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1declare module '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Seeder' {
2 import { QueryClientContract, FileNode } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Database';
3 /**
4 * Shape of seeder class
5 */
6 export type SeederConstructorContract = {
7 developmentOnly: boolean;
8 new (client: QueryClientContract): {
9 client: QueryClientContract;
10 run(): Promise<void>;
11 };
12 };
13 /**
14 * Shape of file node returned by the run method
15 */
16 export type SeederFileNode = {
17 status: 'pending' | 'completed' | 'failed' | 'ignored';
18 error?: any;
19 file: FileNode<unknown>;
20 };
21 const BaseSeeder: SeederConstructorContract;
22 export default BaseSeeder;