3.51 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const build_1 = require("./build");
4const config_1 = require("../models/config");
5const version_1 = require("../upgrade/version");
6const check_port_1 = require("../utilities/check-port");
7const override_options_1 = require("../utilities/override-options");
8const Command = require('../ember-cli/lib/models/command');
9const config = config_1.CliConfig.fromProject() || config_1.CliConfig.fromGlobal();
10const defaultPort = process.env.PORT || config.get('defaults.serve.port');
11const defaultHost = config.get('defaults.serve.host');
12const defaultSsl = config.get('defaults.serve.ssl');
13const defaultSslKey = config.get('defaults.serve.sslKey');
14const defaultSslCert = config.get('defaults.serve.sslCert');
15// Expose options unrelated to live-reload to other commands that need to run serve
16exports.baseServeCommandOptions = override_options_1.overrideOptions([
17 ...build_1.baseBuildCommandOptions,
18 {
19 name: 'port',
20 type: Number,
21 default: defaultPort,
22 aliases: ['p'],
23 description: 'Port to listen to for serving.'
24 },
25 {
26 name: 'host',
27 type: String,
28 default: defaultHost,
29 aliases: ['H'],
30 description: `Listens only on ${defaultHost} by default.`
31 },
32 {
33 name: 'proxy-config',
34 type: 'Path',
35 aliases: ['pc'],
36 description: 'Proxy configuration file.'
37 },
38 {
39 name: 'ssl',
40 type: Boolean,
41 default: defaultSsl,
42 description: 'Serve using HTTPS.'
43 },
44 {
45 name: 'ssl-key',
46 type: String,
47 default: defaultSslKey,
48 description: 'SSL key to use for serving HTTPS.'
49 },
50 {
51 name: 'ssl-cert',
52 type: String,
53 default: defaultSslCert,
54 description: 'SSL certificate to use for serving HTTPS.'
55 },
56 {
57 name: 'open',
58 type: Boolean,
59 default: false,
60 aliases: ['o'],
61 description: 'Opens the url in default browser.',
62 },
63 {
64 name: 'live-reload',
65 type: Boolean,
66 default: true,
67 aliases: ['lr'],
68 description: 'Whether to reload the page on change, using live-reload.'
69 },
70 {
71 name: 'live-reload-client',
72 type: String,
73 description: 'Specify the URL that the live reload browser client will use.'
74 },
75 {
76 name: 'hmr',
77 type: Boolean,
78 default: false,
79 description: 'Enable hot module replacement.',
80 }
81], [
82 {
83 name: 'watch',
84 default: true,
85 description: 'Rebuild on change.'
86 }
88const ServeCommand = Command.extend({
89 name: 'serve',
90 description: 'Builds and serves your app, rebuilding on file changes.',
91 aliases: ['server', 's'],
92 availableOptions: exports.baseServeCommandOptions,
93 run: function (commandOptions) {
94 const ServeTask = require('../tasks/serve').default;
95 version_1.Version.assertAngularVersionIs2_3_1OrHigher(this.project.root);
96 return check_port_1.checkPort(commandOptions.port, commandOptions.host, defaultPort)
97 .then(port => {
98 commandOptions.port = port;
99 const serve = new ServeTask({
100 ui: this.ui,
101 project: this.project,
102 });
103 return serve.run(commandOptions);
104 });
105 }
107exports.default = ServeCommand;
108//# sourceMappingURL=/users/hans/sources/angular-cli/commands/serve.js.map
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