2.47 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const lodash_1 = require("lodash");
4const os_1 = require("os");
5const identity_1 = require("../../commons/identity");
6const travisRelease_1 = require("../../commons/travisRelease");
7const Log_1 = require("../Log");
8const PromptableConfig_1 = require("../PromptableConfig");
9const travis_1 = require("../sync-request/travis/travis");
10exports.options = travisRelease_1.addTravisRelease();
13function handle(c) {
14 if (c.get('skipTravisRelease')) {
15 Log_1.Log.info('Skipping Travis release');
16 return;
17 }
18 Log_1.Log.info('Setting up Travis release');
19 try {
20 const endpoint = c.get('travisEndpoint');
21 const ort = {
22 owner: c.promptedGhUser(),
23 pro: endpoint === travisRelease_1.TravisEndpoint.PRO,
24 repo: c.promptedGhRepo(),
25 token: endpoint === travisRelease_1.TravisEndpoint.PRO ? c.promptedTravisTokenPro() : c.promptedTravisTokenOrg()
26 };
27 travis_1.setStdSettings(ort);
28 const envVarsToSet = {
29 GH_TOKEN: () => c.promptedReleaseGhToken(),
30 GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: () => c.promptedGhEmail(),
31 GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: () => c.promptedName(),
32 GIT_EMAIL: () => c.promptedGhEmail(),
33 GIT_USERNAME: () => c.promptedName(),
34 NPM_TOKEN: () => c.promptedReleaseNpmToken()
35 };
36 lodash_1.forEach(envVarsToSet, (getVarFn, varName) => {
37 if (!travis_1.envVarExists(Object.assign({}, ort, { name: varName }))) {
38 travis_1.setEnvVar(Object.assign({}, ort, {
39 name: varName,
40 public: false,
41 value: getVarFn()
42 }));
43 }
44 });
45 Log_1.Log.success('Set up Travis release');
46 }
47 catch (e) {
48 process.stderr.write((e.stack || e.message || e.toString()) + os_1.EOL + os_1.EOL);
49 const msg = 'travis-ci environment setup failed with the error above. Do you want to still want to continue?';
50 if (PromptableConfig_1.PromptableConfig.readline.keyInYNStrict(msg)) {
51 Log_1.Log.warn('Travis release failed; user chose to continue.');
52 }
53 else {
54 Log_1.Log.err('Travis release failed. Terminating setup.');
55 process.exit(1);
56 }
57 }
59exports.handle = handle;