55.4 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"sources":["packages/animations/animations.umd.js"],"names":["global","factory","exports","module","define","amd","self","ng","animations","this","AnimationBuilder","AnimationFactory","scheduleMicroTask","cb","Promise","resolve","then","NoopAnimationPlayer","duration","delay","_onDoneFns","_onStartFns","_onDestroyFns","_started","_destroyed","_finished","parentPlayer","totalTime","prototype","_onFinish","forEach","fn","onStart","push","onDone","onDestroy","hasStarted","init","play","_onStart","triggerMicrotask","_this","pause","restart","finish","destroy","reset","setPosition","position","getPosition","triggerCallback","phaseName","methods","length","AnimationGroupPlayer","_players","players","doneCount","destroyCount","startCount","total","player","_onDestroy","reduce","time","Math","max","p","timeAtPosition","min","beforeDestroy","AUTO_STYLE","animate","timings","styles","type","animateChild","options","animation","steps","group","keyframes","query","selector","sequence","stagger","state","name","style","tokens","offset","transition","stateChangeExpr","expr","trigger","definitions","useAnimation","ɵPRE_STYLE","ɵAnimationGroupPlayer","Object","defineProperty","value"],"mappings":";;;;;CAMC,SAAUA,EAAQC,GACI,iBAAZC,SAA0C,oBAAXC,OAAyBF,EAAQC,SACrD,mBAAXE,QAAyBA,OAAOC,IAAMD,OAAO,sBAAuB,CAAC,WAAYH,GAC9DA,IAAzBD,EAASA,GAAUM,MAAsBC,GAAKP,EAAOO,IAAM,GAAIP,EAAOO,GAAGC,WAAa,KAH3F,CAIEC,KAAM,SAAUP,GAAW,aAgDzB,IAAIQ,EACA,SAASA,MASTC,EACA,SAASA;;;;;;;;AAk2Bb,SAASC,EAAkBC,GACvBC,QAAQC,QAAQ,MAAMC,KAAKH;;;;;;;OAqB/B,IAAII,EAAqC,WACrC,SAASA,EAAoBC,EAAUC,QAClB,IAAbD,IAAuBA,EAAW,QACxB,IAAVC,IAAoBA,EAAQ,GAChCV,KAAKW,WAAa,GAClBX,KAAKY,YAAc,GACnBZ,KAAKa,cAAgB,GACrBb,KAAKc,UAAW,EAChBd,KAAKe,YAAa,EAClBf,KAAKgB,WAAY,EACjBhB,KAAKiB,aAAe,KACpBjB,KAAKkB,UAAYT,EAAWC,EAqDhC,OAnDAF,EAAoBW,UAAUC,UAAY,WACjCpB,KAAKgB,YACNhB,KAAKgB,WAAY,EACjBhB,KAAKW,WAAWU,QAAQ,SAAUC,GAAM,OAAOA,MAC/CtB,KAAKW,WAAa,KAG1BH,EAAoBW,UAAUI,QAAU,SAAUD,GAAMtB,KAAKY,YAAYY,KAAKF,IAC9Ed,EAAoBW,UAAUM,OAAS,SAAUH,GAAMtB,KAAKW,WAAWa,KAAKF,IAC5Ed,EAAoBW,UAAUO,UAAY,SAAUJ,GAAMtB,KAAKa,cAAcW,KAAKF,IAClFd,EAAoBW,UAAUQ,WAAa,WAAc,OAAO3B,KAAKc,UACrEN,EAAoBW,UAAUS,KAAO,aACrCpB,EAAoBW,UAAUU,KAAO,WAC5B7B,KAAK2B,eACN3B,KAAK8B,WACL9B,KAAK+B,oBAET/B,KAAKc,UAAW,GAGpBN,EAAoBW,UAAUY,iBAAmB,WAC7C,IAAIC,EAAQhC,KACZG,EAAkB,WAAc,OAAO6B,EAAMZ,eAEjDZ,EAAoBW,UAAUW,SAAW,WACrC9B,KAAKY,YAAYS,QAAQ,SAAUC,GAAM,OAAOA,MAChDtB,KAAKY,YAAc,IAEvBJ,EAAoBW,UAAUc,MAAQ,aACtCzB,EAAoBW,UAAUe,QAAU,aACxC1B,EAAoBW,UAAUgB,OAAS,WAAcnC,KAAKoB,aAC1DZ,EAAoBW,UAAUiB,QAAU,WAC/BpC,KAAKe,aACNf,KAAKe,YAAa,EACbf,KAAK2B,cACN3B,KAAK8B,WAET9B,KAAKmC,SACLnC,KAAKa,cAAcQ,QAAQ,SAAUC,GAAM,OAAOA,MAClDtB,KAAKa,cAAgB,KAG7BL,EAAoBW,UAAUkB,MAAQ,aACtC7B,EAAoBW,UAAUmB,YAAc,SAAUC,KACtD/B,EAAoBW,UAAUqB,YAAc,WAAc,OAAO,GAEjEhC,EAAoBW,UAAUsB,gBAAkB,SAAUC,GACtD,IAAIC,EAAuB,SAAbD,EAAuB1C,KAAKY,YAAcZ,KAAKW,WAC7DgC,EAAQtB,QAAQ,SAAUC,GAAM,OAAOA,MACvCqB,EAAQC,OAAS,GAEdpC,EAhE6B,GAkFpCqC,EAAsC,WACtC,SAASA,EAAqBC,GAC1B,IAAId,EAAQhC,KACZA,KAAKW,WAAa,GAClBX,KAAKY,YAAc,GACnBZ,KAAKgB,WAAY,EACjBhB,KAAKc,UAAW,EAChBd,KAAKe,YAAa,EAClBf,KAAKa,cAAgB,GACrBb,KAAKiB,aAAe,KACpBjB,KAAKkB,UAAY,EACjBlB,KAAK+C,QAAUD,EACf,IAAIE,EAAY,EACZC,EAAe,EACfC,EAAa,EACbC,EAAQnD,KAAK+C,QAAQH,OACZ,GAATO,EACAhD,EAAkB,WAAc,OAAO6B,EAAMZ,cAG7CpB,KAAK+C,QAAQ1B,QAAQ,SAAU+B,GAC3BA,EAAO3B,OAAO,aACJuB,GAAaG,GACfnB,EAAMZ,cAGdgC,EAAO1B,UAAU,aACPuB,GAAgBE,GAClBnB,EAAMqB,eAGdD,EAAO7B,QAAQ,aACL2B,GAAcC,GAChBnB,EAAMF,eAKtB9B,KAAKkB,UAAYlB,KAAK+C,QAAQO,OAAO,SAAUC,EAAMH,GAAU,OAAOI,KAAKC,IAAIF,EAAMH,EAAOlC,YAAe,GA8E/G,OA5EA2B,EAAqB1B,UAAUC,UAAY,WAClCpB,KAAKgB,YACNhB,KAAKgB,WAAY,EACjBhB,KAAKW,WAAWU,QAAQ,SAAUC,GAAM,OAAOA,MAC/CtB,KAAKW,WAAa,KAG1BkC,EAAqB1B,UAAUS,KAAO,WAAc5B,KAAK+C,QAAQ1B,QAAQ,SAAU+B,GAAU,OAAOA,EAAOxB,UAC3GiB,EAAqB1B,UAAUI,QAAU,SAAUD,GAAMtB,KAAKY,YAAYY,KAAKF,IAC/EuB,EAAqB1B,UAAUW,SAAW,WACjC9B,KAAK2B,eACN3B,KAAKc,UAAW,EAChBd,KAAKY,YAAYS,QAAQ,SAAUC,GAAM,OAAOA,MAChDtB,KAAKY,YAAc,KAG3BiC,EAAqB1B,UAAUM,OAAS,SAAUH,GAAMtB,KAAKW,WAAWa,KAAKF,IAC7EuB,EAAqB1B,UAAUO,UAAY,SAAUJ,GAAMtB,KAAKa,cAAcW,KAAKF,IACnFuB,EAAqB1B,UAAUQ,WAAa,WAAc,OAAO3B,KAAKc,UACtE+B,EAAqB1B,UAAUU,KAAO,WAC7B7B,KAAKiB,cACNjB,KAAK4B,OAET5B,KAAK8B,WACL9B,KAAK+C,QAAQ1B,QAAQ,SAAU+B,GAAU,OAAOA,EAAOvB,UAE3DgB,EAAqB1B,UAAUc,MAAQ,WAAcjC,KAAK+C,QAAQ1B,QAAQ,SAAU+B,GAAU,OAAOA,EAAOnB,WAC5GY,EAAqB1B,UAAUe,QAAU,WAAclC,KAAK+C,QAAQ1B,QAAQ,SAAU+B,GAAU,OAAOA,EAAOlB,aAC9GW,EAAqB1B,UAAUgB,OAAS,WACpCnC,KAAKoB,YACLpB,KAAK+C,QAAQ1B,QAAQ,SAAU+B,GAAU,OAAOA,EAAOjB,YAE3DU,EAAqB1B,UAAUiB,QAAU,WAAcpC,KAAKqD,cAC5DR,EAAqB1B,UAAUkC,WAAa,WACnCrD,KAAKe,aACNf,KAAKe,YAAa,EAClBf,KAAKoB,YACLpB,KAAK+C,QAAQ1B,QAAQ,SAAU+B,GAAU,OAAOA,EAAOhB,YACvDpC,KAAKa,cAAcQ,QAAQ,SAAUC,GAAM,OAAOA,MAClDtB,KAAKa,cAAgB,KAG7BgC,EAAqB1B,UAAUkB,MAAQ,WACnCrC,KAAK+C,QAAQ1B,QAAQ,SAAU+B,GAAU,OAAOA,EAAOf,UACvDrC,KAAKe,YAAa,EAClBf,KAAKgB,WAAY,EACjBhB,KAAKc,UAAW,GAEpB+B,EAAqB1B,UAAUmB,YAAc,SAAUoB,GACnD,IAAIC,EAAiBD,EAAI1D,KAAKkB,UAC9BlB,KAAK+C,QAAQ1B,QAAQ,SAAU+B,GAC3B,IAAIb,EAAWa,EAAOlC,UAAYsC,KAAKI,IAAI,EAAGD,EAAiBP,EAAOlC,WAAa,EACnFkC,EAAOd,YAAYC,MAG3BM,EAAqB1B,UAAUqB,YAAc,WACzC,IAAIoB,E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* @license Angular v8.2.11\n * (c) 2010-2019 Google LLC. https://angular.io/\n * License: MIT\n */\n\n(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('@angular/animations', ['exports'], factory) :\n (global = global || self, factory((global.ng = global.ng || {}, global.ng.animations = {})));\n}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';\n\n /**\n * An injectable service that produces an animation sequence programmatically within an\n * Angular component or directive.\n * Provided by the `BrowserAnimationsModule` or `NoopAnimationsModule`.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n *\n * To use this service, add it to your component or directive as a dependency.\n * The service is instantiated along with your component.