15.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * amCharts 4 locale
3 *
4 * Locale: fr_FR
5 * Language: French
6 * Author: Willem Serruys
7 *
8 * Follow instructions in [on this page](https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/tutorials/creating-translations/) to make corrections or add new translations.
9 *
10 * ---
11 * Edit but leave the header section above this line. You can remove any
12 * subsequent comment sections.
13 * ---
14 *
15 * Use this file as a template to create translations. Leave the key part in
16 * English intact. Fill the value with a translation.
17 *
18 * Empty string means no translation, so default "International English"
19 * will be used.
20 *
21 * If you need the translation to literally be an empty string, use `null`
22 * instead.
23 *
25 * When translating make good effort to keep the translation length
26 * at least the same chartcount as the English, especially for short prompts.
27 *
28 * Having significantly longer prompts may distort the actual charts.
29 *
30 * NOTE:
31 * Some prompts - like months or weekdays - come in two versions: full and
32 * shortened.
33 *
34 * If there's no official shortened version of these in your language, and it
35 * would not be possible to invent such short versions that don't seem weird
36 * to native speakers of that language, fill those with the same as full
37 * version.
38 *
40 * Some prompts have placeholders like "%1". Those will be replaced by actual
41 * values during translation and should be retained in the translated prompts.
42 *
43 * Placeholder positions may be changed to better suit structure of the
44 * sentence.
45 *
46 * For example "From %1 to %2", when actually used will replace "%1" with an
47 * actual value representing range start, and "%2" will be replaced by end
48 * value.
49 *
50 * E.g. in a Scrollbar for Value axis "From %1 to %2" will become
51 * "From 100 to 200". You may translate "From" and "to", as well as re-arrange
52 * the order of the prompt itself, but make sure the "%1" and "%2" remain, in
53 * places where they will make sense.
54 *
55 * Save the file as language_LOCALE, i.e. `en_GB.ts`, `fr_FR.ts`, etc.
56 */
57export default {
58 // Number formatting options.
59 //
60 // Please check with the local standards which separator is accepted to be
61 // used for separating decimals, and which for thousands.
62 "_decimalSeparator": ",",
63 "_thousandSeparator": " ",
64 // Position of the percent sign in numbers
65 "_percentPrefix": null,
66 "_percentSuffix": "%",
67 // Suffixes for numbers
68 // When formatting numbers, big or small numers might be reformatted to
69 // shorter version, by applying a suffix.
70 //
71 // For example, 1000000 might become "1m".
72 // Or 1024 might become "1KB" if we're formatting byte numbers.
73 //
74 // This section defines such suffixes for all such cases.
75 "_big_number_suffix_3": "k",
76 "_big_number_suffix_6": "M",
77 "_big_number_suffix_9": "G",
78 "_big_number_suffix_12": "T",
79 "_big_number_suffix_15": "P",
80 "_big_number_suffix_18": "E",
81 "_big_number_suffix_21": "Z",
82 "_big_number_suffix_24": "Y",
83 "_small_number_suffix_3": "m",
84 "_small_number_suffix_6": "μ",
85 "_small_number_suffix_9": "n",
86 "_small_number_suffix_12": "p",
87 "_small_number_suffix_15": "f",
88 "_small_number_suffix_18": "a",
89 "_small_number_suffix_21": "z",
90 "_small_number_suffix_24": "y",
91 "_byte_suffix_B": "B",
92 "_byte_suffix_KB": "KB",
93 "_byte_suffix_MB": "MB",
94 "_byte_suffix_GB": "GB",
95 "_byte_suffix_TB": "TB",
96 "_byte_suffix_PB": "PB",
97 // Default date formats for various periods.
98 //
99 // This should reflect official or de facto formatting universally accepted
100 // in the country translation is being made for
101 // Available format codes here:
102 // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/concepts/formatters/formatting-date-time/#Format_codes
103 //
104 // This will be used when formatting date/time for particular granularity,
105 // e.g. "_date_hour" will be shown whenever we need to show time as hours.
106 "_date_millisecond": "mm:ss SSS",
107 "_date_second": "HH:mm:ss",
108 "_date_minute": "HH:mm",
109 "_date_hour": "HH:mm",
110 "_date_day": "dd MMM",
111 "_date_week": "ww",
112 "_date_month": "MMM",
113 "_date_year": "yyyy",
114 // Default duration formats for various base units.
