9.75 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.parseJsonSchemaToOptions = exports.parseJsonSchemaToCommandDescription = exports.parseJsonSchemaToSubCommandDescription = exports.CommandJsonPathException = void 0;
5 * @license
6 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7 *
8 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
9 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
10 */
11const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core");
12const tools_1 = require("@angular-devkit/schematics/tools");
13const fs_1 = require("fs");
14const path_1 = require("path");
15const interface_1 = require("../models/interface");
16class CommandJsonPathException extends core_1.BaseException {
17 constructor(path, name) {
18 super(`File ${path} was not found while constructing the subcommand ${name}.`);
19 this.path = path;
20 this.name = name;
21 }
23exports.CommandJsonPathException = CommandJsonPathException;
24function _getEnumFromValue(value, enumeration, defaultValue) {
25 if (typeof value !== 'string') {
26 return defaultValue;
27 }
28 if (Object.values(enumeration).includes(value)) {
29 return value;
30 }
31 return defaultValue;
33async function parseJsonSchemaToSubCommandDescription(name, jsonPath, registry, schema) {
34 const options = await parseJsonSchemaToOptions(registry, schema);
35 const aliases = [];
36 if (core_1.json.isJsonArray(schema.$aliases)) {
37 schema.$aliases.forEach(value => {
38 if (typeof value == 'string') {
39 aliases.push(value);
40 }
41 });
42 }
43 if (core_1.json.isJsonArray(schema.aliases)) {
44 schema.aliases.forEach(value => {
45 if (typeof value == 'string') {
46 aliases.push(value);
47 }
48 });
49 }
50 if (typeof schema.alias == 'string') {
51 aliases.push(schema.alias);
52 }
53 let longDescription = '';
54 if (typeof schema.$longDescription == 'string' && schema.$longDescription) {
55 const ldPath = path_1.resolve(path_1.dirname(jsonPath), schema.$longDescription);
56 try {
57 longDescription = fs_1.readFileSync(ldPath, 'utf-8');
58 }
59 catch (e) {
60 throw new CommandJsonPathException(ldPath, name);
61 }
62 }
63 let usageNotes = '';
64 if (typeof schema.$usageNotes == 'string' && schema.$usageNotes) {
65 const unPath = path_1.resolve(path_1.dirname(jsonPath), schema.$usageNotes);
66 try {
67 usageNotes = fs_1.readFileSync(unPath, 'utf-8');
68 }
69 catch (e) {
70 throw new CommandJsonPathException(unPath, name);
71 }
72 }
73 const description = '' + (schema.description === undefined ? '' : schema.description);
74 return {
75 name,
76 description,
77 ...(longDescription ? { longDescription } : {}),
78 ...(usageNotes ? { usageNotes } : {}),
79 options,
80 aliases,
81 };
83exports.parseJsonSchemaToSubCommandDescription = parseJsonSchemaToSubCommandDescription;
84async function parseJsonSchemaToCommandDescription(name, jsonPath, registry, schema) {
85 const subcommand = await parseJsonSchemaToSubCommandDescription(name, jsonPath, registry, schema);
86 // Before doing any work, let's validate the implementation.
87 if (typeof schema.$impl != 'string') {
88 throw new Error(`Command ${name} has an invalid implementation.`);
89 }
90 const ref = new tools_1.ExportStringRef(schema.$impl, path_1.dirname(jsonPath));
91 const impl = ref.ref;
92 if (impl === undefined || typeof impl !== 'function') {
93 throw new Error(`Command ${name} has an invalid implementation.`);
94 }
95 const scope = _getEnumFromValue(schema.$scope, interface_1.CommandScope, interface_1.CommandScope.Default);
96 const hidden = !!schema.$hidden;
97 return {
98 ...subcommand,
99 scope,
100 hidden,
101 impl,
102 };
104exports.parseJsonSchemaToCommandDescription = parseJsonSchemaToCommandDescription;
105async function parseJsonSchemaToOptions(registry, schema) {
106 const options = [];
107 function visitor(current, pointer, parentSchema) {
108 if (!parentSchema) {
109 // Ignore root.
110 return;
111 }
112 else if (pointer.split(/\/(?:properties|items|definitions)\//g).length > 2) {
113 // Ignore subitems (objects or arrays).
114 return;
115 }
116 else if (core_1.json.isJsonArray(current)) {
117 return;
118 }
119 if (pointer.indexOf('/not/') != -1) {
120 // We don't support anyOf/not.
