instance.name;
352 | let val = instance.value;
353 | themeObj[name] = val;
354 | });
355 | } else {
356 | // must be the background
357 | let name = 'background'
358 | let val = color.background;
359 | themeObj[name] = val;
360 | }
361 | })
362 | return themeObj;
363 | };
364 |
365 | const theme = useState( _createThemeObject() );
366 |
367 | const {setRef, setVariable} = useTheme(theme);
368 |
369 | return (
370 | <div
371 | className="App"
372 | ref={setRef}
373 | >
374 | </div>
375 | )
376 | }
377 |
378 | ```
379 | To make your application adaptive, include a function for updating your theme before your return function:
380 |
381 | ```js
382 | function _updateColorVariables() {
383 | let themeInstance = _createThemeObject();
384 |
385 | for (const [key, value] of Object.entries( themeInstance )) {
386 | setVariable(key, value);
387 | }
388 | };
389 | // call function to set initial values
390 | _updateColorVariables();
391 | ```
392 |
393 | Finally, reference this function and set the theme parameters when your users interact with slider components (do the same for Contrast):
394 | ```js
395 | <label htmlFor="lightness">
396 | Lightness
397 | </label>
398 | <input
399 | value={lightness}
400 | id="lightness"
401 | type="range"
402 | min={ sliderMin }
403 | max={ sliderMax }
404 | step="1"
405 | onChange={e => {
406 | setLightness(e.target.value)
407 | props.adaptiveTheme.lightness = e.target.value
408 | _updateColorVariables()
409 | }}
410 | />
411 | <label htmlFor="contrast">
412 | Contrast
413 | </label>
414 | <input
415 | value={contrast}
416 | id="contrast"
417 | type="range"
418 | min="0.25"
419 | max="3"
420 | step="0.025"
421 | onChange={e => {
422 | setContrast(e.target.value)
423 | props.adaptiveTheme.contrast = e.target.value
424 | _updateColorVariables()
425 | }}
426 | />
427 |
428 | ```
429 |
430 | ### Dark mode support in React
431 | Include the following in your App.js file to listen for dark mode. This will pass a different lightness value (of your choice) to Leonardo. It's recommended to restrict the lightness range based on mode in order to avoid inaccessible ranges and to provide a better overall experience
432 | ```js
433 | const mq = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
434 | // Update lightness and slider min/max to be conditional:
435 | const [lightness, setLightness] = useState((mq.matches) ? 8 : 100);
436 | const [sliderMin, setSliderMin] = useState((mq.matches) ? 0 : 80);
437 | const [sliderMax, setSliderMax] = useState((mq.matches) ? 30 : 100);
438 |
439 | // Listener to update when user device mode changes:
440 | mq.addEventListener('change', function (evt) {
441 | props.adaptiveTheme.lightness = ((mq.matches) ? 11 : 100)
442 | setLightness((mq.matches) ? 11 : 100)
443 | setSliderMin((mq.matches) ? 0 : 80);
444 | setSliderMax((mq.matches) ? 30 : 100);
445 | });
446 | ```
447 | ---
448 |
449 | ## Why are not all contrast ratios available?
450 | You may notice the tool takes an input (target ratio) but most often outputs a contrast ratio slightly higher. This has to do with the available colors in the RGB color space, and the math associated with calculating these ratios.
451 |
452 | For example let's look at blue and white.
453 | Blue: rgb(0, 0, 255)
454 | White: rgb(255, 255, 255)
455 | Contrast ratio: **8.59**:1
456 |
457 | If we change any one value in the RGB channel for either color, the ratio changes:
458 | Blue: rgb(0, **1**, 255)
459 | White: rgb(255, 255, 255)
460 | Contrast ratio: **8.57**:1
461 |
462 | If 8.58 is input as the target ratio with the starting color of blue, the output will not be exact. This is exaggerated by the various colorspace interpolations.
463 |
464 | Since the WCAG requirement is defined as a *minimum contrast requirement*, it should be fine to generate colors that are a little *more* accessible than the minimum.
465 |
466 |
467 | ---
468 |
469 | ## Chroma.js
470 | This project is currently built using [Chroma.js](https://gka.github.io/chroma.js/) with custom extensions to support[CIE CAM02](https://gramaz.io/d3-cam02/). Additional functionality is added in Leonardo to enhance chroma scales so that they properly order colors by lightness and correct the lightness of the scale based on HSLuv.
471 |
472 | ## Contributing
473 | Contributions are welcomed! Read the [Contributing Guide](../../.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information.
474 |
475 | ## Development
476 |
477 | You can run tests and watch for changes with:
478 |
479 | ```sh
480 | yarn dev
481 | ```
482 |
483 | ## Licensing
484 | This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.