1 | import type { Make, Hooks, Swaps, Bindings, BindingKey, Constructor, ErrorCreator, BindingValues, ExtractFunctions, ContainerOptions, ContextualBindings, AbstractConstructor } from './types.js';
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15 | export declare class ContainerResolver<KnownBindings extends Record<any, any>> {
16 | #private;
17 | constructor(container: {
18 | bindings: Bindings;
19 | bindingValues: BindingValues;
20 | swaps: Swaps;
21 | hooks: Hooks;
22 | aliases: Map<Partial<keyof KnownBindings>, keyof KnownBindings | AbstractConstructor<any>>;
23 | contextualBindings: Map<Constructor<any>, ContextualBindings>;
24 | }, options: ContainerOptions);
25 | /**
26 | * Find if the resolver has a binding registered using the
27 | * "bind", the "singleton", or the "bindValue" methods.
28 | */
29 | hasBinding<Binding extends keyof KnownBindings>(binding: Binding): boolean;
30 | hasBinding(binding: BindingKey): boolean;
31 | /**
32 | * Find if the resolver has all the bindings registered using the
33 | * "bind", the "singleton", or the "bindValue" methods.
34 | */
35 | hasAllBindings<Binding extends keyof KnownBindings>(bindings: Binding[]): boolean;
36 | hasAllBindings(bindings: BindingKey[]): boolean;
37 | /**
38 | * Resolves binding in context of a parent. The method is same as
39 | * the "make" method, but instead takes a parent class
40 | * constructor.
41 | */
42 | resolveFor<Binding>(parent: unknown, binding: Binding, runtimeValues?: any[], createError?: ErrorCreator): Promise<Make<Binding>>;
43 | /**
44 | * Resolves the binding or constructor a class instance as follows.
45 | *
46 | * - Resolve the binding from the values (if registered)
47 | * - Resolve the binding from the bindings (if registered)
48 | * - If binding is a class, then create a instance of it. The constructor
49 | * dependencies are further resolved as well.
50 | * - All other values are returned as it is.
51 | *
52 | * ```ts
53 | * await resolver.make('route')
54 | * await resolver.make(Database)
55 | * ```
56 | */
57 | make<Binding extends keyof KnownBindings>(binding: Binding, runtimeValues?: any[], createError?: ErrorCreator): Promise<Binding extends string | symbol ? KnownBindings[Binding] : Make<Binding>>;
58 | make<Binding>(binding: Binding, runtimeValues?: any[], createError?: ErrorCreator): Promise<Make<Binding>>;
59 | /**
60 | * Call a method on an object by injecting its dependencies. The method
61 | * dependencies are resolved in the same manner as a class constructor
62 | * dependencies.
63 | *
64 | * ```ts
65 | * await resolver.call(await resolver.make(UsersController), 'index')
66 | * ```
67 | */
68 | call<Value extends Record<any, any>, Method extends ExtractFunctions<Value>>(value: Value, method: Method, runtimeValues?: any[], createError?: ErrorCreator): Promise<ReturnType<Value[Method]>>;
69 | /**
70 | * Register a binding as a value
71 | *
72 | * ```ts
73 | * container.bindValue(Route, new Route())
74 | * ```
75 | */
76 | bindValue<Binding extends keyof KnownBindings>(
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80 | binding: Binding extends string | symbol ? Binding : never, value: KnownBindings[Binding]): void;
81 | bindValue<Binding extends AbstractConstructor<any>>(binding: Binding, value: InstanceType<Binding>): void;
82 | }