115 //
116 // This will be used by DurationFormatter to format numeric values into
117 // duration.
118 //
119 // Notice how each duration unit comes in several versions. This is to ensure
120 // that each base unit is shown correctly.
121 //
122 // For example, if we have baseUnit set to "second", meaning our duration is
123 // in seconds.
124 //
125 // If we pass in `50` to formatter, it will know that we have just 50 seconds
126 // (less than a minute) so it will use format in `"_duration_second"` ("ss"),
127 // and the formatted result will be in like `"50"`.
128 //
129 // If we pass in `70`, which is more than a minute, the formatter will switch
130 // to `"_duration_second_minute"` ("mm:ss"), resulting in "01:10" formatted
131 // text.
132 //
133 // Available codes here:
134 // https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/concepts/formatters/formatting-duration/#Available_Codes
135 "_duration_millisecond": "SSS",
136 "_duration_millisecond_second": "ss.SSS",
137 "_duration_millisecond_minute": "mm:ss SSS",
138 "_duration_millisecond_hour": "hh:mm:ss SSS",
139 "_duration_millisecond_day": "d'd' mm:ss SSS",
140 "_duration_millisecond_week": "d'd' mm:ss SSS",
141 "_duration_millisecond_month": "M'm' dd'd' mm:ss SSS",
142 "_duration_millisecond_year": "y'y' MM'm' dd'd' mm:ss SSS",
143 "_duration_second": "ss",
144 "_duration_second_minute": "mm:ss",
145 "_duration_second_hour": "hh:mm:ss",
146 "_duration_second_day": "d'd' hh:mm:ss",
147 "_duration_second_week": "d'd' hh:mm:ss",
148 "_duration_second_month": "M'm' dd'd' hh:mm:ss",
149 "_duration_second_year": "y'y' MM'm' dd'd' hh:mm:ss",
150 "_duration_minute": "mm",
151 "_duration_minute_hour": "hh:mm",
152 "_duration_minute_day": "d'd' hh:mm",
153 "_duration_minute_week": "d'd' hh:mm",
154 "_duration_minute_month": "M'm' dd'd' hh:mm",
155 "_duration_minute_year": "y'y' MM'm' dd'd' hh:mm",
156 "_duration_hour": "hh'h'",
157 "_duration_hour_day": "d'd' hh'h'",
158 "_duration_hour_week": "d'd' hh'h'",
159 "_duration_hour_month": "M'm' dd'd' hh'h'",
160 "_duration_hour_year": "y'y' MM'm' dd'd' hh'h'",
161 "_duration_day": "d'd'",
162 "_duration_day_week": "d'd'",
163 "_duration_day_month": "M'm' dd'd'",
164 "_duration_day_year": "y'y' MM'm' dd'd'",
165 "_duration_week": "w'w'",
166 "_duration_week_month": "w'w'",
167 "_duration_week_year": "w'w'",
168 "_duration_month": "M'm'",
169 "_duration_month_year": "y'y' MM'm'",
170 "_duration_year": "y'y'",
171 // Era translations
172 "_era_ad": "AD",
173 "_era_bc": "BC",
174 // Day part, used in 12-hour formats, e.g. 5 P.M.
175 // Please note that these come in 3 variants:
176 // * one letter (e.g. "A")
177 // * two letters (e.g. "AM")
178 // * two letters with dots (e.g. "A.M.")
179 //
180 // All three need to to be translated even if they are all the same. Some
181 // users might use one, some the other.
182 "A": "A",
183 "P": "P",
184 "AM": "AM",
185 "PM": "PM",
186 "A.M.": "A.M.",
187 "P.M.": "P.M.",
188 // Date-related stuff.
189 //
190 // When translating months, if there's a difference, use the form which is
191 // best for a full date, e.g. as you would use it in "2018 January 1".
192 //
193 // Note that May is listed twice. This is because in English May is the same
194 // in both long and short forms, while in other languages it may not be the
195 // case. Translate "May" to full word, while "May(short)" to shortened
196 // version.
