3.03 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { HttpContext } from '@adonisjs/core/http';
2import type { GuardFactory } from './types.js';
4 * Authenticator is used to authenticate incoming HTTP requests
5 * using one or more known guards.
6 */
7export declare class Authenticator<KnownGuards extends Record<string, GuardFactory>> {
8 #private;
9 /**
10 * Name of the default guard
11 */
12 get defaultGuard(): keyof KnownGuards;
13 /**
14 * Reference to the guard using which the current
15 * request has been authenticated.
16 */
17 get authenticatedViaGuard(): keyof KnownGuards | undefined;
18 /**
19 * A boolean to know if the current request has been authenticated. The
20 * property returns false when "authenticate" or "authenticateUsing"
21 * methods are not used.
22 */
23 get isAuthenticated(): boolean;
24 /**
25 * Reference to the currently authenticated user. The property returns
26 * undefined when "authenticate" or "authenticateUsing" methods are
27 * not used.
28 */
29 get user(): {
30 [K in keyof KnownGuards]: ReturnType<KnownGuards[K]>['user'];
31 }[keyof KnownGuards];
32 /**
33 * Whether or not the authentication has been attempted during
34 * the current request. The property returns false when the
35 * "authenticate" or "authenticateUsing" methods are not
36 * used.
37 */
38 get authenticationAttempted(): boolean;
39 constructor(ctx: HttpContext, config: {
40 default: keyof KnownGuards;
41 guards: KnownGuards;
42 });
43 /**
44 * Returns an instance of the logged-in user or throws an
45 * exception
46 */
47 getUserOrFail(): {
48 [K in keyof KnownGuards]: ReturnType<ReturnType<KnownGuards[K]>['getUserOrFail']>;
49 }[keyof KnownGuards];
50 /**
51 * Returns an instance of a known guard. Guards instances are
52 * cached during the lifecycle of an HTTP request.
53 */
54 use<Guard extends keyof KnownGuards>(guard?: Guard): ReturnType<KnownGuards[Guard]>;
55 /**
56 * Authenticate current request using the default guard. Calling this
57 * method multiple times triggers multiple authentication with the
58 * guard.
59 */
60 authenticate(): Promise<{ [K in keyof KnownGuards]: ReturnType<ReturnType<KnownGuards[K]>["getUserOrFail"]>; }[keyof KnownGuards]>;
61 /**
62 * Silently attempt to authenticate the request using the default
63 * guard. Calling this method multiple times triggers multiple
64 * authentication with the guard.
65 */
66 check(): Promise<boolean>;
67 /**
68 * Authenticate the request using all of the mentioned guards
69 * or the default guard.
70 *
71 * The authentication process will stop after any of the mentioned
72 * guards is able to authenticate the request successfully.
73 *
74 * Otherwise, "E_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS" will be raised.
75 */
76 authenticateUsing(guards?: (keyof KnownGuards)[], options?: {
77 loginRoute?: string;
78 }): Promise<{
79 [K in keyof KnownGuards]: ReturnType<ReturnType<KnownGuards[K]>['getUserOrFail']>;
80 }[keyof KnownGuards]>;