121 throw new Error('The "not" keyword is not supported in JSON Schema.');
122 }
123 const ptr = core_1.json.schema.parseJsonPointer(pointer);
124 const name = ptr[ptr.length - 1];
125 if (ptr[ptr.length - 2] != 'properties') {
126 // Skip any non-property items.
127 return;
128 }
129 const typeSet = core_1.json.schema.getTypesOfSchema(current);
130 if (typeSet.size == 0) {
131 throw new Error('Cannot find type of schema.');
132 }
133 // We only support number, string or boolean (or array of those), so remove everything else.
134 const types = [...typeSet].filter(x => {
135 switch (x) {
136 case 'boolean':
137 case 'number':
138 case 'string':
139 return true;
140 case 'array':
141 // Only include arrays if they're boolean, string or number.
142 if (core_1.json.isJsonObject(current.items)
143 && typeof current.items.type == 'string'
144 && ['boolean', 'number', 'string'].includes(current.items.type)) {
145 return true;
146 }
147 return false;
148 default:
149 return false;
150 }
151 }).map(x => _getEnumFromValue(x, interface_1.OptionType, interface_1.OptionType.String));
152 if (types.length == 0) {
153 // This means it's not usable on the command line. e.g. an Object.
154 return;
155 }
156 // Only keep enum values we support (booleans, numbers and strings).
157 const enumValues = (core_1.json.isJsonArray(current.enum) && current.enum || []).filter(x => {
158 switch (typeof x) {
159 case 'boolean':
160 case 'number':
161 case 'string':
162 return true;
163 default:
164 return false;
165 }
166 });
167 let defaultValue = undefined;
168 if (current.default !== undefined) {
169 switch (types[0]) {
170 case 'string':
171 if (typeof current.default == 'string') {
172 defaultValue = current.default;
173 }
174 break;
175 case 'number':
176 if (typeof current.default == 'number') {
177 defaultValue = current.default;
178 }
179 break;
180 case 'boolean':
181 if (typeof current.default == 'boolean') {
182 defaultValue = current.default;
183 }
184 break;
185 }
186 }
187 const type = types[0];
188 const $default = current.$default;
189 const $defaultIndex = (core_1.json.isJsonObject($default) && $default['$source'] == 'argv')
190 ? $default['index'] : undefined;
191 const positional = typeof $defaultIndex == 'number'
192 ? $defaultIndex : undefined;
193 const required = core_1.json.isJsonArray(current.required)
194 ? current.required.indexOf(name) != -1 : false;
195 const aliases = core_1.json.isJsonArray(current.aliases) ? [...current.aliases].map(x => '' + x)
196 : current.alias ? ['' + current.alias] : [];
197 const format = typeof current.format == 'string' ? current.format : undefined;
198 const visible = current.visible === undefined || current.visible === true;
199 const hidden = !!current.hidden || !visible;
200 const xUserAnalytics = current['x-user-analytics'];
201 const userAnalytics = typeof xUserAnalytics == 'number' ? xUserAnalytics : undefined;
202 // Deprecated is set only if it's true or a string.
203 const xDeprecated = current['x-deprecated'];
204 const deprecated = (xDeprecated === true || typeof xDeprecated === 'string')
205 ? xDeprecated : undefined;
206 const option = {
207 name,
208 description: '' + (current.description === undefined ? '' : current.description),
209 ...types.length == 1 ? { type } : { type, types },
210 ...defaultValue !== undefined ? { default: defaultValue } : {},
211 ...enumValues && enumValues.length > 0 ? { enum: enumValues } : {},
212 required,
213 aliases,
214 ...format !== undefined ? { format } : {},
215 hidden,
216 ...userAnalytics ? { userAnalytics } : {},
217 ...deprecated !== undefined ? { deprecated } : {},
218 ...positional !== undefined ? { positional } : {},
219 };
220 options.push(option);
221 }
222 const flattenedSchema = await registry.flatten(schema).toPromise();
223 core_1.json.schema.visitJsonSchema(flattenedSchema, visitor);
224 // Sort by positional.
225 return options.sort((a, b) => {
226 if (a.positional) {
227 if (b.positional) {
228 return a.positional - b.positional;
229 }
230 else {
231 return 1;
232 }
233 }
234 else if (b.positional) {
235 return -1;
236 }
237 else {
238 return 0;
239 }
240 });
242exports.parseJsonSchemaToOptions = parseJsonSchemaToOptions;