1 | declare type Function = (...args: any[]) => any;
2 | export declare type ExtractFunctions<T> = {
3 | [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends Function ? P : never;
4 | }[keyof T];
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 | declare type UnWrapPromise<T> = T extends Promise<infer U> ? U : T;
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 | export declare type BindCallback<ReturnValue extends any, Container extends IocContract> = (container: Container) => ReturnValue;
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 | export declare type FakeCallback<ReturnValue extends any, Container extends IocContract> = (container: Container, originalValue: ReturnValue) => ReturnValue;
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 | export declare type IocResolverLookupNode<Namespace extends string> = {
22 | namespace: Namespace;
23 | type: 'binding' | 'alias';
24 | method: string;
25 | };
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 | export declare type Constructor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 | export declare type PlainConstructor = {
34 | makePlain: true;
35 | };
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 | export interface WithBindings<ContainerBindings extends any> {
40 | <Bindings extends (keyof ContainerBindings)[]>(namespaces: [...Bindings], cb: (...args: {
41 | [M in keyof Bindings]: Bindings[M] extends keyof ContainerBindings ? ContainerBindings[Bindings[M]] : any;
42 | }) => void): void;
43 | <Namespace extends (keyof ContainerBindings | string)[]>(namespaces: readonly [...Namespace], cb: (...args: {
44 | [M in keyof Namespace]: Namespace[M] extends keyof ContainerBindings ? ContainerBindings[Namespace[M]] : any;
45 | }) => void): void;
46 | }
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 | export declare type InferMakeType<T> = T extends string | LookupNode<string> ? any : T extends PlainConstructor ? T : T extends Constructor<infer A> ? A : T;
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 | export declare type LookupNode<Namespace extends string> = {
63 | namespace: Namespace;
64 | type: 'binding' | 'alias';
65 | };
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 | export interface IocContract<ContainerBindings extends any = any> {
70 | |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 | importAliases: {
75 | [alias: string]: string;
76 | };
77 | |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 | useProxies(enable?: boolean): this;
82 | |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 | module: 'cjs' | 'esm';
87 | /**
88 | * Register a binding with a callback. The callback return value will be
89 | * used when binding is resolved
90 | */
91 | bind<Binding extends keyof ContainerBindings>(binding: Binding, callback: BindCallback<ContainerBindings[Binding], this>): this;
92 | bind<Binding extends string>(binding: Binding, callback: BindCallback<Binding extends keyof ContainerBindings ? ContainerBindings[Binding] : any, this>): this;
93 | /**
94 | * Same as the [[bind]] method, but registers a singleton only. Singleton's callback
95 | * is invoked only for the first time and then the cached value is used
96 | */
97 | singleton<Binding extends keyof ContainerBindings>(binding: Binding, callback: BindCallback<ContainerBindings[Binding], this>): this;
98 | singleton<Binding extends string>(binding: Binding, callback: BindCallback<Binding extends keyof ContainerBindings ? ContainerBindings[Binding] : any, this>): this;
99 | /**
100 | * Define an import alias
101 | */
102 | alias(absolutePath: string, alias: string): this;
103 | /**
104 | * Register a fake for a namespace. Fakes works both for "bindings" and "import aliases".
105 | * Fakes only work when proxies are enabled using "useProxies".