\n *\n * Apps do not typically need to create their own animation players, but if you\n * do need to, follow these steps:\n *\n * 1. Use the `build()` method to create a programmatic animation using the\n * `animate()` function. The method returns an `AnimationFactory` instance.\n *\n * 2. Use the factory object to create an `AnimationPlayer` and attach it to a DOM element.\n *\n * 3. Use the player object to control the animation programmatically.\n *\n * For example:\n *\n * ```ts\n * // import the service from BrowserAnimationsModule\n * import {AnimationBuilder} from '@angular/animations';\n * // require the service as a dependency\n * class MyCmp {\n * constructor(private _builder: AnimationBuilder) {}\n *\n * makeAnimation(element: any) {\n * // first define a reusable animation\n * const myAnimation = this._builder.build([\n * style({ width: 0 }),\n * animate(1000, style({ width: '100px' }))\n * ]);\n *\n * // use the returned factory object to create a player\n * const player = myAnimation.create(element);\n *\n * player.play();\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n var AnimationBuilder = /** @class */ (function () {\n function AnimationBuilder() {\n }\n return AnimationBuilder;\n }());\n /**\n * A factory object returned from the `AnimationBuilder`.`build()` method.\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n var AnimationFactory = /** @class */ (function () {\n function AnimationFactory() {\n }\n return AnimationFactory;\n }());\n\n /**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n /**\n * Specifies automatic styling.\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n var AUTO_STYLE = '*';\n /**\n * Creates a named animation trigger, containing a list of `state()`\n * and `transition()` entries to be evaluated when the expression\n * bound to the trigger changes.\n *\n * @param name An identifying string.\n * @param definitions An animation definition object, containing an array of `state()`\n * and `transition()` declarations.\n *\n * @return An object that encapsulates the trigger data.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * Define an animation trigger in the `animations` section of `@Component` metadata.\n * In the template, reference the trigger by name and bind it to a trigger expression that\n * evaluates to a defined animation state, using the following format:\n *\n * `[@triggerName]=\"expression\"`\n *\n * Animation trigger bindings convert all values to strings, and then match the\n * previous and current values against any linked transitions.\n * Booleans can be specified as `1` or `true` and `0` or `false`.\n *\n * ### Usage Example\n *\n * The following example creates an animation trigger reference based on the provided\n * name value.\n * The provided animation value is expected to be an array consisting of state and\n * transition declarations.\n *\n * ```typescript\n * @Component({\n * selector: \"my-component\",\n * templateUrl: \"my-component-tpl.html\",\n * animations: [\n * trigger(\"myAnimationTrigger\", [\n * state(...),\n * state(...),\n * transition(...),\n * transition(...)\n * ])\n * ]\n * })\n * class MyComponent {\n * myStatusExp = \"something\";\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * The template associated with this component makes use of the defined trigger\n * by binding to an element within its template code.\n *\n * ```html\n * <!-- somewhere inside of my-component-tpl.html -->\n * <div [@myAnimationTrigger]=\"myStatusExp\">...</div>\n * ```\n *\n * ### Using an inline function\n * The `transition` animation method also supports reading an inline function which can decide\n * if its associated animation should be run.\n *\n * ```typescript\n * // this method is run each time the `myAnimationTrigger` trigger value changes.\n * function myInlineMatcherFn(fromState: string, toState: string, element: any, params: {[key:\n string]: any}): boolean {\n * // notice that `element` and `params` are also available here\n * return toState == 'yes-please-animate';\n * }\n *\n * @Component({\n * selector: 'my-component',\n * templateUrl: 'my-component-tpl.html',\n * animations: [\n * trigger('myAnimationTrigger', [\n * transition(myInlineMatcherFn, [\n * // the animation sequence code\n * ]),\n * ])\n * ]\n * })\n * class MyComponent {\n * myStatusExp = \"yes-please-animate\";\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * ### Disabling Animations\n * When true, the special animation control binding `@.disabled` binding prevents\n * all animations from rendering.\n * Place the `@.disabled` binding on an element to disable\n * animations on the element itself, as well as any inner animation triggers\n * within the element.\n *\n * The following example shows how to use this feature:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * @Component({\n * selector: 'my-component',\n * template: `\n * <div [@.disabled]=\"isDisabled\">\n * <div [@childAnimation]=\"exp\"></div>\n * </div>\n * `,\n * animations: [\n * trigger(\"childAnimation\", [\n * // ...\n * ])\n * ]\n * })\n * class MyComponent {\n * isDisabled = true;\n * exp = '...';\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * When `@.disabled` is true, it prevents the `@childAnimation` trigger from animating,\n * along with any inner animations.\n *\n * ### Disable animations application-wide\n * When an area of the template is set to have animations disabled,\n * **all** inner components have their animations disabled as well.\n * This means that you can disable all animations for an app\n * by placing a host binding set on `@.disabled` on the topmost Angular component.\n *\n * ```typescript\n * import {Component, HostBinding} from '@angular/core';\n *\n * @Component({\n * selector: 'app-component',\n * templateUrl: 'app.component.html',\n * })\n * class AppComponent {\n * @HostBinding('@.disabled')\n * public animationsDisabled = true;\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * ### Overriding disablement of inner animations\n * Despite inner animations being disabled, a parent animation can `query()`\n * for inner elements located in disabled areas of the template and still animate\n * them if needed. This is also the case for when a sub animation is\n * queried by a parent and then later animated using `animateChild()`.