197 //
198 // Should month names and weekdays be capitalized or not?
199 //
200 // Rule of thumb is this: if the names should always be capitalized,
201 // regardless of name position within date ("January", "21st January 2018",
202 // etc.) use capitalized names. Otherwise enter all lowercase.
203 //
204 // The date formatter will automatically capitalize names if they are the
205 // first (or only) word in resulting date.
206 "January": "Janvier",
207 "February": "Février",
208 "March": "Mars",
209 "April": "Avril",
210 "May": "Mai",
211 "June": "Juin",
212 "July": "Juillet",
213 "August": "Août",
214 "September": "Septembre",
215 "October": "Octobre",
216 "November": "Novembre",
217 "December": "Décembre",
218 "Jan": "Jan",
219 "Feb": "Fév",
220 "Mar": "Mar",
221 "Apr": "Avr",
222 "May(short)": "Mai",
223 "Jun": "Jui",
224 "Jul": "Jul",
225 "Aug": "Aoû",
226 "Sep": "Sep",
227 "Oct": "Oct",
228 "Nov": "Nov",
229 "Dec": "Déc",
230 // Weekdays.
231 "Sunday": "Dimanche",
232 "Monday": "Lundi",
233 "Tuesday": "Mardi",
234 "Wednesday": "Mercredi",
235 "Thursday": "Jeudi",
236 "Friday": "Vendredi",
237 "Saturday": "Samedi",
238 "Sun": "Dim",
239 "Mon": "Lun",
240 "Tue": "Mar",
241 "Wed": "Mer",
242 "Thu": "Jeu",
243 "Fri": "Ven",
244 "Sat": "Sam",
245 // Date ordinal function.
246 //
247 // This is used when adding number ordinal when formatting days in dates.
248 //
249 // E.g. "January 1st", "February 2nd".
250 //
251 // The function accepts day number, and returns a string to be added to the
252 // day, like in default English translation, if we pass in 2, we will receive
253 // "nd" back.
254 "_dateOrd": function (day) {
255 var res = "e";
256 if ((day < 11) || (day > 13)) {
257 switch (day % 10) {
258 case 1:
259 res = "er";
260 break;
261 }
262 }
263 return res;
264 },
265 // Various chart controls.
266 // Shown as a tooltip on zoom out button.
267 "Zoom Out": "Zoom Arrière",
268 // Timeline buttons
269 "Play": "Joue",
270 "Stop": "Arrête",
271 // Chart's Legend screen reader title.
272 "Legend": "Légende",
273 // Legend's item screen reader indicator.
274 "Click, tap or press ENTER to toggle": "cliquez, appuyez ou appuyez sur entrée pour basculer",
275 // Shown when the chart is busy loading something.
276 "Loading": "Charger",
277 // Shown as the first button in the breadcrumb navigation, e.g.:
278 // Home > First level > ...
279 "Home": "Accueil",
280 // Chart types.
281 // Those are used as default screen reader titles for the main chart element
282 // unless developer has set some more descriptive title.
283 "Chart": "Graphique",
284 "Serial chart": "Graphique sérial",
285 "X/Y chart": "Graphique X/Y",
286 "Pie chart": "Camembert",
287 "Gauge chart": "Jauge graphique",
288 "Radar chart": "Carte radar",
289 "Sankey diagram": "Graphique Sankey",
290 "Flow diagram": "représentation schématique",
291 "Chord diagram": "diagramme d'accord",
292 "TreeMap chart": "carte de l'arbre",
293 "Sliced chart": "graphique en tranches",
294 // Series types.
295 // Used to name series by type for screen readers if they do not have their
296 // name set.
297 "Series": "Séries",
298 "Candlestick Series": "Séries chandelier",
299 "OHLC Series": "Séries OHLC",
300 "Column Series": "Séries de colonnes",
301 "Line Series": "Série de lignes",
302 "Pie Slice Series": "Tarte tranche Séries",
303 "Funnel Series": "Séries d'entonnoir",
304 "Pyramid Series": "Séries pyramidale",
305 "X/Y Series": "Séries X/Y",
306 // Map-related stuff.