106 | */
107 | fake<Namespace extends keyof ContainerBindings>(namespace: Namespace, callback: FakeCallback<ContainerBindings[Namespace], this>): this;
108 | fake<Namespace extends string>(namespace: Namespace, callback: FakeCallback<Namespace extends keyof ContainerBindings ? ContainerBindings[Namespace] : any, this>): this;
109 | /**
110 | * Clear selected or all the fakes. Calling the method with no arguments
111 | * will clear all the fakes
112 | */
113 | restore<Namespace extends keyof ContainerBindings>(namespace?: Namespace): this;
114 | restore(namespace?: string): this;
115 | /**
116 | * Find if a fake has been registered for a given namespace
117 | */
118 | hasFake<Namespace extends keyof ContainerBindings>(namespace: Namespace): boolean;
119 | hasFake(namespace: string): boolean;
120 | /**
121 | * Find if a binding exists for a given namespace
122 | */
123 | hasBinding<Binding extends keyof ContainerBindings>(namespace: Binding): boolean;
124 | hasBinding(namespace: string): boolean;
125 | /**
126 | * Find if a namespace is part of the auto import aliases. Returns false, when namespace
127 | * is an alias path but has an explicit binding too
128 | */
129 | isAliasPath(namespace: string): boolean;
130 | /**
131 | * Lookup a namespace. The output contains the complete namespace,
132 | * along with its type. The type is an "alias" or a "binding".
133 | *
134 | * Null is returned when unable to lookup the namespace inside the container
135 | *
136 | * Note: This method just checks if a namespace is registered or binding
137 | * or can be it resolved from auto import aliases or not. However,
138 | * it doesn't check for the module existence on the disk.
139 | *
140 | * Optionally you can define a prefix namespace
141 | * to be used to build the complete namespace. For example:
142 | *
143 | * - namespace: UsersController
144 | * - prefixNamespace: App/Controllers/Http
145 | * - Output: App/Controllers/Http/UsersController
146 | *
147 | * Prefix namespace is ignored for absolute namespaces. For example:
148 | *
149 | * - namespace: /App/UsersController
150 | * - prefixNamespace: App/Controllers/Http
151 | * - Output: App/UsersController
152 | */
153 | lookup<Namespace extends Extract<keyof ContainerBindings, string>>(namespace: Namespace | LookupNode<Namespace>, prefixNamespace?: string): LookupNode<Namespace>;
154 | lookup<Namespace extends string>(namespace: Namespace | LookupNode<Namespace>, prefixNamespace?: string): Namespace extends keyof ContainerBindings ? LookupNode<Namespace> : LookupNode<string> | null;
155 | /**
156 | * Same as [[lookup]]. But raises exception instead of returning null
157 | */
158 | lookupOrFail<Namespace extends Extract<keyof ContainerBindings, string>>(namespace: Namespace | LookupNode<Namespace>, prefixNamespace?: string): LookupNode<Namespace>;
159 | lookupOrFail<Namespace extends string>(namespace: Namespace | LookupNode<Namespace>, prefixNamespace?: string): Namespace extends keyof ContainerBindings ? LookupNode<Namespace> : LookupNode<string>;
160 | /**
161 | * Resolve a binding by invoking the binding factory function. An exception
162 | * is raised, if the binding namespace is unregistered.
163 | */
164 | resolveBinding<Binding extends Extract<keyof ContainerBindings, string>>(binding: Binding): ContainerBindings[Binding];
165 | resolveBinding<Binding extends string>(namespace: Binding): Binding extends keyof ContainerBindings ? ContainerBindings[Binding] : any;
166 | /**
167 | * Import namespace from the auto import aliases. This method assumes you are
168 | * using native ES modules
169 | */
170 | import(namespace: string): Promise<any>;
171 | /**
172 | * Same as the "import" method, but uses CJS for requiring the module from its
173 | * path
174 | */
175 | require(namespace: string): any;
176 | /**
177 | * The use method looks up a namespace inside both the bindings and the
178 | * auto import aliases
179 | */
180 | use<Binding extends Extract<keyof ContainerBindings, string>>(lookupNode: Binding | LookupNode<Binding>): ContainerBindings[Binding];
181 | use<Binding extends string>(lookupNode: Binding | LookupNode<Binding>): Binding extends keyof ContainerBindings ? ContainerBindings[Binding] : any;
182 | /**
183 | * Same as the [[use]] method, but instead uses ES modules for resolving
184 | * the auto import aliases
185 | */
186 | useAsync<Binding extends Extract<keyof ContainerBindings, string>>(lookupNode: Binding | LookupNode<Binding>): Promise<ContainerBindings[Binding]>;
187 | useAsync<Binding extends string>(lookupNode: Binding | LookupNode<Binding>): Promise<Binding extends keyof ContainerBindings ? ContainerBindings[Binding] : any>;
188 | /**
189 | * Makes an instance of the class by first resolving it.
