3.21 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="googlemaps" />
2import { NgZone } from '@angular/core';
3import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
4import { MapsAPILoader } from './maps-api-loader/maps-api-loader';
6 * Wrapper class that handles the communication with the Google Maps Javascript
7 * API v3
8 */
9export declare class GoogleMapsAPIWrapper {
10 private _loader;
11 private _zone;
12 private _map;
13 private _mapResolver;
14 constructor(_loader: MapsAPILoader, _zone: NgZone);
15 createMap(el: HTMLElement, mapOptions: google.maps.MapOptions): Promise<void>;
16 setMapOptions(options: google.maps.MapOptions): void;
17 /**
18 * Creates a google map marker with the map context
19 */
20 createMarker(options?: google.maps.MarkerOptions, addToMap?: boolean): Promise<google.maps.Marker>;
21 createInfoWindow(options?: google.maps.InfoWindowOptions): Promise<google.maps.InfoWindow>;
22 /**
23 * Creates a google.map.Circle for the current map.
24 */
25 createCircle(options: google.maps.CircleOptions): Promise<google.maps.Circle>;
26 /**
27 * Creates a google.map.Rectangle for the current map.
28 */
29 createRectangle(options: google.maps.RectangleOptions): Promise<google.maps.Rectangle>;
30 createPolyline(options: google.maps.PolylineOptions): Promise<google.maps.Polyline>;
31 createPolygon(options: google.maps.PolygonOptions): Promise<google.maps.Polygon>;
32 /**
33 * Creates a new google.map.Data layer for the current map
34 */
35 createDataLayer(options?: google.maps.Data.DataOptions): Promise<google.maps.Data>;
36 /**
37 * Creates a TransitLayer instance for a map
38 * @returns a new transit layer object
39 */
40 createTransitLayer(): Promise<google.maps.TransitLayer>;
41 /**
42 * Creates a BicyclingLayer instance for a map
43 * @returns a new bicycling layer object
44 */
45 createBicyclingLayer(): Promise<google.maps.BicyclingLayer>;
46 /**
47 * Determines if given coordinates are insite a Polygon path.
48 */
49 containsLocation(latLng: google.maps.LatLng, polygon: google.maps.Polygon): Promise<boolean>;
50 subscribeToMapEvent<N extends keyof google.maps.MapHandlerMap>(eventName: N): Observable<google.maps.MapHandlerMap[N]>;
51 clearInstanceListeners(): void;
52 setCenter(latLng: google.maps.LatLngLiteral): Promise<void>;
53 getZoom(): Promise<number>;
54 getBounds(): Promise<google.maps.LatLngBounds>;
55 getMapTypeId(): Promise<google.maps.MapTypeId>;
56 setZoom(zoom: number): Promise<void>;
57 getCenter(): Promise<google.maps.LatLng>;
58 panTo(latLng: google.maps.LatLng | google.maps.LatLngLiteral): Promise<void>;
59 panBy(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>;
60 fitBounds(latLng: google.maps.LatLngBounds | google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral, padding?: number | google.maps.Padding): Promise<void>;
61 panToBounds(latLng: google.maps.LatLngBounds | google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral, padding?: number | google.maps.Padding): Promise<void>;
62 /**
63 * Returns the native Google Maps Map instance. Be careful when using this instance directly.
64 */
65 getNativeMap(): Promise<google.maps.Map>;
66 /**
67 * Triggers the given event name on the map instance.
68 */
69 triggerMapEvent(eventName: string): Promise<void>;