\n *\n * ### Detecting when an animation is disabled\n * If a region of the DOM (or the entire application) has its animations disabled, the animation\n * trigger callbacks still fire, but for zero seconds. When the callback fires, it provides\n * an instance of an `AnimationEvent`. If animations are disabled,\n * the `.disabled` flag on the event is true.\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n function trigger(name, definitions) {\n return { type: 7 /* Trigger */, name: name, definitions: definitions, options: {} };\n }\n /**\n * Defines an animation step that combines styling information with timing information.\n *\n * @param timings Sets `AnimateTimings` for the parent animation.\n * A string in the format \"duration [delay] [easing]\".\n * - Duration and delay are expressed as a number and optional time unit,\n * such as \"1s\" or \"10ms\" for one second and 10 milliseconds, respectively.\n * The default unit is milliseconds.\n * - The easing value controls how the animation accelerates and decelerates\n * during its runtime. Value is one of `ease`, `ease-in`, `ease-out`,\n * `ease-in-out`, or a `cubic-bezier()` function call.\n * If not supplied, no easing is applied.\n *\n * For example, the string \"1s 100ms ease-out\" specifies a duration of\n * 1000 milliseconds, and delay of 100 ms, and the \"ease-out\" easing style,\n * which decelerates near the end of the duration.\n * @param styles Sets AnimationStyles for the parent animation.\n * A function call to either `style()` or `keyframes()`\n * that returns a collection of CSS style entries to be applied to the parent animation.\n * When null, uses the styles from the destination state.\n * This is useful when describing an animation step that will complete an animation;\n * see \"Animating to the final state\" in `transitions()`.\n * @returns An object that encapsulates the animation step.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * Call within an animation `sequence()`, `{@link animations/group group()}`, or\n * `transition()` call to specify an animation step\n * that applies given style data to the parent animation for a given amount of time.\n *\n * ### Syntax Examples\n * **Timing examples**\n *\n * The following examples show various `timings` specifications.\n * - `animate(500)` : Duration is 500 milliseconds.\n * - `animate(\"1s\")` : Duration is 1000 milliseconds.\n * - `animate(\"100ms 0.5s\")` : Duration is 100 milliseconds, delay is 500 milliseconds.\n * - `animate(\"5s ease-in\")` : Duration is 5000 milliseconds, easing in.\n * - `animate(\"5s 10ms cubic-bezier(.17,.67,.88,.1)\")` : Duration is 5000 milliseconds, delay is 10\n * milliseconds, easing according to a bezier curve.\n *\n * **Style examples**\n *\n * The following example calls `style()` to set a single CSS style.\n * ```typescript\n * animate(500, style({ background: \"red\" }))\n * ```\n * The following example calls `keyframes()` to set a CSS style\n * to different values for successive keyframes.\n * ```typescript\n * animate(500, keyframes(\n * [\n * style({ background: \"blue\" })),\n * style({ background: \"red\" }))\n * ])\n * ```\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n function animate(timings, styles) {\n if (styles === void 0) { styles = null; }\n return { type: 4 /* Animate */, styles: styles, timings: timings };\n }\n /**\n * @description Defines a list of animation steps to be run in parallel.\n *\n * @param steps An array of animation step objects.\n * - When steps are defined by `style()` or `animate()`\n * function calls, each call within the group is executed instantly.\n * - To specify offset styles to be applied at a later time, define steps with\n * `keyframes()`, or use `animate()` calls with a delay value.\n * For example:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * group([\n * animate(\"1s\", style({ background: \"black\" })),\n * animate(\"2s\", style({ color: \"white\" }))\n * ])\n * ```\n *\n * @param options An options object containing a delay and\n * developer-defined parameters that provide styling defaults and\n * can be overridden on invocation.\n *\n * @return An object that encapsulates the group data.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * Grouped animations are useful when a series of styles must be\n * animated at different starting times and closed off at different ending times.\n *\n * When called within a `sequence()` or a\n * `transition()` call, does not continue to the next\n * instruction until all of the inner animation steps have completed.\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n function group(steps, options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = null; }\n return { type: 3 /* Group */, steps: steps, options: options };\n }\n /**\n * Defines a list of animation steps to be run sequentially, one by one.\n *\n * @param steps An array of animation step objects.\n * - Steps defined by `style()` calls apply the styling data immediately.\n * - Steps defined by `animate()` calls apply the styling data over time\n * as specified by the timing data.\n *\n * ```typescript\n * sequence([\n * style({ opacity: 0 }),\n * animate(\"1s\", style({ opacity: 1 }))\n * ])\n * ```\n *\n * @param options An options object containing a delay and\n * developer-defined parameters that provide styling defaults and\n * can be overridden on invocation.\n *\n * @return An object that encapsulates the sequence data.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * When you pass an array of steps to a\n * `transition()` call, the steps run sequentially by default.