307 "Map": "Mappe",
308 "Press ENTER to zoom in": "Appuyez sur ENTER pour zoomer",
309 "Press ENTER to zoom out": "Appuyez sur ENTER pour effectuer un zoom arrière",
310 "Use arrow keys to zoom in and out": "Utilisez les touches fléchées pour zoomer et dézoomer",
311 "Use plus and minus keys on your keyboard to zoom in and out": "Utilisez les touches plus et moins de votre clavier pour effectuer un zoom avant ou arrière",
312 // Export-related stuff.
313 // These prompts are used in Export menu labels.
314 //
315 // "Export" is the top-level menu item.
316 //
317 // "Image", "Data", "Print" as second-level indicating type of export
318 // operation.
319 //
320 // Leave actual format untranslated, unless you absolutely know that they
321 // would convey more meaning in some other way.
322 "Export": "Exporter",
323 "Image": "Image",
324 "Data": "Data",
325 "Print": "Imprimer",
326 "Click, tap or press ENTER to open": "Cliquez, appuyez ou appuyez sur ENTER pour ouvrir",
327 "Click, tap or press ENTER to print.": "Cliquez, appuyez ou appuyez sur ENTER pour imprimer",
328 "Click, tap or press ENTER to export as %1.": "Cliquez, appuyez ou appuyez sur ENTER pour exporter comme %1",
329 'To save the image, right-click this link and choose "Save picture as..."': "Pour enregistrer l'image, cliquez avec le bouton droit sur ce lien et choisissez 'Enregistrer l'image sous ...'",
330 'To save the image, right-click thumbnail on the left and choose "Save picture as..."': "'Pour enregistrer l'image, cliquez sur la vignette à gauche avec le bouton droit de la souris et choisissez 'Enregistrer l'image sous ...'",
331 "(Press ESC to close this message)": "(Appuyez sur ESC pour fermer ce message)",
332 "Image Export Complete": "Exportation d'image terminée",
333 "Export operation took longer than expected. Something might have gone wrong.": "L'exportation a pris plus de temps que prévu. Quelque chose aurait mal tourné.",
334 "Saved from": "Enregistré de",
335 "PNG": "",
336 "JPG": "",
337 "GIF": "",
338 "SVG": "",
339 "PDF": "",
340 "JSON": "",
341 "CSV": "",
342 "XLSX": "",
343 // Scrollbar-related stuff.
344 //
345 // Scrollbar is a control which can zoom and pan the axes on the chart.
346 //
347 // Each scrollbar has two grips: left or right (for horizontal scrollbar) or
348 // upper and lower (for vertical one).
349 //
350 // Prompts change in relation to whether Scrollbar is vertical or horizontal.
351 //
352 // The final section is used to indicate the current range of selection.
353 "Use TAB to select grip buttons or left and right arrows to change selection": "Utilisez la touche TAB pour sélectionner les boutons des poignées ou les flèches gauche et droite pour modifier la sélection.",
354 "Use left and right arrows to move selection": "Utilisez les flèches gauche et droite pour déplacer la sélection",
355 "Use left and right arrows to move left selection": "Utilisez les flèches gauche et droite pour déplacer la sélection gauche",
356 "Use left and right arrows to move right selection": "Utilisez les flèches gauche et droite pour déplacer la sélection droite",
357 "Use TAB select grip buttons or up and down arrows to change selection": "Utilisez les boutons de sélection TAB ou les flèches vers le haut et le bas pour modifier la sélection.",
358 "Use up and down arrows to move selection": "Utilisez les flèches haut et bas pour déplacer la sélection",
359 "Use up and down arrows to move lower selection": "Utilisez les flèches haut et bas pour déplacer la sélection inférieure",
360 "Use up and down arrows to move upper selection": "Utilisez les flèches haut et bas pour déplacer la sélection supérieure",
361 "From %1 to %2": "De %1 à %2",
362 "From %1": "De %1",
363 "To %1": "à %1",
364 // Data loader-related.
365 "No parser available for file: %1": "Aucun analyseur disponible pour le fichier: %1",
366 "Error parsing file: %1": "Erreur d'analyse du fichier: %1",
367 "Unable to load file: %1": "Impossible de charger le fichier: %1",
368 "Invalid date": "Date invalide",
370//# sourceMappingURL=fr_FR.js.map
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