5.84 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core");
4const command_1 = require("../models/command");
5const fs = require("fs");
6const path = require("path");
7const child_process = require("child_process");
8const find_up_1 = require("../utilities/find-up");
9class VersionCommand extends command_1.Command {
10 constructor() {
11 super(...arguments);
12 this.name = 'version';
13 this.description = 'Outputs Angular CLI version.';
14 this.arguments = [];
15 this.options = [];
16 }
17 run(_options) {
18 let angularCoreVersion = '';
19 let angularSameAsCore = [];
20 const pkg = require(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'package.json'));
21 let projPkg;
22 try {
23 projPkg = require(path.resolve(this.project.root, 'package.json'));
24 }
25 catch (exception) {
26 projPkg = undefined;
27 }
28 const patterns = [
29 /^@angular\/.*/,
30 /^@angular-devkit\/.*/,
31 /^@ngtools\/.*/,
32 /^@schematics\/.*/,
33 /^rxjs$/,
34 /^typescript$/,
35 /^ng-packagr$/,
36 /^webpack$/,
37 ];
38 const maybeNodeModules = find_up_1.findUp('node_modules', __dirname);
39 const packageRoot = projPkg
40 ? path.resolve(this.project.root, 'node_modules')
41 : maybeNodeModules;
42 const versions = [
43 ...Object.keys(pkg && pkg['dependencies'] || {}),
44 ...Object.keys(pkg && pkg['devDependencies'] || {}),
45 ...Object.keys(projPkg && projPkg['dependencies'] || {}),
46 ...Object.keys(projPkg && projPkg['devDependencies'] || {}),
47 // Add all node_modules and node_modules/@*/*
48 ...fs.readdirSync(packageRoot)
49 .reduce((acc, name) => {
50 if (name.startsWith('@')) {
51 return acc.concat(fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(packageRoot, name))
52 .map(subName => name + '/' + subName));
53 }
54 else {
55 return acc.concat(name);
56 }
57 }, []),
58 ]
59 .filter(x => patterns.some(p => p.test(x)))
60 .reduce((acc, name) => {
61 if (name in acc) {
62 return acc;
63 }
64 acc[name] = this.getVersion(name, packageRoot, maybeNodeModules);
65 return acc;
66 }, {});
67 let ngCliVersion = pkg.version;
68 if (!__dirname.match(/node_modules/)) {
69 let gitBranch = '??';
70 try {
71 const gitRefName = '' + child_process.execSync('git symbolic-ref HEAD', { cwd: __dirname });
72 gitBranch = path.basename(gitRefName.replace('\n', ''));
73 }
74 catch (e) {
75 }
76 ngCliVersion = `local (v${pkg.version}, branch: ${gitBranch})`;
77 }
78 if (projPkg) {
79 // Filter all angular versions that are the same as core.
80 angularCoreVersion = versions['@angular/core'];
81 if (angularCoreVersion) {
82 for (const angularPackage of Object.keys(versions)) {
83 if (versions[angularPackage] == angularCoreVersion
84 && angularPackage.startsWith('@angular/')) {
85 angularSameAsCore.push(angularPackage.replace(/^@angular\//, ''));
86 delete versions[angularPackage];
87 }
88 }
89 }
90 }
91 const namePad = ' '.repeat(Object.keys(versions).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length)[0].length + 3);
92 const asciiArt = `
93 _ _ ____ _ ___
94 / \\ _ __ __ _ _ _| | __ _ _ __ / ___| | |_ _|
95 / △ \\ | '_ \\ / _\` | | | | |/ _\` | '__| | | | | | |
96 / ___ \\| | | | (_| | |_| | | (_| | | | |___| |___ | |
97 /_/ \\_\\_| |_|\\__, |\\__,_|_|\\__,_|_| \\____|_____|___|
98 |___/
99 `.split('\n').map(x => core_1.terminal.red(x)).join('\n');
100 this.logger.info(asciiArt);
101 this.logger.info(`
102 Angular CLI: ${ngCliVersion}
103 Node: ${process.versions.node}
104 OS: ${process.platform} ${process.arch}
105 Angular: ${angularCoreVersion}
106 ... ${angularSameAsCore.sort().reduce((acc, name) => {
107 // Perform a simple word wrap around 60.
108 if (acc.length == 0) {
109 return [name];
110 }
111 const line = (acc[acc.length - 1] + ', ' + name);
112 if (line.length > 60) {
113 acc.push(name);
114 }
115 else {
116 acc[acc.length - 1] = line;
117 }
118 return acc;
119 }, []).join('\n... ')}
121 Package${namePad.slice(7)}Version
122 -------${namePad.replace(/ /g, '-')}------------------
123 ${Object.keys(versions)
124 .map(module => `${module}${namePad.slice(module.length)}${versions[module]}`)
125 .sort()
126 .join('\n')}
127 `.replace(/^ {6}/gm, ''));
128 }
129 getVersion(moduleName, projectNodeModules, cliNodeModules) {
130 try {
131 if (projectNodeModules) {
132 const modulePkg = require(path.resolve(projectNodeModules, moduleName, 'package.json'));
133 return modulePkg.version;
134 }
135 }
136 catch (_) {
137 }
138 try {
139 if (cliNodeModules) {
140 const modulePkg = require(path.resolve(cliNodeModules, moduleName, 'package.json'));
141 return modulePkg.version + ' (cli-only)';
142 }
143 }
144 catch (e) {
145 }
146 return '<error>';
147 }
149VersionCommand.aliases = ['v'];
150exports.default = VersionCommand;
151//# sourceMappingURL=/Users/hansl/Sources/hansl/angular-cli/commands/version.js.map
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