\n * Compare this to the `{@link animations/group group()}` call, which runs animation steps in parallel.\n *\n * When a sequence is used within a `{@link animations/group group()}` or a `transition()` call,\n * execution continues to the next instruction only after each of the inner animation\n * steps have completed.\n *\n * @publicApi\n **/\n function sequence(steps, options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = null; }\n return { type: 2 /* Sequence */, steps: steps, options: options };\n }\n /**\n * Declares a key/value object containing CSS properties/styles that\n * can then be used for an animation `state`, within an animation `sequence`,\n * or as styling data for calls to `animate()` and `keyframes()`.\n *\n * @param tokens A set of CSS styles or HTML styles associated with an animation state.\n * The value can be any of the following:\n * - A key-value style pair associating a CSS property with a value.\n * - An array of key-value style pairs.\n * - An asterisk (*), to use auto-styling, where styles are derived from the element\n * being animated and applied to the animation when it starts.\n *\n * Auto-styling can be used to define a state that depends on layout or other\n * environmental factors.\n *\n * @return An object that encapsulates the style data.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * The following examples create animation styles that collect a set of\n * CSS property values:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * // string values for CSS properties\n * style({ background: \"red\", color: \"blue\" })\n *\n * // numerical pixel values\n * style({ width: 100, height: 0 })\n * ```\n *\n * The following example uses auto-styling to allow a component to animate from\n * a height of 0 up to the height of the parent element:\n *\n * ```\n * style({ height: 0 }),\n * animate(\"1s\", style({ height: \"*\" }))\n * ```\n *\n * @publicApi\n **/\n function style(tokens) {\n return { type: 6 /* Style */, styles: tokens, offset: null };\n }\n /**\n * Declares an animation state within a trigger attached to an element.\n *\n * @param name One or more names for the defined state in a comma-separated string.\n * The following reserved state names can be supplied to define a style for specific use\n * cases:\n *\n * - `void` You can associate styles with this name to be used when\n * the element is detached from the application. For example, when an `ngIf` evaluates\n * to false, the state of the associated element is void.\n * - `*` (asterisk) Indicates the default state. You can associate styles with this name\n * to be used as the fallback when the state that is being animated is not declared\n * within the trigger.\n *\n * @param styles A set of CSS styles associated with this state, created using the\n * `style()` function.\n * This set of styles persists on the element once the state has been reached.\n * @param options Parameters that can be passed to the state when it is invoked.\n * 0 or more key-value pairs.\n * @return An object that encapsulates the new state data.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * Use the `trigger()` function to register states to an animation trigger.\n * Use the `transition()` function to animate between states.\n * When a state is active within a component, its associated styles persist on the element,\n * even when the animation ends.\n *\n * @publicApi\n **/\n function state(name, styles, options) {\n return { type: 0 /* State */, name: name, styles: styles, options: options };\n }\n /**\n * Defines a set of animation styles, associating each style with an optional `offset` value.\n *\n * @param steps A set of animation styles with optional offset data.\n * The optional `offset` value for a style specifies a percentage of the total animation\n * time at which that style is applied.\n * @returns An object that encapsulates the keyframes data.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * Use with the `animate()` call. Instead of applying animations\n * from the current state\n * to the destination state, keyframes describe how each style entry is applied and at what point\n * within the animation arc.\n * Compare [CSS Keyframe Animations](https://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_animations.asp).\n *\n * ### Usage\n *\n * In the following example, the offset values describe\n * when each `backgroundColor` value is applied. The color is red at the start, and changes to\n * blue when 20% of the total time has elapsed.\n *\n * ```typescript\n * // the provided offset values\n * animate(\"5s\", keyframes([\n * style({ backgroundColor: \"red\", offset: 0 }),\n * style({ backgroundColor: \"blue\", offset: 0.2 }),\n * style({ backgroundColor: \"orange\", offset: 0.3 }),\n * style({ backgroundColor: \"black\", offset: 1 })\n * ]))\n * ```\n *\n * If there are no `offset` values specified in the style entries, the offsets\n * are calculated automatically.\n *\n * ```typescript\n * animate(\"5s\", keyframes([\n * style({ backgroundColor: \"red\" }) // offset = 0\n * style({ backgroundColor: \"blue\" }) // offset = 0.33\n * style({ backgroundColor: \"orange\" }) // offset = 0.66\n * style({ backgroundColor: \"black\" }) // offset = 1\n * ]))\n *```\n\n * @publicApi\n */\n function keyframes(steps) {\n return { type: 5 /* Keyframes */, steps: steps };\n }\n /**\n * Declares an animation transition as a sequence of animation steps to run when a given\n * condition is satisfied. The condition is a Boolean expression or function that compares\n * the previous and current animation states, and returns true if this transition should occur.\n * When the state criteria of a defined transition are met, the associated animation is\n * triggered.\n *\n * @param stateChangeExpr A Boolean expression or function that compares the previous and current\n * animation states, and returns true if this transition should occur. Note that \"true\" and \"false\"\n * match 1 and 0, respectively. An expression is evaluated each time a state change occurs in the\n * animation trigger element.