2.71 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2/// <reference types="@adonisjs/application/build/adonis-typings" />
3declare module '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Migrator' {
4 import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
5 import { ApplicationContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application';
6 import { FileNode, DatabaseContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Database';
7 /**
8 * Options accepted by migrator constructor
9 */
10 export type MigratorOptions = {
11 direction: 'up';
12 connectionName?: string;
13 dryRun?: boolean;
14 disableLocks?: boolean;
15 } | {
16 direction: 'down';
17 batch?: number;
18 connectionName?: string;
19 dryRun?: boolean;
20 disableLocks?: boolean;
21 };
22 /**
23 * Shape of migrated file within migrator
24 */
25 export type MigratedFileNode = {
26 status: 'completed' | 'error' | 'pending';
27 queries: string[];
28 file: FileNode<unknown>;
29 batch: number;
30 };
31 /**
32 * Shape of migrated file within migrator
33 */
34 export type MigrationListNode = {
35 name: string;
36 status: 'pending' | 'migrated' | 'corrupt';
37 batch?: number;
38 migrationTime?: Date;
39 };
40 /**
41 * Shape of the migrator
42 */
43 export interface MigratorContract extends EventEmitter {
44 dryRun: boolean;
45 disableLocks: boolean;
46 version: number;
47 direction: 'up' | 'down';
48 status: 'completed' | 'skipped' | 'pending' | 'error';
49 error: null | Error;
50 migratedFiles: {
51 [file: string]: MigratedFileNode;
52 };
53 run(): Promise<void>;
54 getList(): Promise<MigrationListNode[]>;
55 close(): Promise<void>;
56 on(event: 'start', callback: () => void): this;
57 on(event: 'end', callback: () => void): this;
58 on(event: 'acquire:lock', callback: () => void): this;
59 on(event: 'release:lock', callback: () => void): this;
60 on(event: 'create:schema:table', callback: () => void): this;
61 on(event: 'create:schema_versions:table', callback: () => void): this;
62 on(event: 'upgrade:version', callback: (payload: {
63 from: number;
64 to: number;
65 }) => void): this;
66 on(event: 'migration:start', callback: (file: MigratedFileNode) => void): this;
67 on(event: 'migration:completed', callback: (file: MigratedFileNode) => void): this;
68 on(event: 'migration:error', callback: (file: MigratedFileNode) => void): this;
69 }
70 /**
71 * Migrator class constructor
72 */
73 const Migrator: {
74 new (db: DatabaseContract, app: ApplicationContract, options: MigratorOptions): MigratorContract;
75 };
76 export default Migrator;