6.19 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const fs = require("fs");
4const path = require("path");
5const common_tags_1 = require("common-tags");
6const stringUtils = require('ember-cli-string-utils');
7const Command = require('../ember-cli/lib/models/command');
8const lookupCommand = require('../ember-cli/lib/cli/lookup-command');
9function extractOptions(opts) {
10 const output = [];
11 for (let index = 0; index < opts.length; index++) {
12 const element = opts[index];
13 output.push('--' + element.name);
14 if (element.aliases) {
15 output.push('-' + element.aliases[0]);
16 }
17 }
18 return output.sort().join(' ');
20function extractBlueprints(opts) {
21 const output = [];
22 for (let index = 0; index < opts.length; index++) {
23 const element = opts[index];
24 output.push(element.name);
25 }
26 return output.sort().join(' ');
28const commandsToIgnore = [
29 'destroy',
30 'easter-egg',
31 'init'
33const optsNg = [];
34const CompletionCommand = Command.extend({
35 name: 'completion',
36 description: 'Adds autocomplete functionality to `ng` commands and subcommands.',
37 works: 'everywhere',
38 availableOptions: [
39 {
40 name: 'all',
41 type: Boolean,
42 default: true,
43 aliases: ['a'],
44 description: 'Generate a completion script compatible with both bash and zsh.'
45 },
46 {
47 name: 'bash',
48 type: Boolean,
49 default: false,
50 aliases: ['b'],
51 description: 'Generate a completion script for bash.'
52 },
53 {
54 name: 'zsh',
55 type: Boolean,
56 default: false,
57 aliases: ['z'],
58 description: 'Generate a completion script for zsh.'
59 }
60 ],
61 run: function (commandOptions) {
62 commandOptions.all = !commandOptions.bash && !commandOptions.zsh;
63 const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync(__dirname)
64 .filter(file => file.match(/\.ts$/) && !file.match(/\.run.ts$/))
65 .map(file => path.parse(file).name)
66 .filter(file => {
67 return commandsToIgnore.indexOf(file) < 0;
68 })
69 .map(file => file.toLowerCase());
70 const commandMap = commandFiles.reduce((acc, curr) => {
71 let classifiedName = stringUtils.classify(curr);
72 let defaultImport = require(`./${curr}`).default;
73 acc[classifiedName] = defaultImport;
74 return acc;
75 }, {});
76 let caseBlock = '';
77 commandFiles.forEach(cmd => {
78 const Command = lookupCommand(commandMap, cmd);
79 const com = [];
80 const command = new Command({
81 ui: this.ui,
82 project: this.project,
83 commands: this.commands,
84 tasks: this.tasks
85 });
86 optsNg.push(command.name);
87 com.push(command.name);
88 if (command.aliases) {
89 command.aliases.forEach((element) => {
90 optsNg.push(element);
91 com.push(element);
92 });
93 }
94 let opts = '';
95 if (command.blueprints && command.blueprints[0]) {
96 opts += extractBlueprints(command.blueprints);
97 }
98 if (command.availableOptions && command.availableOptions[0]) {
99 opts += extractOptions(command.availableOptions);
100 caseBlock = caseBlock + ' ' + com.sort().join('|') + ') opts="' + opts + '" ;;\n';
101 }
102 });
103 caseBlock = 'ng|help) opts="' + optsNg.sort().join(' ') + '" ;;\n' +
104 caseBlock +
105 ' *) opts="" ;;';
106 console.log(common_tags_1.stripIndent `
107 ###-begin-ng-completion###
108 #
110 # ng command completion script
111 # This command supports 3 cases.
112 # 1. (Default case) It prints a common completion initialisation for both Bash and Zsh.
113 # It is the result of either calling "ng completion" or "ng completion -a".
114 # 2. Produce Bash-only completion: "ng completion -b" or "ng completion --bash".
115 # 3. Produce Zsh-only completion: "ng completion -z" or "ng completion --zsh".
116 #
117 # Installation: ng completion -b >> ~/.bashrc
118 # or ng completion -z >> ~/.zshrc
119 #`);
120 if (commandOptions.all && !commandOptions.bash) {
121 console.log('if test ".$(type -t complete 2>/dev/null || true)" = ".builtin"; then');
122 }
123 if (commandOptions.all || commandOptions.bash) {
124 console.log(common_tags_1.stripIndent `
125 _ng_completion() {
126 local cword pword opts
129 cword=\${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}
130 pword=\${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD - 1]}
132 case \${pword} in
133 ${caseBlock}
134 esac
136 COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '\${opts}' -- $cword) )
138 return 0
139 }
141 complete -o default -F _ng_completion ng
142 `);
143 }
144 if (commandOptions.all) {
145 console.log(common_tags_1.stripIndent `
146 elif test ".$(type -w compctl 2>/dev/null || true)" = ".compctl: builtin" ; then
147 `);
148 }
149 if (commandOptions.all || commandOptions.zsh) {
150 console.log(common_tags_1.stripIndent `
151 _ng_completion () {
152 local words cword opts
153 read -Ac words
154 read -cn cword
155 let cword-=1
157 case $words[cword] in
158 ${caseBlock}
159 esac
161 setopt shwordsplit
162 reply=($opts)
163 unset shwordsplit
164 }
166 compctl -K _ng_completion ng
167 `);
168 }
169 if (commandOptions.all) {
170 console.log(common_tags_1.stripIndent `
171 else
172 echo "Builtin command 'complete' or 'compctl' is redefined; cannot produce completion."
173 return 1
174 fi`);
175 }
176 console.log('###-end-ng-completion###');
177 }
179exports.default = CompletionCommand;
180//# sourceMappingURL=/users/hans/sources/angular-cli/commands/completion.js.map
\No newline at end of file