\n * The animation steps run when the expression evaluates to true.\n *\n * - A state-change string takes the form \"state1 => state2\", where each side is a defined animation\n * state, or an asterix (*) to refer to a dynamic start or end state.\n * - The expression string can contain multiple comma-separated statements;\n * for example \"state1 => state2, state3 => state4\".\n * - Special values `:enter` and `:leave` initiate a transition on the entry and exit states,\n * equivalent to \"void => *\" and \"* => void\".\n * - Special values `:increment` and `:decrement` initiate a transition when a numeric value has\n * increased or decreased in value.\n * - A function is executed each time a state change occurs in the animation trigger element.\n * The animation steps run when the function returns true.\n *\n * @param steps One or more animation objects, as returned by the `animate()` or\n * `sequence()` function, that form a transformation from one state to another.\n * A sequence is used by default when you pass an array.\n * @param options An options object that can contain a delay value for the start of the animation,\n * and additional developer-defined parameters. Provided values for additional parameters are used\n * as defaults, and override values can be passed to the caller on invocation.\n * @returns An object that encapsulates the transition data.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * The template associated with a component binds an animation trigger to an element.\n *\n * ```HTML\n * <!-- somewhere inside of my-component-tpl.html -->\n * <div [@myAnimationTrigger]=\"myStatusExp\">...</div>\n * ```\n *\n * All transitions are defined within an animation trigger,\n * along with named states that the transitions change to and from.\n *\n * ```typescript\n * trigger(\"myAnimationTrigger\", [\n * // define states\n * state(\"on\", style({ background: \"green\" })),\n * state(\"off\", style({ background: \"grey\" })),\n * ...]\n * ```\n *\n * Note that when you call the `sequence()` function within a `{@link animations/group group()}`\n * or a `transition()` call, execution does not continue to the next instruction\n * until each of the inner animation steps have completed.\n *\n * ### Syntax examples\n *\n * The following examples define transitions between the two defined states (and default states),\n * using various options:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * // Transition occurs when the state value\n * // bound to \"myAnimationTrigger\" changes from \"on\" to \"off\"\n * transition(\"on => off\", animate(500))\n * // Run the same animation for both directions\n * transition(\"on <=> off\", animate(500))\n * // Define multiple state-change pairs separated by commas\n * transition(\"on => off, off => void\", animate(500))\n * ```\n *\n * ### Special values for state-change expressions\n *\n * - Catch-all state change for when an element is inserted into the page and the\n * destination state is unknown:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * transition(\"void => *\", [\n * style({ opacity: 0 }),\n * animate(500)\n * ])\n * ```\n *\n * - Capture a state change between any states:\n *\n * `transition(\"* => *\", animate(\"1s 0s\"))`\n *\n * - Entry and exit transitions:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * transition(\":enter\", [\n * style({ opacity: 0 }),\n * animate(500, style({ opacity: 1 }))\n * ]),\n * transition(\":leave\", [\n * animate(500, style({ opacity: 0 }))\n * ])\n * ```\n *\n * - Use `:increment` and `:decrement` to initiate transitions:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * transition(\":increment\", group([\n * query(':enter', [\n * style({ left: '100%' }),\n * animate('0.5s ease-out', style('*'))\n * ]),\n * query(':leave', [\n * animate('0.5s ease-out', style({ left: '-100%' }))\n * ])\n * ]))\n *\n * transition(\":decrement\", group([\n * query(':enter', [\n * style({ left: '100%' }),\n * animate('0.5s ease-out', style('*'))\n * ]),\n * query(':leave', [\n * animate('0.5s ease-out', style({ left: '-100%' }))\n * ])\n * ]))\n * ```\n *\n * ### State-change functions\n *\n * Here is an example of a `fromState` specified as a state-change function that invokes an\n * animation when true:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * transition((fromState, toState) =>\n * {\n * return fromState == \"off\" && toState == \"on\";\n * },\n * animate(\"1s 0s\"))\n * ```\n *\n * ### Animating to the final state\n *\n * If the final step in a transition is a call to `animate()` that uses a timing value\n * with no style data, that step is automatically considered the final animation arc,\n * for the element to reach the final state. Angular automatically adds or removes\n * CSS styles to ensure that the element is in the correct final state.\n *\n * The following example defines a transition that starts by hiding the element,\n * then makes sure that it animates properly to whatever state is currently active for trigger:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * transition(\"void => *\", [\n * style({ opacity: 0 }),\n * animate(500)\n * ])\n * ```\n * ### Boolean value matching\n * If a trigger binding value is a Boolean, it can be matched using a transition expression\n * that compares true and false or 1 and 0. For example:\n *\n * ```\n * // in the template\n * <div [@openClose]=\"open ? true : false\">...</div>\n * // in the component metadata\n * trigger('openClose', [\n * state('true', style({ height: '*' })),\n * state('false', style({ height: '0px' })),\n * transition('false <=> true', animate(500))\n * ])\n * ```\n *\n * @publicApi\n **/\n function transition(stateChangeExpr, steps, options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = null; }\n return { type: 1 /* Transition */, expr: stateChangeExpr, animation: steps, options: options };\n }\n /**\n * Produces a reusable animation that can be invoked in another animation or sequence,\n * by calling the `useAnimation()` function.