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7 <title>lighter</title>
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19 <h1 class="tc mb0">lighter 🔥</h1>
20 <h5 class="tc mb1">a ridiculously small responsive css framework</h5>
21 <div class="tc">
22 <a class="github-button" href="https://github.com/Alamantus/lighter" data-icon="octicon-star" data-size="large" data-show-count="true" aria-label="Star Alamantus/lighter on GitHub">Star</a>
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26 <p>lighter has two modules: lighter and fuel. Both of them are designed to be as small as possible and easy to extend.</p>
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28 <div class="5 col card tc b-primary">
29 <h4 class="mb1 normal c-primary">lighter</h4>
30 <p>lighter contains all of the basics for a framework, such as a responsive grid, typography, and other elements.</p>
31 <form action="docs/lighter.html">
32 <button class="mt1 btn primary bold" type="submit">Get Started</button>
33 </form>
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35 <div class="5 col card tc b-accent">
36 <h4 class="mb1 normal c-accent">fuel</h4>
37 <p>fuel has many CSS utility classes that can be used to extend lighter, or any CSS framework.</p>
38 <form action="docs/fuel.html">
39 <button class="mt1 btn accent bold" type="submit">Get Started</button>
40 </form>
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