190 | */
191 | make<Binding extends Extract<keyof ContainerBindings, string>>(lookupNode: Binding | LookupNode<Binding>, args?: any[]): ContainerBindings[Binding];
192 | make<T extends any>(value: T | LookupNode<string>, args?: any[]): T extends keyof ContainerBindings ? ContainerBindings[T] : InferMakeType<T>;
193 | /**
194 | * Same as the [[make]] method, but instead uses ES modules for resolving
195 | * the auto import aliases
196 | */
197 | makeAsync<Binding extends Extract<keyof ContainerBindings, string>>(lookupNode: Binding | LookupNode<Binding>, args?: any[]): Promise<ContainerBindings[Binding]>;
198 | makeAsync<T extends any>(value: T | LookupNode<string>, args?: any[]): Promise<T extends keyof ContainerBindings ? ContainerBindings[T] : InferMakeType<T>>;
199 | /**
200 | * The "withBindings" method invokes the defined callback when it is
201 | * able to resolve all the mentioned bindings.
202 | */
203 | withBindings: WithBindings<ContainerBindings>;
204 | /**
205 | * @deprecated: Use "withBindings" instead
206 | */
207 | with: WithBindings<ContainerBindings>;
208 | /**
209 | * Call a method on an object and automatically inject its depdencies
210 | */
211 | call<T extends any, Method extends ExtractFunctions<T>>(target: T, method: Method, args?: any[]): T[Method] extends Function ? ReturnType<T[Method]> : any;
212 | /**
213 | * Call a method on an object and automatically inject its depdencies
214 | */
215 | callAsync<T extends any, Method extends ExtractFunctions<T>>(target: T, method: Method, args?: any[]): T[Method] extends Function ? Promise<UnWrapPromise<ReturnType<T[Method]>>> : Promise<any>;
216 | /**
217 | * Trap container lookup calls. It includes
218 | *
219 | * - Ioc.use
220 | * - Ioc.useAsync
221 | * - Ioc.make
222 | * - Ioc.makeAsync
223 | * - Ioc.require
224 | * - Ioc.import
225 | * - Ioc.resolveBinding
226 | */
227 | trap(callback: (namespace: string) => any): this;
228 | /**
229 | * Returns the resolver instance to resolve Ioc container bindings with
230 | * little ease. Since, the IocResolver uses an in-memory cache to
231 | * improve the lookup speed, we suggest keeping a reference to
232 | * the output of this method to leverage caching
233 | */
234 | getResolver(fallbackMethod?: string, rcNamespaceKey?: string, fallbackNamespace?: string): IocResolverContract<ContainerBindings>;
235 | }
236 | /**
237 | * IoC resolver allows resolving IoC container bindings by defining
238 | * prefix namespaces
239 | */
240 | export interface IocResolverContract<ContainerBindings extends any> {
241 | |
242 |
243 |
244 | resolve<Namespace extends Extract<keyof ContainerBindings, string>>(namespace: Namespace, prefixNamespace?: string): IocResolverLookupNode<Namespace>;
245 | resolve<Namespace extends string>(namespace: Namespace, prefixNamespace?: string): Namespace extends keyof ContainerBindings ? IocResolverLookupNode<Namespace> : IocResolverLookupNode<string>;
246 | |
247 |
248 |
249 | call<Namespace extends Extract<keyof ContainerBindings, string>>(namespace: Namespace | string, prefixNamespace?: string, args?: any[] | ((instance: any) => any[])): Promise<any>;
250 | call<Namespace extends Extract<keyof ContainerBindings, string>>(namespace: IocResolverLookupNode<Namespace | string>, prefixNamespace: undefined, args?: any[] | ((instance: any) => any[])): Promise<any>;
251 | }
252 | export {};
253 |
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