\n *\n * @param steps One or more animation objects, as returned by the `animate()`\n * or `sequence()` function, that form a transformation from one state to another.\n * A sequence is used by default when you pass an array.\n * @param options An options object that can contain a delay value for the start of the\n * animation, and additional developer-defined parameters.\n * Provided values for additional parameters are used as defaults,\n * and override values can be passed to the caller on invocation.\n * @returns An object that encapsulates the animation data.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * The following example defines a reusable animation, providing some default parameter\n * values.\n *\n * ```typescript\n * var fadeAnimation = animation([\n * style({ opacity: '{{ start }}' }),\n * animate('{{ time }}',\n * style({ opacity: '{{ end }}'}))\n * ],\n * { params: { time: '1000ms', start: 0, end: 1 }});\n * ```\n *\n * The following invokes the defined animation with a call to `useAnimation()`,\n * passing in override parameter values.\n *\n * ```js\n * useAnimation(fadeAnimation, {\n * params: {\n * time: '2s',\n * start: 1,\n * end: 0\n * }\n * })\n * ```\n *\n * If any of the passed-in parameter values are missing from this call,\n * the default values are used. If one or more parameter values are missing before a step is\n * animated, `useAnimation()` throws an error.\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n function animation(steps, options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = null; }\n return { type: 8 /* Reference */, animation: steps, options: options };\n }\n /**\n * Executes a queried inner animation element within an animation sequence.\n *\n * @param options An options object that can contain a delay value for the start of the\n * animation, and additional override values for developer-defined parameters.\n * @return An object that encapsulates the child animation data.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * Each time an animation is triggered in Angular, the parent animation\n * has priority and any child animations are blocked. In order\n * for a child animation to run, the parent animation must query each of the elements\n * containing child animations, and run them using this function.\n *\n * Note that this feature is designed to be used with `query()` and it will only work\n * with animations that are assigned using the Angular animation library. CSS keyframes\n * and transitions are not handled by this API.\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n function animateChild(options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = null; }\n return { type: 9 /* AnimateChild */, options: options };\n }\n /**\n * Starts a reusable animation that is created using the `animation()` function.\n *\n * @param animation The reusable animation to start.\n * @param options An options object that can contain a delay value for the start of\n * the animation, and additional override values for developer-defined parameters.\n * @return An object that contains the animation parameters.\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n function useAnimation(animation, options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = null; }\n return { type: 10 /* AnimateRef */, animation: animation, options: options };\n }\n /**\n * Finds one or more inner elements within the current element that is\n * being animated within a sequence. Use with `animate()`.\n *\n * @param selector The element to query, or a set of elements that contain Angular-specific\n * characteristics, specified with one or more of the following tokens.\n * - `query(\":enter\")` or `query(\":leave\")` : Query for newly inserted/removed elements.\n * - `query(\":animating\")` : Query all currently animating elements.\n * - `query(\"@triggerName\")` : Query elements that contain an animation trigger.\n * - `query(\"@*\")` : Query all elements that contain an animation triggers.\n * - `query(\":self\")` : Include the current element into the animation sequence.\n *\n * @param animation One or more animation steps to apply to the queried element or elements.\n * An array is treated as an animation sequence.\n * @param options An options object. Use the 'limit' field to limit the total number of\n * items to collect.\n * @return An object that encapsulates the query data.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * Tokens can be merged into a combined query selector string. For example:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * query(':self, .record:enter, .record:leave, @subTrigger', [...])\n * ```\n *\n * The `query()` function collects multiple elements and works internally by using\n * `element.querySelectorAll`. Use the `limit` field of an options object to limit\n * the total number of items to be collected. For example:\n *\n * ```js\n * query('div', [\n * animate(...),\n * animate(...)\n * ], { limit: 1 })\n * ```\n *\n * By default, throws an error when zero items are found. Set the\n * `optional` flag to ignore this error. For example:\n *\n * ```js\n * query('.some-element-that-may-not-be-there', [\n * animate(...),\n * animate(...)\n * ], { optional: true })\n * ```\n *\n * ### Usage Example\n *\n * The following example queries for inner elements and animates them\n * individually using `animate()`.