3.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference path="../../adonis-typings/index.d.ts" />
2/// <reference types="node" />
3import { DriveManagerContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive';
4import { MultipartStream, FileValidationOptions } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/BodyParser';
5import { File } from './File';
7 * Part handler handles the progress of a stream and also internally validates
8 * it's size and extension.
9 *
10 * This class offloads the task of validating a file stream, regardless of how
11 * the stream is consumed. For example:
12 *
13 * In classic scanerio, we will process the file stream and write files to the
14 * tmp directory and in more advanced cases, the end user can handle the
15 * stream by themselves and report each chunk to this class.
16 */
17export declare class PartHandler {
18 private part;
19 private options;
20 private drive;
21 /**
22 * The stream buffer reported by the stream consumer. We hold the buffer until are
23 * able to detect the file extension and then buff memory is released
24 */
25 private buff?;
26 /**
27 * A boolean to know if we can use the magic number to detect the file type. This is how it
28 * works.
29 *
30 * - We begin by extracting the file extension from the file name
31 * - If the extension is something we support via magic numbers, then we ignore the extension
32 * and inspect the buffer
33 * - Otherwise, we have no other option than to trust the extension
34 *
35 * Think of this as using the optimal way for validating the file type
36 */
37 private canFileTypeBeDetected;
38 /**
39 * Creating a new file object for each part inside the multipart
40 * form data
41 */
42 file: File;
43 /**
44 * A boolean to know, if we have emitted the error event after one or
45 * more validation errors. We need this flag, since the race conditions
46 * between `data` and `error` events will trigger multiple `error`
47 * emit.
48 */
49 private emittedValidationError;
50 constructor(part: MultipartStream, options: Partial<FileValidationOptions & {
51 deferValidations: boolean;
52 }>, drive: DriveManagerContract);
53 /**
54 * Detects the file type and extension and also validates it when validations
55 * are not deferred.
56 */
57 private detectFileTypeAndExtension;
58 /**
59 * Skip the stream or end it forcefully. This is invoked when the
60 * streaming consumer reports an error
61 */
62 private skipEndStream;
63 /**
64 * Finish the process of listening for any more events and mark the
65 * file state as consumed.
66 */
67 private finish;
68 /**
69 * Start the process the updating the file state
70 * to streaming mode.
71 */
72 begin(): void;
73 /**
74 * Handles the file upload progress by validating the file size and
75 * extension.
76 */
77 reportProgress(line: Buffer, bufferLength: number): Promise<void>;
78 /**
79 * Report errors encountered while processing the stream. These can be errors
80 * apart from the one reported by this class. For example: The `s3` failure
81 * due to some bad credentails.
82 */
83 reportError(error: any): Promise<void>;
84 /**
85 * Report success data about the file.
86 */
87 reportSuccess(data?: {
88 filePath?: string;
89 tmpPath?: string;
90 } & {
91 [key: string]: any;
92 }): Promise<void>;