3.79 kBSCSSView Raw
1/// Emits a CSS class, `.cdk-visually-hidden`. This class can be applied to an element
2/// to make that element visually hidden while remaining available to assistive technology.
3@mixin a11y-visually-hidden() {
4 .cdk-visually-hidden {
5 border: 0;
6 clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
7 height: 1px;
8 margin: -1px;
9 overflow: hidden;
10 padding: 0;
11 position: absolute;
12 width: 1px;
14 // This works around a Chrome bug that can cause the tab to crash when large amounts of
15 // non-English text get wrapped: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1201444
16 white-space: nowrap;
18 // Avoid browsers rendering the focus ring in some cases.
19 outline: 0;
21 // Avoid some cases where the browser will still render the native controls (see #9049).
22 -webkit-appearance: none;
23 -moz-appearance: none;
25 // We need at least one of top/bottom/left/right in order to prevent cases where the
26 // absolute-positioned element is pushed down and can affect scrolling (see #24597).
27 // `left` was chosen here, because it's the least likely to break overrides where the
28 // element might have been positioned (e.g. `mat-checkbox`).
29 left: 0;
31 [dir='rtl'] & {
32 left: auto;
33 right: 0;
34 }
35 }
38/// @deprecated Use `a11y-visually-hidden`.
39@mixin a11y() {
40 @include a11y-visually-hidden;
43/// Emits the mixin's content nested under `$selector-context` if `$selector-context`
44/// is non-empty.
45/// @param {String} selector-context The selector under which to nest the mixin's content.
46@mixin _optionally-nest-content($selector-context) {
47 @if ($selector-context == '') {
48 @content;
49 }
50 @else {
51 #{$selector-context} {
52 @content;
53 }
54 }
57/// Applies styles for users in high contrast mode. Note that this only applies
58/// to Microsoft browsers. Chrome can be included by checking for the `html[hc]`
59/// attribute, however Chrome handles high contrast differently.
61/// @param {String} target Type of high contrast setting to target. Defaults to `active`, can be
62/// `white-on-black` or `black-on-white`.
63/// @param {String} encapsulation Whether to emit styles for view encapsulation. Values are:
64/// * `on` - works for `Emulated`, `Native`, and `ShadowDom`
65/// * `off` - works for `None`
66/// * `any` - works for all encapsulation modes by emitting the CSS twice (default).
67@mixin high-contrast($target: active, $encapsulation: 'any') {
68 @if ($target != 'active' and $target != 'black-on-white' and $target != 'white-on-black') {
69 @error 'Unknown cdk-high-contrast value "#{$target}" provided. ' +
70 'Allowed values are "active", "black-on-white", and "white-on-black"';
71 }
73 @if ($encapsulation != 'on' and $encapsulation != 'off' and $encapsulation != 'any') {
74 @error 'Unknown cdk-high-contrast encapsulation "#{$encapsulation}" provided. ' +
75 'Allowed values are "on", "off", and "any"';
76 }
78 // If the selector context has multiple parts, such as `.section, .region`, just doing
79 // `.cdk-high-contrast-xxx #{&}` will only apply the parent selector to the first part of the
80 // context. We address this by nesting the selector context under .cdk-high-contrast.
81 @at-root {
82 $selector-context: #{&};
84 @if ($encapsulation != 'on') {
85 // Note that if this selector is updated, the same change has to be made inside
86 // `_overlay.scss` which can't depend on this mixin due to some infrastructure limitations.
87 .cdk-high-contrast-#{$target} {
88 @include _optionally-nest-content($selector-context) {
89 @content;
90 }
91 }
92 }
94 @if ($encapsulation != 'off') {
95 .cdk-high-contrast-#{$target} :host {
96 @include _optionally-nest-content($selector-context) {
97 @content;
98 }
99 }
100 }
101 }