6.82 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import path from 'path'
2import preconditions from 'preconditions'
3import webpack from 'webpack'
4import WebpackConfigurationFactory from 'webpack/WebpackConfigurationFactory'
5import WebpackDevServer from 'webpack-dev-server'
6import url from 'url'
8class UniversalWebApplicationSetup {
9 static create (options) {
10 return new UniversalWebApplicationSetup(options)
11 }
13 constructor (options) {
14 let pc = preconditions.instance(options)
15 pc.shouldBeDefined('name', 'Please provide the name of the application.')
16 pc.shouldBeDefined('host', 'Please provide the host of the application.')
17 pc.shouldBeDefined('port', 'Please provide the port of the application.')
18 pc.shouldBeDefined('pingPort', 'Please provide the ping port of the application.')
19 pc.shouldBeDefined('rootProjectPath', 'Please provide the rootProjectPath.')
20 pc.shouldBeDefined('rootDeploymentPath', 'Please provide the rootDeploymentPath.')
21 pc.shouldBeDefined('environment', 'Please provide the environment.')
23 console.log('Application is initializing - ', options.name)
25 this._options = options
27 if (this._options.modules == null || typeof this._options.modules === 'undefined') {
28 this._options.modules = []
29 } else {
30 if (!(this._options.modules instanceof Array)) {
31 this._options.modules = []
32 console.warn('[COMPILER] Omitting modules entry. You should put the modules folder in an array.')
33 }
34 }
36 this._applicationName = options.name
37 this._applicationHost = options.host
39 var rootProjectPath = options.rootProjectPath
40 var rootApplicationPath = path.join(options.rootProjectPath, 'applications', options.name)
42 var rootDeploymentPath = options.rootDeploymentPath
43 var rootDeploymentApplicationPath = path.join(options.rootDeploymentPath, 'applications', options.name)
44 let assetHost = options.assetHost !== null && typeof options.assetHost !== 'undefined' ? options.assetHost : options.host
46 let assetPath = options.assetPath || options.artifactPath || '/assets'
47 assetPath += assetPath[assetPath.length - 1] !== '/' ? '/' : ''
49 let artifactPath = options.artifactPath || options.assetPath || '/assets'
50 artifactPath += artifactPath[artifactPath.length - 1] !== '/' ? '/' : ''
52 console.log('==> rootProjectPath: ', rootProjectPath)
53 console.log('==> rootApplicationPath: ', rootApplicationPath)
54 console.log('==> rootDeploymentPath: ', rootDeploymentPath)
55 console.log('==> rootDeploymentApplicationPath: ', rootDeploymentApplicationPath)
56 console.log('==> supportedLocales: ', options.locales)
57 console.log('==> modules: ', options.modules)
58 console.log('==> logger (default - winston): ', options.loggerOptions ? options.loggerOptions.type : 'default')
60 console.log('==> assetHost: ', assetHost)
61 console.log('==> assetPath (default: /assets): ', assetPath)
62 console.log('==> artifactPath (default: /assets): ', artifactPath)
63 console.log('==> useBuildID (default: false): ', !!options.useBuildID)
65 this._rootProjectPath = rootProjectPath
66 this._rootApplicationPath = rootApplicationPath
67 this._rootDeploymentPath = rootDeploymentPath
68 this._rootDeploymentApplicationPath = rootDeploymentApplicationPath
70 let projectConfigurationOptions = {
71 applicationName: options.name,
72 applicationHost: options.host,
73 // Assets Config
74 applicationAssetHost: assetHost,
75 useBuildID: !!options.useBuildID,
76 assetPath: assetPath,
77 artifactPath: artifactPath,
79 rootProjectPath: rootProjectPath,
80 rootApplicationPath: rootApplicationPath,
81 rootDeploymentPath: rootDeploymentPath,
82 rootDeploymentApplicationPath: rootDeploymentApplicationPath,
83 environment: options.environment,
84 locales: options.locales,
85 port: options.port,
86 pingPort: options.pingPort,
87 modules: options.modules,
88 loggerOptions: options.loggerOptions
89 }
91 let webpackConfigurationOptions = {
92 devPort: options.devPort,
93 ...projectConfigurationOptions
94 }
95 console.log('Building webpack configurations, we will put on some commonly used plugin & configuration.')
96 this._webpackConfigurationFactory = new WebpackConfigurationFactory(webpackConfigurationOptions)
97 this._webpackConfiguration = this._webpackConfigurationFactory.createWebpackConfiguration(webpackConfigurationOptions)
98 this._compiler = this._createWebpackCompiler(this._webpackConfiguration)
99 }
101 run () {
102 if (this._options.environment === 'development') {
103 console.log('[COMPILER] Initiating server compilation')
104 let serverConfiguration = this._webpackConfiguration[0]
105 let serverCompiler = this._createWebpackCompiler(serverConfiguration)
106 serverCompiler.watch({
107 aggregateTimeout: 300,
108 poll: true
109 }, (err, stats) => {
110 if (err) console.error(err)
111 // console.log(stats.toString({ colors: true }))
112 console.log(stats.compilation.errors.toString({ colors: true }))
113 console.log(stats.compilation.warnings.toString({ colors: true }))
114 console.log('[COMPILER] Server compilation finished. Watching for server file changes.')
115 })
117 console.log('[COMPILER] Initiating client compilation using webpack-dev-server')
118 let clientConfiguration = this._webpackConfiguration[1]
119 let clientCompiler = this._createWebpackCompiler(clientConfiguration)
120 let clientDevServer = new WebpackDevServer(clientCompiler, {
121 contentBase: path.join(this._rootApplicationPath, 'build'),
122 hot: true,
123 filename: 'main.js',
124 proxy: {
125 '**': 'http://localhost:' + this._options.port
126 },
127 watchOptions: {
128 aggregateTimeout: 300,
129 poll: 1000
130 },
131 stats: {
132 color: true
133 },
134 publicPath: this._options.assetPath || '/assets',
135 disableHostCheck: true
136 })
137 clientDevServer.listen(this._options.devPort, (err) => {
138 if (err) {
139 console.err('[ERROR]: ', err, err.stack)
140 } else {
141 console.log('\n[COMPILER] webpack-dev-server is listening at port ' + this._options.devPort)
142 console.log('[COMPILER] Client compilation finished. Watching for client file changes.')
143 }
144 })
145 } else {
146 console.log('[COMPILER] Initiating compilation.')
147 this._compiler = this._createWebpackCompiler(this._webpackConfiguration)
148 this._compiler.run((err, stats) => {
149 if (err) console.error(err)
150 console.log(stats.toString({ colors: true }))
151 console.log('[COMPILER] Compilation finished.')
152 })
153 }
154 }
156 _createWebpackCompiler (configuration) {
157 let compiler = webpack(configuration)
158 return compiler
159 }
162export default UniversalWebApplicationSetup