3.51 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const errors_1 = require("../errors");
4const http_1 = require("../http");
5const util_1 = require("../util");
6const parser_helpers_1 = require("./parser-helpers");
7const type_parser_1 = require("./type-parser");
8function parsePathParams(parameter, typeTable, lociTable) {
9 parameter.getDecoratorOrThrow("pathParams");
10 if (parameter.hasQuestionToken()) {
11 return util_1.err(new errors_1.OptionalNotAllowedError("@pathParams parameter cannot be optional", {
12 file: parameter.getSourceFile().getFilePath(),
13 position: parameter.getQuestionTokenNodeOrThrow().getPos()
14 }));
15 }
16 const pathParamTypeLiteral = parser_helpers_1.getParameterTypeAsTypeLiteralOrThrow(parameter);
17 const pathParams = [];
18 for (const propertySignature of pathParamTypeLiteral.getProperties()) {
19 const pathParamResult = extractPathParam(propertySignature, typeTable, lociTable);
20 if (pathParamResult.isErr())
21 return pathParamResult;
22 pathParams.push(pathParamResult.unwrap());
23 }
24 return util_1.ok(pathParams.sort((a, b) => (b.name > a.name ? -1 : 1)));
26exports.parsePathParams = parsePathParams;
27function extractPathParam(propertySignature, typeTable, lociTable) {
28 var _a;
29 if (propertySignature.hasQuestionToken()) {
30 return util_1.err(new errors_1.OptionalNotAllowedError("@pathParams property cannot be optional", {
31 file: propertySignature.getSourceFile().getFilePath(),
32 position: propertySignature.getQuestionTokenNodeOrThrow().getPos()
33 }));
34 }
35 const nameResult = extractPathParamName(propertySignature);
36 if (nameResult.isErr())
37 return nameResult;
38 const name = nameResult.unwrap();
39 const typeResult = extractPathParamType(propertySignature, typeTable, lociTable);
40 if (typeResult.isErr())
41 return typeResult;
42 const type = typeResult.unwrap();
43 const description = (_a = parser_helpers_1.getJsDoc(propertySignature)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getDescription().trim();
44 return util_1.ok({ name, type, description });
46function extractPathParamName(propertySignature) {
47 const name = parser_helpers_1.getPropertyName(propertySignature);
48 if (!/^[\w-]*$/.test(name)) {
49 return util_1.err(new errors_1.ParserError("@pathParams property name may only contain alphanumeric, underscore and hyphen characters", {
50 file: propertySignature.getSourceFile().getFilePath(),
51 position: propertySignature.getPos()
52 }));
53 }
54 if (name.length === 0) {
55 return util_1.err(new errors_1.ParserError("@pathParams property name must not be empty", {
56 file: propertySignature.getSourceFile().getFilePath(),
57 position: propertySignature.getPos()
58 }));
59 }
60 return util_1.ok(name);
62function extractPathParamType(propertySignature, typeTable, lociTable) {
63 const typeResult = type_parser_1.parseType(propertySignature.getTypeNodeOrThrow(), typeTable, lociTable);
64 if (typeResult.isErr())
65 return typeResult;
66 if (!http_1.isPathParamTypeSafe(typeResult.unwrap(), typeTable)) {
67 return util_1.err(new errors_1.ParserError("path parameter type may only be a URL-safe type, or an array of URL-safe types", {
68 file: propertySignature.getSourceFile().getFilePath(),
69 position: propertySignature.getPos()
70 }));
71 }
72 return typeResult;