\n *\n * ```typescript\n * @Component({\n * selector: 'inner',\n * template: `\n * <div [@queryAnimation]=\"exp\">\n * <h1>Title</h1>\n * <div class=\"content\">\n * Blah blah blah\n * </div>\n * </div>\n * `,\n * animations: [\n * trigger('queryAnimation', [\n * transition('* => goAnimate', [\n * // hide the inner elements\n * query('h1', style({ opacity: 0 })),\n * query('.content', style({ opacity: 0 })),\n *\n * // animate the inner elements in, one by one\n * query('h1', animate(1000, style({ opacity: 1 }))),\n * query('.content', animate(1000, style({ opacity: 1 }))),\n * ])\n * ])\n * ]\n * })\n * class Cmp {\n * exp = '';\n *\n * goAnimate() {\n * this.exp = 'goAnimate';\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n function query(selector, animation, options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = null; }\n return { type: 11 /* Query */, selector: selector, animation: animation, options: options };\n }\n /**\n * Use within an animation `query()` call to issue a timing gap after\n * each queried item is animated.\n *\n * @param timings A delay value.\n * @param animation One ore more animation steps.\n * @returns An object that encapsulates the stagger data.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * In the following example, a container element wraps a list of items stamped out\n * by an `ngFor`. The container element contains an animation trigger that will later be set\n * to query for each of the inner items.\n *\n * Each time items are added, the opacity fade-in animation runs,\n * and each removed item is faded out.\n * When either of these animations occur, the stagger effect is\n * applied after each item's animation is started.\n *\n * ```html\n * <!-- list.component.html -->\n * <button (click)=\"toggle()\">Show / Hide Items</button>\n * <hr />\n * <div [@listAnimation]=\"items.length\">\n * <div *ngFor=\"let item of items\">\n * {{ item }}\n * </div>\n * </div>\n * ```\n *\n * Here is the component code:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * import {trigger, transition, style, animate, query, stagger} from '@angular/animations';\n * @Component({\n * templateUrl: 'list.component.html',\n * animations: [\n * trigger('listAnimation', [\n * ...\n * ])\n * ]\n * })\n * class ListComponent {\n * items = [];\n *\n * showItems() {\n * this.items = [0,1,2,3,4];\n * }\n *\n * hideItems() {\n * this.items = [];\n * }\n *\n * toggle() {\n * this.items.length ? this.hideItems() : this.showItems();\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Here is the animation trigger code:\n *\n * ```typescript\n * trigger('listAnimation', [\n * transition('* => *', [ // each time the binding value changes\n * query(':leave', [\n * stagger(100, [\n * animate('0.5s', style({ opacity: 0 }))\n * ])\n * ]),\n * query(':enter', [\n * style({ opacity: 0 }),\n * stagger(100, [\n * animate('0.5s', style({ opacity: 1 }))\n * ])\n * ])\n * ])\n * ])\n * ```\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n function stagger(timings, animation) {\n return { type: 12 /* Stagger */, timings: timings, animation: animation };\n }\n\n /**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n function scheduleMicroTask(cb) {\n Promise.resolve(null).then(cb);\n }\n\n /**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n /**\n * An empty programmatic controller for reusable animations.\n * Used internally when animations are disabled, to avoid\n * checking for the null case when an animation player is expected.\n *\n * @see `animate()`\n * @see `AnimationPlayer`\n * @see `GroupPlayer`\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\n var NoopAnimationPlayer = /** @class */ (function () {\n function NoopAnimationPlayer(duration, delay) {\n if (duration === void 0) { duration = 0; }\n if (delay === void 0) { delay = 0; }\n this._onDoneFns = [];\n this._onStartFns = [];\n this._onDestroyFns = [];\n this._started = false;\n this._destroyed = false;\n this._finished = false;\n this.parentPlayer = null;\n this.totalTime = duration + delay;\n }\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype._onFinish = function () {\n if (!this._finished) {\n this._finished = true;\n this._onDoneFns.forEach(function (fn) { return fn(); });\n this._onDoneFns = [];\n }\n };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.onStart = function (fn) { this._onStartFns.push(fn); };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.onDone = function (fn) { this._onDoneFns.push(fn); };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.onDestroy = function (fn) { this._onDestroyFns.push(fn); };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.hasStarted = function () { return this._started; };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.init = function () { };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.play = function () {\n if (!this.hasStarted()) {\n this._onStart();\n this.triggerMicrotask();\n }\n this._started = true;\n };\n /** @internal */\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.triggerMicrotask = function () {\n var _this = this;\n scheduleMicroTask(function () { return _this._onFinish(); });\n };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype._onStart = function () {\n this._onStartFns.forEach(function (fn) { return fn(); });\n this._onStartFns = [];\n };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.pause = function () { };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.restart = function () { };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.finish = function () { this._onFinish(); };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.destroy = function () {\n if (!this._destroyed) {\n this._destroyed = true;\n if (!this.hasStarted()) {\n this._onStart();\n }\n this.finish();\n this._onDestroyFns.forEach(function (fn) { return fn(); });\n this._onDestroyFns = [];\n }\n };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.reset = function () { };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.setPosition = function (position) { };\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.getPosition = function () { return 0; };\n /** @internal */\n NoopAnimationPlayer.prototype.triggerCallback = function (phaseName) {\n var methods = phaseName == 'start' ? this._onStartFns : this._onDoneFns;\n methods.forEach(function (fn) { return fn(); });\n methods.length = 0;\n };\n return NoopAnimationPlayer;\n }());\n\n /**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n /**\n * A programmatic controller for a group of reusable animations.