5.25 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3 * @license
4 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
5 *
6 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
7 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
8 */
9Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
10exports.TestProjectHost = void 0;
11const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core");
12const node_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core/node");
13const rxjs_1 = require("rxjs");
14const operators_1 = require("rxjs/operators");
16 * @deprecated
17 */
18class TestProjectHost extends node_1.NodeJsSyncHost {
19 constructor(_templateRoot) {
20 super();
21 this._templateRoot = _templateRoot;
22 this._currentRoot = null;
23 this._scopedSyncHost = null;
24 }
25 root() {
26 if (this._currentRoot === null) {
27 throw new Error('TestProjectHost must be initialized before being used.');
28 }
29 return this._currentRoot;
30 }
31 scopedSync() {
32 if (this._currentRoot === null || this._scopedSyncHost === null) {
33 throw new Error('TestProjectHost must be initialized before being used.');
34 }
35 return this._scopedSyncHost;
36 }
37 initialize() {
38 const recursiveList = (path) => this.list(path).pipe(
39 // Emit each fragment individually.
40 (0, operators_1.concatMap)((fragments) => (0, rxjs_1.from)(fragments)),
41 // Join the path with fragment.
42 (0, operators_1.map)((fragment) => (0, core_1.join)(path, fragment)),
43 // Emit directory content paths instead of the directory path.
44 (0, operators_1.mergeMap)((path) => this.isDirectory(path).pipe((0, operators_1.concatMap)((isDir) => (isDir ? recursiveList(path) : (0, rxjs_1.of)(path))))));
45 // Find a unique folder that we can write to to use as current root.
46 return this.findUniqueFolderPath().pipe(
47 // Save the path and create a scoped host for it.
48 (0, operators_1.tap)((newFolderPath) => {
49 this._currentRoot = newFolderPath;
50 this._scopedSyncHost = new core_1.virtualFs.SyncDelegateHost(new core_1.virtualFs.ScopedHost(this, this.root()));
51 }),
52 // List all files in root.
53 (0, operators_1.concatMap)(() => recursiveList(this._templateRoot)),
54 // Copy them over to the current root.
55 (0, operators_1.concatMap)((from) => {
56 const to = (0, core_1.join)(this.root(), (0, core_1.relative)(this._templateRoot, from));
57 return this.read(from).pipe((0, operators_1.concatMap)((buffer) => this.write(to, buffer)));
58 }), (0, operators_1.map)(() => { }));
59 }
60 restore() {
61 if (this._currentRoot === null) {
62 return rxjs_1.EMPTY;
63 }
64 // Delete the current root and clear the variables.
65 // Wait 50ms and retry up to 10 times, to give time for file locks to clear.
66 return this.exists(this.root()).pipe((0, operators_1.delay)(50), (0, operators_1.concatMap)((exists) => (exists ? this.delete(this.root()) : rxjs_1.EMPTY)), (0, operators_1.retry)(10), (0, operators_1.finalize)(() => {
67 this._currentRoot = null;
68 this._scopedSyncHost = null;
69 }));
70 }
71 writeMultipleFiles(files) {
72 Object.keys(files).forEach((fileName) => {
73 let content = files[fileName];
74 if (typeof content == 'string') {
75 content = core_1.virtualFs.stringToFileBuffer(content);
76 }
77 else if (content instanceof Buffer) {
78 content = content.buffer.slice(content.byteOffset, content.byteOffset + content.byteLength);
79 }
80 this.scopedSync().write((0, core_1.normalize)(fileName), content);
81 });
82 }
83 replaceInFile(path, match, replacement) {
84 const content = core_1.virtualFs.fileBufferToString(this.scopedSync().read((0, core_1.normalize)(path)));
85 this.scopedSync().write((0, core_1.normalize)(path), core_1.virtualFs.stringToFileBuffer(content.replace(match, replacement)));
86 }
87 appendToFile(path, str) {
88 const content = core_1.virtualFs.fileBufferToString(this.scopedSync().read((0, core_1.normalize)(path)));
89 this.scopedSync().write((0, core_1.normalize)(path), core_1.virtualFs.stringToFileBuffer(content.concat(str)));
90 }
91 fileMatchExists(dir, regex) {
92 const [fileName] = this.scopedSync()
93 .list((0, core_1.normalize)(dir))
94 .filter((name) => name.match(regex));
95 return fileName || undefined;
96 }
97 copyFile(from, to) {
98 const content = this.scopedSync().read((0, core_1.normalize)(from));
99 this.scopedSync().write((0, core_1.normalize)(to), content);
100 }
101 findUniqueFolderPath() {
102 // 11 character alphanumeric string.
103 const randomString = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
104 const newFolderName = `test-project-host-${(0, core_1.basename)(this._templateRoot)}-${randomString}`;
105 const newFolderPath = (0, core_1.join)((0, core_1.dirname)(this._templateRoot), newFolderName);
106 return this.exists(newFolderPath).pipe((0, operators_1.concatMap)((exists) => (exists ? this.findUniqueFolderPath() : (0, rxjs_1.of)(newFolderPath))));
107 }
109exports.TestProjectHost = TestProjectHost;