5.58 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import Macroable from '@poppinss/macroable';
2import type { Prompt } from '@poppinss/prompts';
3import type { Colors } from '@poppinss/cliui/types';
4import type { Kernel } from '../kernel.js';
5import type { Flag, Argument, ParsedOutput, UIPrimitives, CommandOptions, CommandMetaData, FlagsParserOptions, ArgumentsParserOptions } from '../types.js';
7 * The base command sets the foundation for defining ace commands.
8 * Every command should inherit from the base command.
9 */
10export declare class BaseCommand extends Macroable {
11 protected kernel: Kernel<any>;
12 protected parsed: ParsedOutput;
13 ui: UIPrimitives;
14 prompt: Prompt;
15 static booted: boolean;
16 /**
17 * Configuration options accepted by the command
18 */
19 static options: CommandOptions;
20 /**
21 * A collection of aliases for the command
22 */
23 static aliases: string[];
24 /**
25 * The command name one can type to run the command
26 */
27 static commandName: string;
28 /**
29 * The command description
30 */
31 static description: string;
32 /**
33 * The help text for the command. Help text can be a multiline
34 * string explaining the usage of command
35 */
36 static help?: string | string[];
37 /**
38 * Registered arguments
39 */
40 static args: Argument[];
41 /**
42 * Registered flags
43 */
44 static flags: Flag[];
45 /**
46 * Define static properties on the class. During inheritance, certain
47 * properties must inherit from the parent.
48 */
49 static boot(): void;
50 /**
51 * Specify the argument the command accepts. The arguments via the CLI
52 * will be accepted in the same order as they are defined.
53 *
54 * Mostly, you will be using the `@args` decorator to define the arguments.
55 *
56 * ```ts
57 * Command.defineArgument('entity', { type: 'string' })
58 * ```
59 */
60 static defineArgument(name: string, options: Partial<Argument> & {
61 type: 'string' | 'spread';
62 }): void;
63 /**
64 * Specify a flag the command accepts.
65 *
66 * Mostly, you will be using the `@flags` decorator to define a flag.
67 *
68 * ```ts
69 * Command.defineFlag('connection', { type: 'string', required: true })
70 * ```
71 */
72 static defineFlag(name: string, options: Partial<Flag> & {
73 type: 'string' | 'boolean' | 'array' | 'number';
74 }): void;
75 /**
76 * Returns the options for parsing flags and arguments
77 */
78 static getParserOptions(options?: FlagsParserOptions): {
79 flagsParserOptions: Required<FlagsParserOptions>;
80 argumentsParserOptions: ArgumentsParserOptions[];
81 };
82 /**
83 * Serializes the command to JSON. The return value satisfies the
84 * {@link CommandMetaData}
85 */
86 static serialize(): CommandMetaData;
87 /**
88 * Validate the yargs parsed output againts the command.
89 */
90 static validate(parsedOutput: ParsedOutput): void;
91 /**
92 * Check if a command has been hypdrated
93 */
94 protected hydrated: boolean;
95 /**
96 * The exit code for the command
97 */
98 exitCode?: number;
99 /**
100 * The error raised at the time of the executing the command.
101 * The value is undefined if no error is raised.
102 */
103 error?: any;
104 /**
105 * The result property stores the return value of the "run"
106 * method (unless commands sets it explicitly)
107 */
108 result?: any;
109 /**
110 * Logger to log messages
111 */
112 get logger(): import("@poppinss/cliui").Logger;
113 /**
114 * Add colors to console messages
115 */
116 get colors(): Colors;
117 /**
118 * Is the current command the main command executed from the
119 * CLI
120 */
121 get isMain(): boolean;
122 /**
123 * Reference to the command name
124 */
125 get commandName(): string;
126 /**
127 * Reference to the command options
128 */
129 get options(): CommandOptions;
130 /**
131 * Reference to the command args
132 */
133 get args(): Argument[];
134 /**
135 * Reference to the command flags
136 */
137 get flags(): Flag[];
138 constructor(kernel: Kernel<any>, parsed: ParsedOutput, ui: UIPrimitives, prompt: Prompt);
139 /**
140 * Hydrate command by setting class properties from
141 * the parsed output
142 */
143 hydrate(): void;
144 /**
145 * The run method should include the implementation for the
146 * command.
147 */
148 run(..._: any[]): Promise<any>;
149 /**
150 * Executes the commands by running the command's run method.
151 */
152 exec(): Promise<any>;
153 /**
154 * JSON representation of the command
155 */
156 toJSON(): {
157 commandName: string;
158 options: CommandOptions;
159 args: any[];
160 flags: {
161 [argName: string]: any;
162 };
163 error: any;
164 result: any;
165 exitCode: number | undefined;
166 };
167 /**
168 * Assert the command exists with a given exit code
169 */
170 assertExitCode(code: number): void;
171 /**
172 * Assert the command exists with a given exit code
173 */
174 assertNotExitCode(code: number): void;
175 /**
176 * Assert the command exists with zero exit code
177 */
178 assertSucceeded(): void;
179 /**
180 * Assert the command exists with non-zero exit code
181 */
182 assertFailed(): void;
183 /**
184 * Assert command to log the expected message
185 */
186 assertLog(message: string, stream?: 'stdout' | 'stderr'): void;
187 /**
188 * Assert command to log the expected message
189 */
190 assertLogMatches(matchingRegex: RegExp, stream?: 'stdout' | 'stderr'): void;
191 /**
192 * Assert the command prints a table to stdout
193 */
194 assertTableRows(rows: string[][]): void;