\n * Used internally to control animations.\n *\n * @see `AnimationPlayer`\n * @see `{@link animations/group group()}`\n *\n */\n var AnimationGroupPlayer = /** @class */ (function () {\n function AnimationGroupPlayer(_players) {\n var _this = this;\n this._onDoneFns = [];\n this._onStartFns = [];\n this._finished = false;\n this._started = false;\n this._destroyed = false;\n this._onDestroyFns = [];\n this.parentPlayer = null;\n this.totalTime = 0;\n this.players = _players;\n var doneCount = 0;\n var destroyCount = 0;\n var startCount = 0;\n var total = this.players.length;\n if (total == 0) {\n scheduleMicroTask(function () { return _this._onFinish(); });\n }\n else {\n this.players.forEach(function (player) {\n player.onDone(function () {\n if (++doneCount == total) {\n _this._onFinish();\n }\n });\n player.onDestroy(function () {\n if (++destroyCount == total) {\n _this._onDestroy();\n }\n });\n player.onStart(function () {\n if (++startCount == total) {\n _this._onStart();\n }\n });\n });\n }\n this.totalTime = this.players.reduce(function (time, player) { return Math.max(time, player.totalTime); }, 0);\n }\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype._onFinish = function () {\n if (!this._finished) {\n this._finished = true;\n this._onDoneFns.forEach(function (fn) { return fn(); });\n this._onDoneFns = [];\n }\n };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.init = function () { this.players.forEach(function (player) { return player.init(); }); };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.onStart = function (fn) { this._onStartFns.push(fn); };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype._onStart = function () {\n if (!this.hasStarted()) {\n this._started = true;\n this._onStartFns.forEach(function (fn) { return fn(); });\n this._onStartFns = [];\n }\n };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.onDone = function (fn) { this._onDoneFns.push(fn); };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.onDestroy = function (fn) { this._onDestroyFns.push(fn); };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.hasStarted = function () { return this._started; };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.play = function () {\n if (!this.parentPlayer) {\n this.init();\n }\n this._onStart();\n this.players.forEach(function (player) { return player.play(); });\n };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.pause = function () { this.players.forEach(function (player) { return player.pause(); }); };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.restart = function () { this.players.forEach(function (player) { return player.restart(); }); };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.finish = function () {\n this._onFinish();\n this.players.forEach(function (player) { return player.finish(); });\n };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.destroy = function () { this._onDestroy(); };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype._onDestroy = function () {\n if (!this._destroyed) {\n this._destroyed = true;\n this._onFinish();\n this.players.forEach(function (player) { return player.destroy(); });\n this._onDestroyFns.forEach(function (fn) { return fn(); });\n this._onDestroyFns = [];\n }\n };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.reset = function () {\n this.players.forEach(function (player) { return player.reset(); });\n this._destroyed = false;\n this._finished = false;\n this._started = false;\n };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.setPosition = function (p) {\n var timeAtPosition = p * this.totalTime;\n this.players.forEach(function (player) {\n var position = player.totalTime ? Math.min(1, timeAtPosition / player.totalTime) : 1;\n player.setPosition(position);\n });\n };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.getPosition = function () {\n var min = 0;\n this.players.forEach(function (player) {\n var p = player.getPosition();\n min = Math.min(p, min);\n });\n return min;\n };\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.beforeDestroy = function () {\n this.players.forEach(function (player) {\n if (player.beforeDestroy) {\n player.beforeDestroy();\n }\n });\n };\n /** @internal */\n AnimationGroupPlayer.prototype.triggerCallback = function (phaseName) {\n var methods = phaseName == 'start' ? this._onStartFns : this._onDoneFns;\n methods.forEach(function (fn) { return fn(); });\n methods.length = 0;\n };\n return AnimationGroupPlayer;\n }());\n\n /**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n var ɵPRE_STYLE = '!';\n\n /**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n\n /**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n\n /**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n\n /**\n * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.\n */\n\n exports.AnimationBuilder = AnimationBuilder;\n exports.AnimationFactory = AnimationFactory;\n exports.AUTO_STYLE = AUTO_STYLE;\n exports.animate = animate;\n exports.animateChild = animateChild;\n exports.animation = animation;\n exports.group = group;\n exports.keyframes = keyframes;\n exports.query = query;\n exports.sequence = sequence;\n exports.stagger = stagger;\n exports.state = state;\n exports.style = style;\n exports.transition = transition;\n exports.trigger = trigger;\n exports.useAnimation = useAnimation;\n exports.NoopAnimationPlayer = NoopAnimationPlayer;\n exports.ɵPRE_STYLE = ɵPRE_STYLE;\n exports.ɵAnimationGroupPlayer = AnimationGroupPlayer;\n\n Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n\n}));\n//# sourceMappingURL=animations.umd.js.map\n"]}
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